Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Chain Dance

chain dance
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The Chain dance is a dance where a kajira obtains a length of chain from a Master and uses it in a dance showing her submission and acceptance of being a slave. The chain will be wrapped around her body and she will writhe and fight at first but will be succumb by her desire and the fire within her belly and in the end she will rejoice at having the chain around her slave's heart. *kajira begins to writhe upon the floor taking one end of the chain tightly in her hands she pulls it up her body. gasping softly as the cool metal licks at her tender enflamed center. she brings the end of the chain to her lips and kisses it gently before twining it around her neck loosely before rolling again. the remaining length of chain coiling around her and gently but firmly entrapping her slender form once more.. **kajira raises herself to her knees and begins to sway gently to the music loosening the coils of chain. whimpering softly as she loses it's protective hold. she picks up the chain. looking at it with hungry pleading eyes and then as the music picks up speed and fills her again she begins to spin. the chain coiling tightly around her and trapping her again. forcing her to her knees as it holds her in it's grasp.. **kajira tosses back her head a serene smile on her face as she knows that these chains that bind her match the invisible chains that coil around her heart and mark her as slave..the music ends and she raises her head. her eyes lowered in her submission*
Directions of a Need dance

Needs Dance
Posted by Hello
Short and sweet end of it:
1. Can conquer the world on her own, does not need men.
2. Realizes that she needs men....
3. now, ladylike tries to show need, suddenly thinks what if she is not pleasing enough
4. dances her need, shamelessly begs for sexual satisfaction
5. overcome by sexual desires, stays on the floor, sitting, rolling, side, back belly.....gesturing to her body...present for inspection, interest, moans, brazen, pleading for rape, begging vulnerable......
There are usually five phases to such a dance. In the first phase the girl, dancing, feigns indifference to the presence of men, before whom, as a slave, she must perform.
In the second phase, for she has not yet been raped, her distress and uneasiness, her restlessness, her disturbance by her sexual urges, must become subtly more manifest. Here it must be evident that she is beginning to feel her sexuality, and drives, profoundly, and yet is struggling against them. Toward the end of this phase it must beome clear not only that she has sexual needs, and deep ones, but that she is beginning to fear that she may not be, simply as she is, of sufficient interest to men to obtain their satisfaction. Here, need, coupled with anxiety and self-doubt, for she has not yet been seized by strong men, must become clear.
In the third phase of the dance she, in an almost ladylike fashion, acknowledges herself defeated in her attempt to conceal her sexuality; she then, again in an almost ladylike fashion, delicately but clearly, with restraint but unmistakably, acknowledges, and publicly, before masters, that she has sexual needs. Then, with smiles, and gestures, displaying herself, she makes manifest her readiness for the service of men, her willingness, and her receptivity. She invited them, so to speak to have her. But she has not yet been seized by an arm or an ankle, or by her collar, a thumb hooked rudely under it, or hair, and pulled from the floor. What if she is not sufficiently pleasing? What if she is not to be fulfilled? What if she must continue to dance, alone, unnoticed. At this point it becomes clear to her that it is by no means a foregone conclusion that men will find her of interest, or that they will see fit to satisy her. She must strive to be pleasing. If she is not good enough she may be chained, unfilfilled, another night alone in the kennel. There are always other girls. She must earn her rape. Too, if she should be insufficiently pleasing consistently it is likely that she will be slain. goreans place few impediments in the way of liberation of a slave female's sexuality.
In this phase of the dance, then, shamelessly the woman dances her need and, shamelessly, begs for her sexual satisfaction. The phase of the dance is sometimes known as the Heat of the Collared She-Sleen.
The fifth, and final phase, of the dance,sometimes known as the Heat of the Slave Girl, is far more dramatic and exciting. In this phase the girl, overcome by sexual desire and terrified that she may not be found sufficiently pleasing, clearly manifests, and utterly, that she is a slave female. In this portion of the dance the girl is seldom on her feet. Rather, sitting, rolling, and changing position, on her side, her back, her belly, half kneeling, half sitting, kneeling, crawling, reaching out, bending backwards, lying down, twisting with passion, gesturing to her body, presenting it to masters for their inspection and interest, whimpering, moaning, crying out, brazenly presenting herself as a slave, pleading for her rape, she writhes, a piteous, begging, vulnerable, ready slave, a woman fit for and begging for the touch of a master, a woman begging to become, at the least touch of her master, a totally submitted slave.
The music ended with a swirl of sound and the girl, with a jangle of bells, lay before the table of Policrates, whimpering, her hand extended. She lifted her head. I read the unmistakable need in her eyes. She was indeed a slave female.
Rogue of Gor, page 185
Dancing Tips

Posted by Hello
Within the last week, nykky has had two sisters come to her for help in writing dance. Master has graciously permitted his property to post to this blog some pointers and helpful hints on writing dance online. i hope this shall be helpful!
This site is awesome and has some great dances linked to it with some very helpful hints. Wishes nykky could do better, but why reinvent the wheel?
Grins, is a smart slut sometimes!
The only suggestion that nykky has to her sisters is to research the dances and to look at several that have been danced before. But, here’s the catch; some dances have rules with them or definite no no’s. For example, in a belt dance, a girl is never to dance above the waist.
Having said that however, it is your dance; be unique within that dance. Make up your own rules as you go. For nykky, the most important part is in telling a story within the dance. At the end of your dance, everyone should have been able to have seen, felt, and understood the emotions you were trying to express. Dance can be lovely if a girl takes time to hone the skills needed. It is a way to express the self to the Free!
So take the time, to set the stage so to speak and dance your heart out. Remember that your movements are of dance! You are to be extremely pleasing to the eye and to accomplish your goal, whatever the end result is.
Good luck dancing!
Instruments of Gor
Bits Of Metal On Wires - these can be shaken, or beaten together for rhythmic accompaniment. Sound is delicate and light, depending on the size of the metal pieces.
cymbals (zills)
(noun): There are various sorts similar to the ones found on Earth
(noun): musical instrument consisting of a flat, oblong box, having 8 strings which are played with a horn pick; similar to a Japaniese koto
drum, Red Hunter's
(noun): large, heavy, handled and disklike. The frame, made of wood with a cover of Tabuk hide, is struck on the frame with a stick, giving the drum an odd resonance sound.
Flute - Same as Earth flute and the players always keep them polished (Magicians of Gor, page 120)
flute, double
(noun): a wind instrument. was an instrument of the woodwind family. It had a soft melody that was clear an resonant. Flute girls often played the double flute on the streets of Ar near the wal road for entertainment of passerby's. It was also used to accompany different dances. There was low grade as well as high quality double flutes. It would liken to the flute of earth.
Maracas - Gourds filled with pebbles. (Nomads of Gor, pages 153-154)
herlit-bone whistle
: a whistle made from the bone of the herlit used by the Kaiila tribe in the performance of the great dance.
(noun): musical instrument having a long neck and hemispheric soundbox, its 6 strings being plucked; similar to a banjo
(noun): a small hand drum
Lyre - A stringed instrument. (Master Andreas of the Caste of Poets had a lyre beneath His robes).
notched stick
played by sliding a polished tem-wood stick across the surface). (Nomads of Gor, page 153)
Red Hunter's Drum - was a very large and heavy disk like drum that measured two and one half feet in diameter. Holding it with one hand and beating a stick against its frame with the other plays the drum. It has an odd resonance and requires great strength in which to manage. (Beasts of Gor, pgs. 261-262)
Sistrum - was mentioned in the funeral procession of Ivar Forkbeard in the temple of the Initiates of Kassau. It is an early Egyptian rattle used in different types of religious ceremonies.(Marauders of Gor, page 33)
slave bells
(noun): tiny bells which give off a sensual shimmer of sound; threaded by the dozen on thongs or chains, they may be tied or locked around a girl's ankles or wrists, or attached to her collar; are worn or removed only at the whim of a master
(noun): a small drum. A small hand drum. The drumhead is usually made of verr skin, as most often are wineskins and has pegs that are used to tighten or loosen the drumhead. (Explorers of Gor, page 133)
(noun):Bits of metal on wires; gourds filled with pebbles and slave bells mounted on hand rings
tarn drums
(noun): drums used in a march during war; the signals are used to control flying tarn armies
Trumpet - Mentioned twice in Captive of Gor as part of the instruments accompanying the hunting party procession on its way back to Ar. (Captive of Gor, page 209)
Zills - Finger cymbals. (Tribesmen of Gor, page 8)
cymbals (zills)
(noun): There are various sorts similar to the ones found on Earth
(noun): musical instrument consisting of a flat, oblong box, having 8 strings which are played with a horn pick; similar to a Japaniese koto
drum, Red Hunter's
(noun): large, heavy, handled and disklike. The frame, made of wood with a cover of Tabuk hide, is struck on the frame with a stick, giving the drum an odd resonance sound.
Flute - Same as Earth flute and the players always keep them polished (Magicians of Gor, page 120)
flute, double
(noun): a wind instrument. was an instrument of the woodwind family. It had a soft melody that was clear an resonant. Flute girls often played the double flute on the streets of Ar near the wal road for entertainment of passerby's. It was also used to accompany different dances. There was low grade as well as high quality double flutes. It would liken to the flute of earth.
Maracas - Gourds filled with pebbles. (Nomads of Gor, pages 153-154)
herlit-bone whistle
: a whistle made from the bone of the herlit used by the Kaiila tribe in the performance of the great dance.
(noun): musical instrument having a long neck and hemispheric soundbox, its 6 strings being plucked; similar to a banjo
(noun): a small hand drum
Lyre - A stringed instrument. (Master Andreas of the Caste of Poets had a lyre beneath His robes).
notched stick
played by sliding a polished tem-wood stick across the surface). (Nomads of Gor, page 153)
Red Hunter's Drum - was a very large and heavy disk like drum that measured two and one half feet in diameter. Holding it with one hand and beating a stick against its frame with the other plays the drum. It has an odd resonance and requires great strength in which to manage. (Beasts of Gor, pgs. 261-262)
Sistrum - was mentioned in the funeral procession of Ivar Forkbeard in the temple of the Initiates of Kassau. It is an early Egyptian rattle used in different types of religious ceremonies.(Marauders of Gor, page 33)
slave bells
(noun): tiny bells which give off a sensual shimmer of sound; threaded by the dozen on thongs or chains, they may be tied or locked around a girl's ankles or wrists, or attached to her collar; are worn or removed only at the whim of a master
(noun): a small drum. A small hand drum. The drumhead is usually made of verr skin, as most often are wineskins and has pegs that are used to tighten or loosen the drumhead. (Explorers of Gor, page 133)
(noun):Bits of metal on wires; gourds filled with pebbles and slave bells mounted on hand rings
tarn drums
(noun): drums used in a march during war; the signals are used to control flying tarn armies
Trumpet - Mentioned twice in Captive of Gor as part of the instruments accompanying the hunting party procession on its way back to Ar. (Captive of Gor, page 209)
Zills - Finger cymbals. (Tribesmen of Gor, page 8)
Musicians are part of the Singers and Poets; their colors are Aqua and Red.
The ranking of Musicians is as follows:
1) Czehar Players
2) Flutists
3) Kalika Players
4) Kaska Players
5) Man in charge of miscellaneous instruments.
The Caste of Singers and Poets can be compared to the Bards of Medieval England who made there way from town to town. They lived off there earnings by singing stories of love, recounting famous battle stories, and recording events with songs to be passed on through generations. By gaining favor in the noble houses of the area. Some were even kept in constant employment to provide entertainment for visiting guests.
The Singer and Poet of Gor, often made his living the same way. He traveled from city to city, hoping to gain favor of a peasant or even the present Ubar himself. They were regarded as craftsman for their art of creativity. He played a vital role in the social structure of Gor by providing entertainment to all levels of the Gorean society.
On Gor, the singer, or poet, is regarded as a craftsman who makes strong sayings, much like a pot maker makes a good pot or a saddle-maker makes a worthy saddle. He has his role to play in the social structure, celebrating battles and histories, singing of heroes and cities, but also he is expected to sing of living, and of love and joy, not merely of arms and glory; and, too, it is his function to remind the Gorean from time to time of loneliness and death, lest they should forget that they are men.
- Outlaw of Gor, pgs. 103-104 -
In spite of some reservations the Poet, or Singer, was loved on Gor. It had not occurred to him that he owed misery and torment to his profession, and on the whole, the Caste of Poets was thought to be a most happy band of men "A handful of bread for a song," was a common Gorean invitation extended to members of the caste, and it might occur on the lips of a peasant or a Ubar, and the poet took great pride that he would sing the same song in both the hut of the peasant and the halls of the Ubar, though it won for him only a crust of bread in one place and a cap of gold in the other, gold often squandered on a beautiful woman who might leave him nothing but his songs.
- Outlaw of Gor, page 104 -
He wore the robes of his caste, the singers, and it was not known what city was his own. Many of the singers wander from place to place, selling their songs for bread and love. I had known, long ago, a singer, whose name was Andreas of Tor.
- Raiders of Gor, page 225 -
The Caste Singers and Poets while highly prized in most cities on Gor were not as high regarded in others. For instance they were not welcomed guests in the city of Tharna. But in other areas of Gor it was a criminal offense to enslave one of the Caste of Musicians.
"The Caste of Poets is not so bad," I said to Linna.
"Of course not," she said, "but they are outlawed in Tharna."
- Outlaw of Gor, page 105 -
Lastly it might be mentioned, thinking it is of some interest, musicians on Gor are never enslaved; they may, of course, be exiled, tortured, slain and such; it is said, perhaps truly, that he who makes music must, like the tarn and the Vosk gull, be free.
- Nomads of Gor, page 154 -
In most cities it is regarded, incidentally, as a criminal offense to enslave one of the caste of players. A similar decree, in most cities, stands against the enslavement of one who is of the caste of musicians.
- Beasts of Gor, page 44 –
The songs of Gor varied from place to place as you will see in the following examples. Some were sung as part of tradition, to tell a story, or played for there beauty and melody. It might be noted that they were never written down, but instead passed from generation to generation and master to apprentice.
I might mention, I have never on Gor seen any written music; I do not know if a notation exists; melodies are passed on from father to son, from master to apprentice. - Nomads of Gor, page 153 -
Archaic Hymns - were sung in the temple of the Initiates. They were written and sung in archaic Gorean, an ancient language upon Gor. Often times choirs of soprano male slaves were trained and kept to sing in the great temples.
The litany and responses of the congregation were now completed and the initiates, some twenty within the rail, began to sing in archaic Gorean. I could make out little of the wording. Marauders of Gor, page 33
Block Melodies - was a reference to several different melodies that are performed at a rhythm in which a slave girl was displayed fully for potential buyers. They were powerful and sexually stimulating in there melody.
The reference to "block melodies" had to do with certain melodies which are commonly used in slave markets, in the display of the merchandise. Some were apparently developed for the purpose, and others simply utilized for it. Such melodies tend to be sexually stimulating, and powerfully so, both for the merchandise being vended, who must dance to them, and for the buyers.- Vagabonds of Gor, page 37 -
Blue Sky Song - was a song sung by the Wagon people of the plains of Gor. They began to sing this in part before going into battle at the gates of Turia.
Some of the Tuchuks began to sing the Blue Sky Song, the refrain of which is that thought I die, yet there will be the bosk, the grass and sky. - Nomads of Gor, page 263 -
Caravans of Tor - was a love song played on the kalika about the caravans of Tor.
Her fingers touched the six strings, a note at a time, and then a melody, of the caravans of Tor, a song of love. - Asassin of Gor, page 264 -
The Hope of Tina - was a melody about a young girl who hopes that she may prove acceptable as a slave. It contains an expression of yearning and hope. Its melody is said to be of Cos.
The "Hope of Tina," a melody of Cos which would surely be popular with most of the fellows present, on the other hand, was an excellent choice. It was supposedly the expression of the yearning, or hope, of a young girl that she may be so beautiful, and so feminine, and marvelous, that she will prove acceptable as a slave. -Vagabonds of Gor, pgs. 37-38 -
The Men of Torvaldsland Sing at the Oars - was a song with no words sung by the crew of Ivar Forkbeard's ship as they leave the harbor of Kassau. They had much to rejoice after the successfulness of there mission in the temple of the high Initiate of Kassau.
The men of Torvaldsland began to sing at the oars.
The men of Torvaldsland sang with great voices.
The men of Torvaldsland singing, the oars lifting and dipping, the serpent of Ivar Forkbeard took its way from the harbor of Kassau. - Marauders of Gor, page 54 -
The Ten Maids of Hammerfest - was a rowdy river song sung by pirates as they made there way along the river. It recounted the fates of the ten girls of Hammerfest. It was sang with great enthusiasm and gusto.
On the Tuka the rowers were singing, lustily. They wore an odd assortment of garbs. Insignia has been torn from clothing. Crests had been ripped from helmets, identificatory devices pried from the convex surfaces of shields. It was not a song of Ar they sang, but a river song, a song of pirates and brawlers, "The Ten Maids of Hammerfest," in which is recounted the fates which befell these lovely lasses. I was mildly scandalized that the stout fellows of Ar, soldiers and gentlemen, as Gorean gentlemen go, would even know these lyrics, let alone sing them with such unabashed gusto. - Guardsman of Gor, page 93
A Song of Tarl of Bristol and Glorious Ar - was a song recounting the tale of the events surrounding the story line of Tarnsman of Gor. Describing the deeds of Tarl Cabot and his heroic courage in defeating the Master Assassin Pa-Kur.
I sing the siege of Ar
of gleaming Ar.
I sing the spears and walls of Ar
of Glorious Ar.
In the long years past of the siege of the city
the siege of Ar
of her spires and towers
of undaunted Ar
Glorious Ar
I sing.
I sing of dark-haired Talena
of the rage of Marlenus
Ubar of Ar
Glorious Ar.
And of he I sing
whose hair was like a larl from the sun
of he who came once to the walls of Ar
Glorious Ar
he called Tarl of Bristol.
And, as the torches burned lower in the wall racks, the singer continued to sing, and sang of gray Pa-Kur, Master of the Assassins, leader of the hordes that feel on Ar after the theft of her Home Stone; and he sang, too, of banners and black helmets, of upraised standards, of the sun flashing on the lifted blades of spears, of high siege towers and deeds, of catapults of Ka-la-na and tem-wood, of the thunder of war tharlarion and the beatings of drums and the roars of trumpets, the clash of arms and the cries of men; and he sang, too, of the love of men for their city, and, foolishly, knowing so little of men, he sang, too, the bravery of men, and their loyalties and their courage; and he sang then, too, of duels; of duels fought even on the walls of Ar herself, even at the great gate; and of tarnsmen locked in duels to the death over the spires of Ar; and yet another duel, one fought on the height of Ar's cylinder of justice, between Pah-Kur, and he, in the song, called Tarl of Bristol. - Raiders of Gor, pgs. 225-226 -
Songs of the Red Hunters - were sung on the spot as they were not overly concerned with the being perfect, but true. If they have feeling and share emotion, then they are seen as "good songs." They can be about any number of topics from hunting to cooking. What you find is a diverse group of people that enjoy life and there ability to rejoice in song.
That drum in one hand of the hunter standing now in the midst of the group was some two and one half feet in diameter. He was now striking on it and singing. I could not make out the song, but it had to do with the mild winds which blow in the summer. These songs, incidentally, are rather like tools or carvings. It is unusual for one man or woman to sing another's songs. One is expected to make up one's own songs. It is expected that every man will be able to make up songs and sing them, just as every man is supposed to be able to carve and hunt. These songs are usually very simple, but some of them are quite beautiful, and some are quite touching. Both men and women sing, of course. Men, interestingly, usually do the carving. The ulo, or woman's knife, with its semicircular blade, customarily fixed in a wooden handle, is not well suited to carving. It is better at cutting meat and slicing sinew. Also, carving ivory and bone requires strength. But women sing as well as men. Sometimes they sing of feasting clothes, and lovers, and their skill in quartering tabuk.
Another man now took the drum and began to sing. He sang of a kayak-making song, customarily sung to the leather, wood, and sinew, with which he worked, that it not betray him on the polar sea. A fellow after him sang a sleen song, usually sung on the water, encouraging the sleen to swim to where he might strike them. The next song dealt with a rascal who, supposedly hunting for tabuk, lay down and rubbed his boots on a rock, later returning to his companions with a report of luckless hunting, indicating his worn boots as evidence of his lengthy trekking. From the looks cast about the room I gathered the rascal might even be present. One fellow at least, seemed quite embarrassed. He soon leaped up, however, and sang a song about the first fellow, something about a fellow who could not make good arrows. Two women sang after this, the first about gathering birds' eggs when she was a little girl, and the other about her joy in seeing the face of a relative whom she had not seen in more than two years.
It is rather commendable, I think, that the red hunters make up songs. They are not as critical as many other people. To them it is often more important that one whom they love sings than it is that his song is a good song. If it is a "true" song, and comes from the heart, they are pleased to hear it. Perhaps then it is a "good song," after all. Songs, even simple ones, are regarded by the red hunters as being precious and rather mysterious. They are pleased that there are songs. As it is said. "No one knows from where songs come."
- Beasts of Gor, pgs. 262-263 -
The ranking of Musicians is as follows:
1) Czehar Players
2) Flutists
3) Kalika Players
4) Kaska Players
5) Man in charge of miscellaneous instruments.
The Caste of Singers and Poets can be compared to the Bards of Medieval England who made there way from town to town. They lived off there earnings by singing stories of love, recounting famous battle stories, and recording events with songs to be passed on through generations. By gaining favor in the noble houses of the area. Some were even kept in constant employment to provide entertainment for visiting guests.
The Singer and Poet of Gor, often made his living the same way. He traveled from city to city, hoping to gain favor of a peasant or even the present Ubar himself. They were regarded as craftsman for their art of creativity. He played a vital role in the social structure of Gor by providing entertainment to all levels of the Gorean society.
On Gor, the singer, or poet, is regarded as a craftsman who makes strong sayings, much like a pot maker makes a good pot or a saddle-maker makes a worthy saddle. He has his role to play in the social structure, celebrating battles and histories, singing of heroes and cities, but also he is expected to sing of living, and of love and joy, not merely of arms and glory; and, too, it is his function to remind the Gorean from time to time of loneliness and death, lest they should forget that they are men.
- Outlaw of Gor, pgs. 103-104 -
In spite of some reservations the Poet, or Singer, was loved on Gor. It had not occurred to him that he owed misery and torment to his profession, and on the whole, the Caste of Poets was thought to be a most happy band of men "A handful of bread for a song," was a common Gorean invitation extended to members of the caste, and it might occur on the lips of a peasant or a Ubar, and the poet took great pride that he would sing the same song in both the hut of the peasant and the halls of the Ubar, though it won for him only a crust of bread in one place and a cap of gold in the other, gold often squandered on a beautiful woman who might leave him nothing but his songs.
- Outlaw of Gor, page 104 -
He wore the robes of his caste, the singers, and it was not known what city was his own. Many of the singers wander from place to place, selling their songs for bread and love. I had known, long ago, a singer, whose name was Andreas of Tor.
- Raiders of Gor, page 225 -
The Caste Singers and Poets while highly prized in most cities on Gor were not as high regarded in others. For instance they were not welcomed guests in the city of Tharna. But in other areas of Gor it was a criminal offense to enslave one of the Caste of Musicians.
"The Caste of Poets is not so bad," I said to Linna.
"Of course not," she said, "but they are outlawed in Tharna."
- Outlaw of Gor, page 105 -
Lastly it might be mentioned, thinking it is of some interest, musicians on Gor are never enslaved; they may, of course, be exiled, tortured, slain and such; it is said, perhaps truly, that he who makes music must, like the tarn and the Vosk gull, be free.
- Nomads of Gor, page 154 -
In most cities it is regarded, incidentally, as a criminal offense to enslave one of the caste of players. A similar decree, in most cities, stands against the enslavement of one who is of the caste of musicians.
- Beasts of Gor, page 44 –
The songs of Gor varied from place to place as you will see in the following examples. Some were sung as part of tradition, to tell a story, or played for there beauty and melody. It might be noted that they were never written down, but instead passed from generation to generation and master to apprentice.
I might mention, I have never on Gor seen any written music; I do not know if a notation exists; melodies are passed on from father to son, from master to apprentice. - Nomads of Gor, page 153 -
Archaic Hymns - were sung in the temple of the Initiates. They were written and sung in archaic Gorean, an ancient language upon Gor. Often times choirs of soprano male slaves were trained and kept to sing in the great temples.
The litany and responses of the congregation were now completed and the initiates, some twenty within the rail, began to sing in archaic Gorean. I could make out little of the wording. Marauders of Gor, page 33
Block Melodies - was a reference to several different melodies that are performed at a rhythm in which a slave girl was displayed fully for potential buyers. They were powerful and sexually stimulating in there melody.
The reference to "block melodies" had to do with certain melodies which are commonly used in slave markets, in the display of the merchandise. Some were apparently developed for the purpose, and others simply utilized for it. Such melodies tend to be sexually stimulating, and powerfully so, both for the merchandise being vended, who must dance to them, and for the buyers.- Vagabonds of Gor, page 37 -
Blue Sky Song - was a song sung by the Wagon people of the plains of Gor. They began to sing this in part before going into battle at the gates of Turia.
Some of the Tuchuks began to sing the Blue Sky Song, the refrain of which is that thought I die, yet there will be the bosk, the grass and sky. - Nomads of Gor, page 263 -
Caravans of Tor - was a love song played on the kalika about the caravans of Tor.
Her fingers touched the six strings, a note at a time, and then a melody, of the caravans of Tor, a song of love. - Asassin of Gor, page 264 -
The Hope of Tina - was a melody about a young girl who hopes that she may prove acceptable as a slave. It contains an expression of yearning and hope. Its melody is said to be of Cos.
The "Hope of Tina," a melody of Cos which would surely be popular with most of the fellows present, on the other hand, was an excellent choice. It was supposedly the expression of the yearning, or hope, of a young girl that she may be so beautiful, and so feminine, and marvelous, that she will prove acceptable as a slave. -Vagabonds of Gor, pgs. 37-38 -
The Men of Torvaldsland Sing at the Oars - was a song with no words sung by the crew of Ivar Forkbeard's ship as they leave the harbor of Kassau. They had much to rejoice after the successfulness of there mission in the temple of the high Initiate of Kassau.
The men of Torvaldsland began to sing at the oars.
The men of Torvaldsland sang with great voices.
The men of Torvaldsland singing, the oars lifting and dipping, the serpent of Ivar Forkbeard took its way from the harbor of Kassau. - Marauders of Gor, page 54 -
The Ten Maids of Hammerfest - was a rowdy river song sung by pirates as they made there way along the river. It recounted the fates of the ten girls of Hammerfest. It was sang with great enthusiasm and gusto.
On the Tuka the rowers were singing, lustily. They wore an odd assortment of garbs. Insignia has been torn from clothing. Crests had been ripped from helmets, identificatory devices pried from the convex surfaces of shields. It was not a song of Ar they sang, but a river song, a song of pirates and brawlers, "The Ten Maids of Hammerfest," in which is recounted the fates which befell these lovely lasses. I was mildly scandalized that the stout fellows of Ar, soldiers and gentlemen, as Gorean gentlemen go, would even know these lyrics, let alone sing them with such unabashed gusto. - Guardsman of Gor, page 93
A Song of Tarl of Bristol and Glorious Ar - was a song recounting the tale of the events surrounding the story line of Tarnsman of Gor. Describing the deeds of Tarl Cabot and his heroic courage in defeating the Master Assassin Pa-Kur.
I sing the siege of Ar
of gleaming Ar.
I sing the spears and walls of Ar
of Glorious Ar.
In the long years past of the siege of the city
the siege of Ar
of her spires and towers
of undaunted Ar
Glorious Ar
I sing.
I sing of dark-haired Talena
of the rage of Marlenus
Ubar of Ar
Glorious Ar.
And of he I sing
whose hair was like a larl from the sun
of he who came once to the walls of Ar
Glorious Ar
he called Tarl of Bristol.
And, as the torches burned lower in the wall racks, the singer continued to sing, and sang of gray Pa-Kur, Master of the Assassins, leader of the hordes that feel on Ar after the theft of her Home Stone; and he sang, too, of banners and black helmets, of upraised standards, of the sun flashing on the lifted blades of spears, of high siege towers and deeds, of catapults of Ka-la-na and tem-wood, of the thunder of war tharlarion and the beatings of drums and the roars of trumpets, the clash of arms and the cries of men; and he sang, too, of the love of men for their city, and, foolishly, knowing so little of men, he sang, too, the bravery of men, and their loyalties and their courage; and he sang then, too, of duels; of duels fought even on the walls of Ar herself, even at the great gate; and of tarnsmen locked in duels to the death over the spires of Ar; and yet another duel, one fought on the height of Ar's cylinder of justice, between Pah-Kur, and he, in the song, called Tarl of Bristol. - Raiders of Gor, pgs. 225-226 -
Songs of the Red Hunters - were sung on the spot as they were not overly concerned with the being perfect, but true. If they have feeling and share emotion, then they are seen as "good songs." They can be about any number of topics from hunting to cooking. What you find is a diverse group of people that enjoy life and there ability to rejoice in song.
That drum in one hand of the hunter standing now in the midst of the group was some two and one half feet in diameter. He was now striking on it and singing. I could not make out the song, but it had to do with the mild winds which blow in the summer. These songs, incidentally, are rather like tools or carvings. It is unusual for one man or woman to sing another's songs. One is expected to make up one's own songs. It is expected that every man will be able to make up songs and sing them, just as every man is supposed to be able to carve and hunt. These songs are usually very simple, but some of them are quite beautiful, and some are quite touching. Both men and women sing, of course. Men, interestingly, usually do the carving. The ulo, or woman's knife, with its semicircular blade, customarily fixed in a wooden handle, is not well suited to carving. It is better at cutting meat and slicing sinew. Also, carving ivory and bone requires strength. But women sing as well as men. Sometimes they sing of feasting clothes, and lovers, and their skill in quartering tabuk.
Another man now took the drum and began to sing. He sang of a kayak-making song, customarily sung to the leather, wood, and sinew, with which he worked, that it not betray him on the polar sea. A fellow after him sang a sleen song, usually sung on the water, encouraging the sleen to swim to where he might strike them. The next song dealt with a rascal who, supposedly hunting for tabuk, lay down and rubbed his boots on a rock, later returning to his companions with a report of luckless hunting, indicating his worn boots as evidence of his lengthy trekking. From the looks cast about the room I gathered the rascal might even be present. One fellow at least, seemed quite embarrassed. He soon leaped up, however, and sang a song about the first fellow, something about a fellow who could not make good arrows. Two women sang after this, the first about gathering birds' eggs when she was a little girl, and the other about her joy in seeing the face of a relative whom she had not seen in more than two years.
It is rather commendable, I think, that the red hunters make up songs. They are not as critical as many other people. To them it is often more important that one whom they love sings than it is that his song is a good song. If it is a "true" song, and comes from the heart, they are pleased to hear it. Perhaps then it is a "good song," after all. Songs, even simple ones, are regarded by the red hunters as being precious and rather mysterious. They are pleased that there are songs. As it is said. "No one knows from where songs come."
- Beasts of Gor, pgs. 262-263 -
Sunday, March 20, 2005
General Gorean Information
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Use of "Slut":
"Oh," I said. Now I could no longer torture Drusus, with my nearness and inaccessibility. "And I cannot say that I blame him," said Ligurious. "For you seem to be a frigid little slut." "Slut!" I cried. "Do not form an over-exalted opinion of yourself," he said. "You are only a slut from Earth and no better than a female slave" ~ Kajira, pg. 172
Use of "Slut":
I did not doubt but what Susan, the little slut, had received some training. There was not a detail about her which did not seem, in its way, a perfection. ~ Kajira, pg. 117
Use of "Slut":
"What are you doing there, Slut, skulking about?" called a man, I had not seen him, between the tents. He some gear slung over his shoulder. He was apparently waiting there. ~ Kajira pg 197
Use of Slut":
I lay in the trunk, my legs pulled up. He had called me a "slut." I did not really mind this. Indeed, something in me relished it. I remembered how I had behaved in the furs. The expression was, perhaps, I thought, with a shudder, quite appropriate. ~ Kajira, pg. 237-38
Use of "Slut":
I had found myself relating to him in a deep, real, primitive, sexual, natural, biological manner, in a manner certainly not that of a free woman, but rather of a slave or a slut. ~ Kajira, pg. 237-38
Use of "Slut":
"Yes, Master," I said. "Slut," said he. "Yes, Master." I said. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 373
Use of "Slut":
"Be hard and fierce with me," I said. "You want to be conquered and enslaved, don't you, you slut?" he said. "Yes," I said. "I am a woman." ~ Slave Girl, pg. 424-425
Use of "Slut":
"So you would choose to be a slave?" he asked. "Yes, Master," I said. "Slut," said he. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 443
Use of "Slut"":
"You will not be forgotten, my beautiful little slut," he promised her. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 130
Use of "Slut":
"Excellent," she said. "A mere jangle of slave bells and you are ready for the arms of a man." "Please, Mistress," I begged. "You are a hot little slut," she said. "Kneel before the mirror." ~ Slave Girl, pg. 261
The girls in Pembe's tavern, as in many taverns, are not permitted to touch coins.~ Explorers, pg. 173
"She spit the coins she carried in her mouth into her hand and told me what I wanted to know. Few Gorean garments are deformed by pockets. An exception is the working apron of Artisans" ~ Tarnsman, pg. 168
"Many masters," I said, "do not permit a slave to so much as touch money. To be sure, they might let her carry coins in an errand capsule, or and errand sack, tied about her neck, instructions to a vendor perhaps also contained within it, her hands braceleted behind her." ~ Renegades, pg. 122
"A coin sack was tied about her neck. Some slaves are not allowed to touch money. Many, on the other hand, on errands, carry coins in their mouth." ~ Mercenaries, pg. 442
Money [Leather Capsule]:
Often she would send me shopping, my hands braceleted behind my back, a leather capsule, a cylinder, tied about my neck, containing her order and coins. The merchant would then fill her order, tie the merchandise about my neck, put the change in the leather capsule, close it an, sometimes with a friendly slap, dismissing me... ~ Slave Girl, pg. 389
Money [Gathering Coins In Silks]:
Such a girl, after a dance, may snatch up dozens of gold pieces from the sand, putting them in her silk, scurrying back to her master. ~ Assassin, pg. 91
Money [Coin Given To Slave]:
Ho-Sorl, after several races, gave Phyllis a coin, ordering her to find a vendor and buy him some Sa-Tarna bread smeared with honey. ~ Assassin, pg. 217
Speaking In 3rd Person:
"Do you repent of the error of your ways?" I asked. "Yes, Master," she said. "Who repents of the error of her ways?" I asked. "Tafa repents of the error of her ways!" she said. "Who is sorry, who begs forgiveness?" I asked. "Tafa is sorry! Tafa begs forgiveness!" she said." ~ Magicians, pg. 123
Speaking 3rd Person:
"Do you repent of the error of your ways?" I asked. "Yes, Master," she said. "Who repents of the error of her ways?" I asked. "Tafa repents of the error of her ways!" she said. "Who is sorry, who begs forgiveness?" I asked. "Tafa is sorry! Tafa begs forgiveness!" she said." ~ Magicians, pg. 123
Speaking 3rd Person:
"I remember the lash," said Phyllis. "Phyllis remembers the lash," corrected Flaminius. "I am not a child!" she cried. "You are a slave," said Flaminius. "No," she said, "No!" "I see," said Flaminius, sadly, "It will be necessary to beat you." "Phyllis remember the lash," said the girl numbly. "Excellent," said Flaminius. "Phyllis will be good. Phyllis will eat her gruel. Phyllis will drink her water." ~ Assassin, pg. 131
Gorean Writing:
"Gorean is written, as it is said, as the ox plows. The first line is written left to right, the second, right to left, the third, left to right, and so on. I had once been informed by my friend, Torm, that the whole business was quite simple, the alternate lines, in his opinion, at least, also being written forward, "only in the other direction." ~ Players, pg. 234
Urt People:
"It was one of the urt people. It had a narrow, elongated face and rather large, ovoid eyes. It was narrow-shouldered and narrow-chested. It had long, thin arms and short, spindly legs. It commonly walked, or hurried, bent over, its knuckles often on the ground, its heads moving from side to side. This low gait commonly kept it inconspicuous among the large, migratory urt packs with which it commonly moved. Sometimes such packs pass civilized areas and observers are not even aware of the urt people travelling with them. For some reason, not clear to me at that time, the urts seldom attack them. Sometimes it would rear up, slightly, unexpectedly, looking about itself, and then drop back to a smaller, more bent-over position. It was capable of incredible stillness and then sudden, surprising bursts of movement. When it stood upright it was about three and a half feet tall." ~ Players, pg. 267
"'Drink', he said. He thrust the horn nozzle of a leather bota of water between my teeth. I almost choked." ~ Captive, pg. 256
Bota [Nozzle (Spike)]:
In a moment, he lifted me to a sitting position and, his left hand behind my back, supporting me, thrust the spike of the bota in my mouth. Eagerly then did I drink. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 32
Various Articles [Foods, Vessels, Etc]:
There were flasks of wine there, and bottles of the brew called paga; stores of salt, grains, dried meats and vegetables; tunics, cloths and blankets; too, there were tools and utensils, and threads and needles; I found some perfumes and jewelries...I found a chest containing medicines and bandages; too, there were some rolls of furs; a box of leather goods, too, I found, which contained strips of leather, pieces of leather, and straps of various sorts; I found two whips ... ~ Slave Girl, pg. 50
Musical Instruments [Czethar]:
Their leader was Andronicus, who played the czethar. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 293
Musical Instruments [Czehar, Kalika, Flute, Kaska]:
Now that the sport was done some Musicians filed in, taking up positions to one side. There was a czehar player, two players of the kalika, four flutists and a pair of kaska drummers. ~ Assassin, pg. 88
Musical Instruments [Flute]:
Yet she subtly danced, controlled by the music of a single flute. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 293
Musical Instruments [Kalika & Lyre]:
Ho-Tu was fond of the music of the kalika, a six-stringed, plucked instrement, with a hemispheric sound box and long neck. Sura, I knew, played the instrument. Elizabeth, Virginia and Phyllis had been shown its rudiments, as well as something about the lyre... ~ Assassin, pg. 207
A slave girl is a delight to a man; she is extremely prized and precious; that the day of her acquisition should be celebrated each month with special ceremonies and rites is not surprising. These numerous anniversaries are deliciously celebrated, as they may be with a girl who is only a slave, and seldom forgotten; should such an anniversary be forgotten, should it be such that it is commonly celebrated, the girl redoubles her efforts to please, fearing she is to be soon sold. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 66
Manumission [Mention]:
A girl with pierced ears is, of course, either a slave or a former slave. If she is a former slave, her papers of manumission had best be in perfect order. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 97
Home Stone [And Yellow Stake Of Claimancy]:
Then, following tabuk, in the basin of the Verl, he had come to a place which had pleased him. There the animals had forded the river. He had not followed them further. He had driven the yellow stake of claimancy into the dark soil, near the Verl, and had stood there, his weapons hand, beside the stake, until the sun had reached the zenith and then, slowly, set. It was then he had reached to his feet and picked up the stone, from his own fields. It now rested in his hut. It was the Home Stone of Thurnus. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 139-140
Salutations [Slave Use Of "Tal"]:
"I am Radish," said Radish. "I am Turnip," said Turnip. "I am Verr Tail," said Verr Tail. Sandal Thong looked at me. "I am Sandal Thong," she said. "Tal," I said to them. "Tal," they said to me. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 199
Salutations ["Greetings" Between Free]:
"Greetings, Mip," said I, mounting to the platform, seeing the small Tarn Keeper. ~ Assassin, pg. 222
Just as, in our world, it is not uncommon to seek the advice of an interior decorator in obtaining and organizing the appointments of one's own dwelling, so, too, in the Gorean world, it is not uncommon to call in a trainer and beautician to appraise and improve a girl. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 216
He [beautician--see above quote] considers such matters as her hair, its cut, cosmetics appropriate to her, the proper type of earrings, a variety of collars and slave sliks, how she walks, and speaks, and kneels, and so on, and makes his recommendations. Commonly he finds an apparently plain slave, discovers her latencies, and leaves a beauty. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 216
Vessels [Small Metal Bowl]:
Over the coals, on a tripod, there was, warming, a small metal wine bowl. ~ Captive, pg. 274
Vessels [Great Stone Jar]:
"Fetch your wine and return," said Ute. I dipped the wine vessel into the great stone jar, again filling it. ~ Captive, pg. 326
Vessels [Bowl & Flask]:
At a gesture from the proprietor, the grimy man in the tunic of white and god, one of the serving slaves, with a flash of her ankle bells, hurried to the Assassin and set before him a bowl, which she trembling filled from the flask held over her right forearm. ~ Assassin, pg. 9
Vessels [Pitcher]:
One of them carried a large pitcher of the diluted Ka-la-na wine and stepped behind us, climbing the two steps to the broad wooden dais on which our tables were set. ~ Assassin, pg. 88
Description Of A Kitchen:
There was the odor of food in the kitchen, and of spilled drink. There were several yards of sausages hung on hooks; numerous cannisters of flour, sugars and salts; many smaller containers of spices and condiments. Two large wine jugs stood in one corner of the room. There were many closed pantries lining the walls, and a number of pumps and tubs on one side. Some boxes and baskets of hard fruit were stored there. i could see the bread ovens in one wall; the long fire pit over which could be put cooking racks, the mountings for spits and kettle hooks; the fire pit was mostly black now, but here and there, I could see a few broken sticks of glowing charcoal... ~ Assassin, pg. 272
Free Companionship [Annual Renewing]:
By Gorean law the companionship, to be binding, must, together, be annually renewed, pledged afresh with the wines of love. ~ Captive, pg. 367
Other men sought in the ashes for what might be found of the Warrior. Some bones and some whitish ash they gathered in whie linen and placed in an urn of red and yellow glass. Kuurus knew that such an urn would be decorated, probably, since the man had been a Warrior, with scenes of the hunt and war. The urn was given to him who wore the robes of the Administrator of the City, who took it and slowly, on foot, withdrew toward Ko-ro-ba...the ashes, Kuurus judged, since the body had been wrapped in the scarlet leather of a tarnsman, would be scattered from tarnback, perhaps over distant Thassa, the sea. ~ Assassin, pg. 3
Gesture of "Tal":
The man did not greet him, nor did Kuurus lift his hand to the man, palm inward, saying "Tal". ~ Assassin, pg. 4
Castes [Black (Dagger)]:
Kuurus, of the Caste of Assassins, entered the great gate of Ar. Gaurdsmen did not detain him, for he wore on his forehead the mark of the black dagger. ~ Assassin, pg. 6
Castes [Black (Dagger)]:
Yet none would stand in the way of Kuurus for he wore on his forehead, small and fine, the sign of the black dagger. When he of the Caste of Assassins has been paid his gold and has received his charge he affixes on his forehead that sign, that he may enter whatever city he pleases, that none may interfere with his work. ~ Assassin, pg. 6-7
Castes [Black (Title of Respect)]:
"Welcome, Killer," said the man, addressing the Assassin by what, for that caste, is a title of respect. ~ Assassin, pg. 14
Castes [Players]:
The Players are not a caste, nor a clan, but they tend to be a group apart, living their own lives. They are made up of men from various castes who often have little in common but the game, but that is more than enough. They are men who commonly have an extraordinary aptitude for the game but beyond this men who have become drunk on it, men lost in the subtle, abstract liquors of variation, pattern and victory, men who live for the game, who want it and need it as other men might want gold, or others power and women, or others the rolled, narcostic strings of toxic kanda. ~ Assassin, pg. 27
Castes [Slavers & Merchants]:
The Slavers, incidentally, are of the Merchant Caste, though, in virtue of their merchandise and practices, their robes are different. Yet, if one of them were to seek Caste Sanctuary, he would surely seek it from Slavers, and not from the common Merchants. ~ Assassin, pg. 208
Castes [Slavers]:
Many Slavers think of themselves as an independent caste. Gorean law, however, does not so regard them. The average Gorean thinks of them simply as Slavers, but, if questioned, would unhesitantly rank them with the Merchants. ~ Assassin, pg. 208
Castes [Branches And Divisions (Scribes)]:
Many castes, incidentally, have branches and divisions. Lawyers and Scholars, for example, and Record Keepers, Teachers, Clerks, Historians and Accountants are all Scribes. ~ Assassin, pg. 205
Cities [Ar]:
I have always been impressed with Ar, for it is the largest, the most populous and the most luxurious city of all known Gor. Its walls, its countless cylinders, its spires and towers, its lights, its beacons, the high bridges, the lamps, the lanterns of the bridges, are unbelievably exciting and fantastic, particularly as seen from the more lofty bridges or the roofs of the higher cylinders. ~ Assassin, pg 25
Cities [Ar]:
Ar lies in Gor's northern hemisphere; it is rather low in her temperate latitudes; the long cold rains of the winter, the darkness of the days, the occasional snows, turning to black slush in her streets, depressed me. ~ Assassin, pg. 192
Kaissa [Gorean For "Game"]:
The word actually cried was "Kaissa," which is gorean for "Game". It is a general term, but when used without qualification, it stands for only one game. ~ Assassin, pg. 26
Serums [Old Age Unusual]:
The Player was a rather old man, extremely unusual on Gor, where the stabilization serums were developed centuries ago by the Caste of Physicians in Ko-ro-ba and Ar...age, on Gor, interestingly, was regarded, and still a disease, not an inevitable natural phenomenon. ~ Assassin, pg. 29
Serums [The Right of All Human Beings]:
The Stabilizations Serums, which are regarded as the right of all human beings, be they civilized or barbarian, friend or enemy, are administered in a eries of injections, and the effect is, incredibly, an eventual, gradual transformation of certain genetic structures, resulting in indefinite cell replacement without pattern deterioration. These genetic alterations, moreover, are commonly capable of being transmitted. ~ Assassin, pg. 30
Moon Named [Prison]:
I looked up and saw the three moons of Gor, the large moon and the two small ones, one of the latter called the Prison Moon, for no reason I understood. ~ Assassin, pg. 170
Time [Calendar (Gorean New Year)]:
The night Phyllis Robertson, under the torches in the hall of Cernus, while we supped, performed the belt dance, was the last day of the Eleventh passage hand, about a month before the Gorean New Year, which occurs on the Vernal Equinox, the first day of the month of En'Kara. ~ Assassin, pb. 205
Time [Calendar (Love Feast)]:
...Cernus, as I had heard, was saving them for the Love Feats, which occupies the five days of the fifth passage hand, falling late in the summer. ~ Assassin, pg. 205
Time [Gorean Midnight]:
I wandered about the house. It was now past the twentieth hour, the midnight of the Gorean day... ~ Assassin, pg. 269
Diseases of Gor [Dar-Kosis]:
Dar-Kosis, or the Holy Disease, or Sacred Afflication, is a virulent, wasting disease of Gor. Those afflicted with it, commonly spoken of simply as the Allicted Ones, may not enter into normal society. They wander the countryside in shroudlike yellow rags, beating a wooden clapping device to warn men from their path; some of them volunteer to be placed in Dar-Kosis pits, several of which lay within the vicinity of Ar, where they are fed and given drink, and are, of course, isolated; the disease is extremely contagious. Those who contract the disease are regarded by law as dead. ~ Assassin, pg. 266
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Use of "Slut":
"Oh," I said. Now I could no longer torture Drusus, with my nearness and inaccessibility. "And I cannot say that I blame him," said Ligurious. "For you seem to be a frigid little slut." "Slut!" I cried. "Do not form an over-exalted opinion of yourself," he said. "You are only a slut from Earth and no better than a female slave" ~ Kajira, pg. 172
Use of "Slut":
I did not doubt but what Susan, the little slut, had received some training. There was not a detail about her which did not seem, in its way, a perfection. ~ Kajira, pg. 117
Use of "Slut":
"What are you doing there, Slut, skulking about?" called a man, I had not seen him, between the tents. He some gear slung over his shoulder. He was apparently waiting there. ~ Kajira pg 197
Use of Slut":
I lay in the trunk, my legs pulled up. He had called me a "slut." I did not really mind this. Indeed, something in me relished it. I remembered how I had behaved in the furs. The expression was, perhaps, I thought, with a shudder, quite appropriate. ~ Kajira, pg. 237-38
Use of "Slut":
I had found myself relating to him in a deep, real, primitive, sexual, natural, biological manner, in a manner certainly not that of a free woman, but rather of a slave or a slut. ~ Kajira, pg. 237-38
Use of "Slut":
"Yes, Master," I said. "Slut," said he. "Yes, Master." I said. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 373
Use of "Slut":
"Be hard and fierce with me," I said. "You want to be conquered and enslaved, don't you, you slut?" he said. "Yes," I said. "I am a woman." ~ Slave Girl, pg. 424-425
Use of "Slut":
"So you would choose to be a slave?" he asked. "Yes, Master," I said. "Slut," said he. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 443
Use of "Slut"":
"You will not be forgotten, my beautiful little slut," he promised her. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 130
Use of "Slut":
"Excellent," she said. "A mere jangle of slave bells and you are ready for the arms of a man." "Please, Mistress," I begged. "You are a hot little slut," she said. "Kneel before the mirror." ~ Slave Girl, pg. 261
The girls in Pembe's tavern, as in many taverns, are not permitted to touch coins.~ Explorers, pg. 173
"She spit the coins she carried in her mouth into her hand and told me what I wanted to know. Few Gorean garments are deformed by pockets. An exception is the working apron of Artisans" ~ Tarnsman, pg. 168
"Many masters," I said, "do not permit a slave to so much as touch money. To be sure, they might let her carry coins in an errand capsule, or and errand sack, tied about her neck, instructions to a vendor perhaps also contained within it, her hands braceleted behind her." ~ Renegades, pg. 122
"A coin sack was tied about her neck. Some slaves are not allowed to touch money. Many, on the other hand, on errands, carry coins in their mouth." ~ Mercenaries, pg. 442
Money [Leather Capsule]:
Often she would send me shopping, my hands braceleted behind my back, a leather capsule, a cylinder, tied about my neck, containing her order and coins. The merchant would then fill her order, tie the merchandise about my neck, put the change in the leather capsule, close it an, sometimes with a friendly slap, dismissing me... ~ Slave Girl, pg. 389
Money [Gathering Coins In Silks]:
Such a girl, after a dance, may snatch up dozens of gold pieces from the sand, putting them in her silk, scurrying back to her master. ~ Assassin, pg. 91
Money [Coin Given To Slave]:
Ho-Sorl, after several races, gave Phyllis a coin, ordering her to find a vendor and buy him some Sa-Tarna bread smeared with honey. ~ Assassin, pg. 217
Speaking In 3rd Person:
"Do you repent of the error of your ways?" I asked. "Yes, Master," she said. "Who repents of the error of her ways?" I asked. "Tafa repents of the error of her ways!" she said. "Who is sorry, who begs forgiveness?" I asked. "Tafa is sorry! Tafa begs forgiveness!" she said." ~ Magicians, pg. 123
Speaking 3rd Person:
"Do you repent of the error of your ways?" I asked. "Yes, Master," she said. "Who repents of the error of her ways?" I asked. "Tafa repents of the error of her ways!" she said. "Who is sorry, who begs forgiveness?" I asked. "Tafa is sorry! Tafa begs forgiveness!" she said." ~ Magicians, pg. 123
Speaking 3rd Person:
"I remember the lash," said Phyllis. "Phyllis remembers the lash," corrected Flaminius. "I am not a child!" she cried. "You are a slave," said Flaminius. "No," she said, "No!" "I see," said Flaminius, sadly, "It will be necessary to beat you." "Phyllis remember the lash," said the girl numbly. "Excellent," said Flaminius. "Phyllis will be good. Phyllis will eat her gruel. Phyllis will drink her water." ~ Assassin, pg. 131
Gorean Writing:
"Gorean is written, as it is said, as the ox plows. The first line is written left to right, the second, right to left, the third, left to right, and so on. I had once been informed by my friend, Torm, that the whole business was quite simple, the alternate lines, in his opinion, at least, also being written forward, "only in the other direction." ~ Players, pg. 234
Urt People:
"It was one of the urt people. It had a narrow, elongated face and rather large, ovoid eyes. It was narrow-shouldered and narrow-chested. It had long, thin arms and short, spindly legs. It commonly walked, or hurried, bent over, its knuckles often on the ground, its heads moving from side to side. This low gait commonly kept it inconspicuous among the large, migratory urt packs with which it commonly moved. Sometimes such packs pass civilized areas and observers are not even aware of the urt people travelling with them. For some reason, not clear to me at that time, the urts seldom attack them. Sometimes it would rear up, slightly, unexpectedly, looking about itself, and then drop back to a smaller, more bent-over position. It was capable of incredible stillness and then sudden, surprising bursts of movement. When it stood upright it was about three and a half feet tall." ~ Players, pg. 267
"'Drink', he said. He thrust the horn nozzle of a leather bota of water between my teeth. I almost choked." ~ Captive, pg. 256
Bota [Nozzle (Spike)]:
In a moment, he lifted me to a sitting position and, his left hand behind my back, supporting me, thrust the spike of the bota in my mouth. Eagerly then did I drink. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 32
Various Articles [Foods, Vessels, Etc]:
There were flasks of wine there, and bottles of the brew called paga; stores of salt, grains, dried meats and vegetables; tunics, cloths and blankets; too, there were tools and utensils, and threads and needles; I found some perfumes and jewelries...I found a chest containing medicines and bandages; too, there were some rolls of furs; a box of leather goods, too, I found, which contained strips of leather, pieces of leather, and straps of various sorts; I found two whips ... ~ Slave Girl, pg. 50
Musical Instruments [Czethar]:
Their leader was Andronicus, who played the czethar. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 293
Musical Instruments [Czehar, Kalika, Flute, Kaska]:
Now that the sport was done some Musicians filed in, taking up positions to one side. There was a czehar player, two players of the kalika, four flutists and a pair of kaska drummers. ~ Assassin, pg. 88
Musical Instruments [Flute]:
Yet she subtly danced, controlled by the music of a single flute. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 293
Musical Instruments [Kalika & Lyre]:
Ho-Tu was fond of the music of the kalika, a six-stringed, plucked instrement, with a hemispheric sound box and long neck. Sura, I knew, played the instrument. Elizabeth, Virginia and Phyllis had been shown its rudiments, as well as something about the lyre... ~ Assassin, pg. 207
A slave girl is a delight to a man; she is extremely prized and precious; that the day of her acquisition should be celebrated each month with special ceremonies and rites is not surprising. These numerous anniversaries are deliciously celebrated, as they may be with a girl who is only a slave, and seldom forgotten; should such an anniversary be forgotten, should it be such that it is commonly celebrated, the girl redoubles her efforts to please, fearing she is to be soon sold. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 66
Manumission [Mention]:
A girl with pierced ears is, of course, either a slave or a former slave. If she is a former slave, her papers of manumission had best be in perfect order. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 97
Home Stone [And Yellow Stake Of Claimancy]:
Then, following tabuk, in the basin of the Verl, he had come to a place which had pleased him. There the animals had forded the river. He had not followed them further. He had driven the yellow stake of claimancy into the dark soil, near the Verl, and had stood there, his weapons hand, beside the stake, until the sun had reached the zenith and then, slowly, set. It was then he had reached to his feet and picked up the stone, from his own fields. It now rested in his hut. It was the Home Stone of Thurnus. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 139-140
Salutations [Slave Use Of "Tal"]:
"I am Radish," said Radish. "I am Turnip," said Turnip. "I am Verr Tail," said Verr Tail. Sandal Thong looked at me. "I am Sandal Thong," she said. "Tal," I said to them. "Tal," they said to me. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 199
Salutations ["Greetings" Between Free]:
"Greetings, Mip," said I, mounting to the platform, seeing the small Tarn Keeper. ~ Assassin, pg. 222
Just as, in our world, it is not uncommon to seek the advice of an interior decorator in obtaining and organizing the appointments of one's own dwelling, so, too, in the Gorean world, it is not uncommon to call in a trainer and beautician to appraise and improve a girl. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 216
He [beautician--see above quote] considers such matters as her hair, its cut, cosmetics appropriate to her, the proper type of earrings, a variety of collars and slave sliks, how she walks, and speaks, and kneels, and so on, and makes his recommendations. Commonly he finds an apparently plain slave, discovers her latencies, and leaves a beauty. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 216
Vessels [Small Metal Bowl]:
Over the coals, on a tripod, there was, warming, a small metal wine bowl. ~ Captive, pg. 274
Vessels [Great Stone Jar]:
"Fetch your wine and return," said Ute. I dipped the wine vessel into the great stone jar, again filling it. ~ Captive, pg. 326
Vessels [Bowl & Flask]:
At a gesture from the proprietor, the grimy man in the tunic of white and god, one of the serving slaves, with a flash of her ankle bells, hurried to the Assassin and set before him a bowl, which she trembling filled from the flask held over her right forearm. ~ Assassin, pg. 9
Vessels [Pitcher]:
One of them carried a large pitcher of the diluted Ka-la-na wine and stepped behind us, climbing the two steps to the broad wooden dais on which our tables were set. ~ Assassin, pg. 88
Description Of A Kitchen:
There was the odor of food in the kitchen, and of spilled drink. There were several yards of sausages hung on hooks; numerous cannisters of flour, sugars and salts; many smaller containers of spices and condiments. Two large wine jugs stood in one corner of the room. There were many closed pantries lining the walls, and a number of pumps and tubs on one side. Some boxes and baskets of hard fruit were stored there. i could see the bread ovens in one wall; the long fire pit over which could be put cooking racks, the mountings for spits and kettle hooks; the fire pit was mostly black now, but here and there, I could see a few broken sticks of glowing charcoal... ~ Assassin, pg. 272
Free Companionship [Annual Renewing]:
By Gorean law the companionship, to be binding, must, together, be annually renewed, pledged afresh with the wines of love. ~ Captive, pg. 367
Other men sought in the ashes for what might be found of the Warrior. Some bones and some whitish ash they gathered in whie linen and placed in an urn of red and yellow glass. Kuurus knew that such an urn would be decorated, probably, since the man had been a Warrior, with scenes of the hunt and war. The urn was given to him who wore the robes of the Administrator of the City, who took it and slowly, on foot, withdrew toward Ko-ro-ba...the ashes, Kuurus judged, since the body had been wrapped in the scarlet leather of a tarnsman, would be scattered from tarnback, perhaps over distant Thassa, the sea. ~ Assassin, pg. 3
Gesture of "Tal":
The man did not greet him, nor did Kuurus lift his hand to the man, palm inward, saying "Tal". ~ Assassin, pg. 4
Castes [Black (Dagger)]:
Kuurus, of the Caste of Assassins, entered the great gate of Ar. Gaurdsmen did not detain him, for he wore on his forehead the mark of the black dagger. ~ Assassin, pg. 6
Castes [Black (Dagger)]:
Yet none would stand in the way of Kuurus for he wore on his forehead, small and fine, the sign of the black dagger. When he of the Caste of Assassins has been paid his gold and has received his charge he affixes on his forehead that sign, that he may enter whatever city he pleases, that none may interfere with his work. ~ Assassin, pg. 6-7
Castes [Black (Title of Respect)]:
"Welcome, Killer," said the man, addressing the Assassin by what, for that caste, is a title of respect. ~ Assassin, pg. 14
Castes [Players]:
The Players are not a caste, nor a clan, but they tend to be a group apart, living their own lives. They are made up of men from various castes who often have little in common but the game, but that is more than enough. They are men who commonly have an extraordinary aptitude for the game but beyond this men who have become drunk on it, men lost in the subtle, abstract liquors of variation, pattern and victory, men who live for the game, who want it and need it as other men might want gold, or others power and women, or others the rolled, narcostic strings of toxic kanda. ~ Assassin, pg. 27
Castes [Slavers & Merchants]:
The Slavers, incidentally, are of the Merchant Caste, though, in virtue of their merchandise and practices, their robes are different. Yet, if one of them were to seek Caste Sanctuary, he would surely seek it from Slavers, and not from the common Merchants. ~ Assassin, pg. 208
Castes [Slavers]:
Many Slavers think of themselves as an independent caste. Gorean law, however, does not so regard them. The average Gorean thinks of them simply as Slavers, but, if questioned, would unhesitantly rank them with the Merchants. ~ Assassin, pg. 208
Castes [Branches And Divisions (Scribes)]:
Many castes, incidentally, have branches and divisions. Lawyers and Scholars, for example, and Record Keepers, Teachers, Clerks, Historians and Accountants are all Scribes. ~ Assassin, pg. 205
Cities [Ar]:
I have always been impressed with Ar, for it is the largest, the most populous and the most luxurious city of all known Gor. Its walls, its countless cylinders, its spires and towers, its lights, its beacons, the high bridges, the lamps, the lanterns of the bridges, are unbelievably exciting and fantastic, particularly as seen from the more lofty bridges or the roofs of the higher cylinders. ~ Assassin, pg 25
Cities [Ar]:
Ar lies in Gor's northern hemisphere; it is rather low in her temperate latitudes; the long cold rains of the winter, the darkness of the days, the occasional snows, turning to black slush in her streets, depressed me. ~ Assassin, pg. 192
Kaissa [Gorean For "Game"]:
The word actually cried was "Kaissa," which is gorean for "Game". It is a general term, but when used without qualification, it stands for only one game. ~ Assassin, pg. 26
Serums [Old Age Unusual]:
The Player was a rather old man, extremely unusual on Gor, where the stabilization serums were developed centuries ago by the Caste of Physicians in Ko-ro-ba and Ar...age, on Gor, interestingly, was regarded, and still a disease, not an inevitable natural phenomenon. ~ Assassin, pg. 29
Serums [The Right of All Human Beings]:
The Stabilizations Serums, which are regarded as the right of all human beings, be they civilized or barbarian, friend or enemy, are administered in a eries of injections, and the effect is, incredibly, an eventual, gradual transformation of certain genetic structures, resulting in indefinite cell replacement without pattern deterioration. These genetic alterations, moreover, are commonly capable of being transmitted. ~ Assassin, pg. 30
Moon Named [Prison]:
I looked up and saw the three moons of Gor, the large moon and the two small ones, one of the latter called the Prison Moon, for no reason I understood. ~ Assassin, pg. 170
Time [Calendar (Gorean New Year)]:
The night Phyllis Robertson, under the torches in the hall of Cernus, while we supped, performed the belt dance, was the last day of the Eleventh passage hand, about a month before the Gorean New Year, which occurs on the Vernal Equinox, the first day of the month of En'Kara. ~ Assassin, pb. 205
Time [Calendar (Love Feast)]:
...Cernus, as I had heard, was saving them for the Love Feats, which occupies the five days of the fifth passage hand, falling late in the summer. ~ Assassin, pg. 205
Time [Gorean Midnight]:
I wandered about the house. It was now past the twentieth hour, the midnight of the Gorean day... ~ Assassin, pg. 269
Diseases of Gor [Dar-Kosis]:
Dar-Kosis, or the Holy Disease, or Sacred Afflication, is a virulent, wasting disease of Gor. Those afflicted with it, commonly spoken of simply as the Allicted Ones, may not enter into normal society. They wander the countryside in shroudlike yellow rags, beating a wooden clapping device to warn men from their path; some of them volunteer to be placed in Dar-Kosis pits, several of which lay within the vicinity of Ar, where they are fed and given drink, and are, of course, isolated; the disease is extremely contagious. Those who contract the disease are regarded by law as dead. ~ Assassin, pg. 266
Free Women
Cruelty Hatred Veils Raiment Kneeling
Couching Price/Worth Differences - Slaves Curiosity - Sex Jealousy
Contempt Pressures Feared - Slaves Interesting Etiquette
Rejection Subjection Unclothed If Enslaved Coin Value
Utterance Seldom Raped Treatment A Riddle Unkempt
Envious Set - Masters Compete Ignorance Slavery
More Desirable More Interesting Teaching Back To Main Page
Cruelty: women, it is no secret, in many respects, envy their enslaved sisters, their beauty, their joy, their attractiveness to men; this may explain why free women are often quite cruel to slave girls. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 97
Free women are often cruel to beautiful female slaves. They put us under terrigying discipline. Perhaps they sense in us something of greater interest to men than themselves, something which constitutes to them a threat, something which is subtly competitive, and successfuly so, to them. ~ Slave Girl, pgs. 291-291
"There are few things a female slave fears more than a free female. Female slaves, so helpless in their collars, so much at the mercy of any free person whatsoever, live in terror of such females, for they know that they despise and hate them." ~ Mercenaries, pg. 328
It is sometimes hard to understand the hatred of the free female for her imbonded sister. It has to do…with the venomous jealousy of a woman who has taken an unhappy, path, a road commended to her by many but one which she discovered leads only to her ultimate frustration, misery and lack of fulfillment. No woman is truly happy until she occupies her place in the order or nature. ~ Mercenaries, pg. 219
Some veils are held not with pins but with hooks or cords, passing about the back of the head. Others are a part of the hook itself. With the hooked cords, which can fasten the hood more or less closely about the neck, like a cloak, I fastened the veil in place. She then looked at me, well silenced. ~ Renegades, pg. 90
Veils are worn in various numbers and combinations by Gorean free women, this tending to vary by preference and caste. Many low-class Gorean women own only a single veil which must do for all purposes...The veil, it might be noted, is not legally imperative for a free woman; it is rather a matter of modesty and custom. Some low-class, uncompanioned, free girls do not wear veils. Similarly certain bold free women neglect the veil. Neglect of the veil is not a crime in Gorean cities, though in some it is deemed a brazen and scandalous omission. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 107
Free women, drinking, commonly lift their veil, or veils, with the left hand. Low-caste free women, if veiled, usually do the same. Sometimes, however, particularly if they are in public, they will drink through their veil, or veils. Sometimes, of course, free women will drink unveiled, even with guests. Much depends upon how well the individuals are known, and who is present. In their homes, of course, with only the members of their families present, or servants and slaves, most free women do not veil themselves, even those of high caste. ~ Fighting Slave, pg. 276
Veils [Unveiled]:
"In some cities an unveiled free woman is susceptible to being taken into custody by guardsmen, veiled, by force if necessary, and publicly conducted back to her home... Repeated offences in such a city usually result in the enslavement of the female." ~ Players, pg. 125
"In some cities an unveiled free woman is susceptible to being taken into custody by guardsmen, veiled, by force if necessary, and publicly conducted back to her home... Repeated offenses in such a city usually result in the enslavement of the female." ~ Players, pg. 125
Veils [5 Described]:
Eta, from behind me, pinned the first of five beils, about my face. It was light, and shimmering, of white silk, almost transparent. Then, one after the other, she added the freedom veil, or veil of the citizeness, the pride veil, the house veil, and street veil. Each of these is heavier and more opaque then the one which lies within. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 107
Veils [Street]:
The street veil, worn publicly, is extremely bulky, quite heavy and completely opaque: not even the lineaments of the nose and cheeks are discernible when it is worn... ~ Slave Girl, pg. 107
Veils [House]:
...the house veil is worn indoors when there are those present who are not of the household, as in conversing with or entertaining associates of one's companion. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 107
Veils [Various Numbers And Combinations]:
Veils are worn in various numbers and combinations by Gorean free women, this tending to vary by preference and caste. Many low-class Gorean women own only a single veil which must do for all purposes. Not all high-caste women wear a large number of veils. A free woman, publicly, will commonly wear one or two veils; a frequent combination is the light veil, or last veil, and the house or street veil. Rich, vain women of high caste may wear ostentatiously as many as nine or ten veils. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 107
Veils [Not Legally Imperative]:
The veil, it might be noted, is not legally imperative for a free woman; it is rather a matter of modesty and custom. Some low-=class, uncompanioned, free girls do not wear veils. Similarly certain bold free women neglect the veil. Neglect of the veil is not a crime in Gorean cities, though in some it is deemed a brazen and scandalous omission. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 107
"Free women, in most of the high cities on Gor, particularly those of higher caste, go veiled in public. Also they commonly wear the robes of concealment, which cover them from head to toe. Even gloves are often worn. There are many reasons for this, having to do with modesty, security, and such." ~ Magicians, pg. 12
Many Gorean women, in their haughtiness and pride, do not choose to have their features exposed to the common view. They are too fine and noble to be looked upon by the casual rabble. Similarly the robes of concealment worn by many Gorean women are doubtless dictated by the same sentiments. On the other hand veiling is a not impractical modesty in a culture in where capture, and the chain and the whip are not unknown. One not regarded as inconsiderable, is that it is supposed to provide something of a protection against abduction and perdition. Who would wish to risk his life, it is said, to carry off a woman who might, when roped to a tree and stripped, turn out to be as ugly as a tharlarion? ~ Rogue, pg. ??
"Free women, incidentally, among the Wagon Peoples are not permitted to wear silk: it is claimed by those of the Wagons, delightfully I think, that any women who loves the feel of silk on her body is, in the secrecy of her heart and blood , a slave girl, whether or not some master has yet forced her to don the collar." ~ Nomads, pg. 58
`In Ar's Station,' he said, `as in Ar, robes of concealment, precisely, are not legally obligatory for free women, no more than the veil. Such things are a matter of custom. On the other hand, as you know, there are statutes prescribing certain standards of decorum for free women. For example, they may not appear naked in the streets, as may slaves. Indeed, a free woman who appears in public in violation of these standards of decorum, for example, with her arms or legs too much bared, may be made a slave.' ~ Renegades, pg. 367
" On Gor, men sit cross-legged, not women. The Gorean female, whether free or slave, whether of low caste or high caste, kneels. This posture on the part of women, aping that of men, is a provocation. I had seen panther girls in the north, in their desire to repudiate their own nature, and in their envy of men, adopt such a posture." ~ Magicians, pg. 118
"Aphris of Turia, pleased with herself, assumed her place between the merchant and Kamchak, kneeling back on her heels in the position of the Gorean Free Woman. Her back was very straight and her head high, in the Gorean fashion." ~ Nomads, pg. 94
"Any free woman who voluntarily couches with another’s slave, or readies herself to do so, becomes the slave of the slave’s master. By such an act, the couching with, or the readying herself to couch with, a slave, as though she might be a girl of the slave’s master, thrown to the slave, she shows herself as no more than a slave, and in this act, in law, becomes a slave." ~ Magicians, pg. 303
I had recalled that he had told me that although the use of an inn girl would cost me, in these times, three copper tarsks for only a quarter of an Ahn, I might have the free woman working in the paga room for an Ahn for only a tarsk bit. To be sure, that perhaps overrated her value considerably, as she was only a free woman. Whereas free women, technically, are priceless, that are also, usually, in bed worthless. They are not worthy of kneeling and humbly holding a candle within a thousand pasangs of a slave. To be sure, they commonly hold an inflated opinion of their expertise and desirability. ~ Renegades, pg. 63
Differences From Slaves:
The slave girl is in a totally different category from the free woman. It is the difference between being a person and being property, between being a respected, legally autonomous entity, entitled to dignity and pride, and being a domestic animal. The same fellow who will go to ubsurd lengths to please a free woman, and even make a fool of himself over her, will, even with the same woman, if she has been enslaved, simply gesture her with whip, and without a second thought, to the furs. ~ Renegades, pg. 65
Differences From Slaves:
"One of the major differences between the slave and free sister is that the slave is generally far more sexually fulfilled than her free sister. This is not to say that a slave may not occasionally be made to beg for sex, or that she may not, upon occasion, have to beg for it. These things help her to understand that she has sexual needs, and that whether or not these needs are to be satisfied, is at the option of the master. ~ Dancer, pg. 298
Differences From Slaves:
"How well, if haughtily, she now walked. I considered the walks of free women, and of slaves. How few free women really walk their beauty, perhaps they are ashamed of it, or fear it. Few free women walk in such a way as to display their beauty, as a slave must." "The long garments, usually worn by free women, such as that now worn be Boabissia, might cover certain defects of gait perhaps, but when one’s legs are bared, as a slave’s commonly are, one must walk with beauty and grace. Too, given the scantiness of many slave garments, it is sometimes necessary to walk with exquisite care." ~ Mercenaries, pg. 207
Differences From Slaves:
"As women, there is no comparison between a free women and her imbonded sister. Perhaps that is why free woman so hate slaves. To be sure, there is something to be said of free women. It is enjoyable to capture, enslave and train them. That is interesting. But then in a matter of time, one is not then dealing with a free woman, but another slave." ~ Mercenaries, pg. 319
Differences From Slaves:
"There is a difference" laughed Hassan, "between the pride of a free woman and the pride of the slave girl. The pride of a free woman is the pride of a woman who feels herself to be the equal of a man. The pride of the slave girl is the pride of the girl who knows that no other woman is the equal of herself." ~ Tribesmen, pgs. 332-333
Curiosity About Sex:
Naturally both free women and slaves, as both are women, are very much interested in one another's sexual activities. It is very natural. To be sure, unless the slave is a bred slave, most of this interest is on the part of the free women, for the slaves have usually, at one time or another, been free women, and have a very good idea of how narrow, dull, limited and mediocre is the sex life of the free woman. Indeed, the matter is paradoxical, for free women have a tendency both to inquire eagerly into the behaviours expected of slaves, and enjoined upon them, and, at the same time, commonly profess horror and scandal at what they hear. ~ Renegades, pgs. 403-404
I saw that she was terribly jealous of the attention which men might bestow upon the slave, but how could that be, for she was, by her account, infinitely superior of the slave, and she was free? ~ Renegades, pg. 84
" ‘Why are there so few slaves among the wagons?’ I asked. " ‘The free women kill them,’ said Hurtha." "She was exactly the sort of female which, in her helplessness and collar, in her vulnerability and brief tunic, tends to inspire jealous hatred, sometimes bordering almost on madness, in free women, particularly homely and sexually frustrated ones." ~ Dancer, pg. 50
" 'Slave girls, Mistress?' I asked. 'Yes,' she said. 'They are stinking, meaningless, lascivious little sluts who have been slaves in the arms of Gorean men. It has spoiled them for freedom. They are worthless, sensuous little beasts whose passions Gorean men have seen fit, as cruel masters, to ignite. Their sexuality, their shamelessness, their need, their helplessness, makes them an insult to free women.'" ~ Fighting Slave, pg. 63
Social Pressures:
She ties her master's sandals; she looks up at him; she loves; she serves; she is the female. The slave girl, it might be mentioned, in connection with the "releasing effects" of the collar, is relieved of many social pressures to which the free women, because of her freedom, must remain subject. The free woman, for example, may fear that men will learn of her sexual vitality. It would not do for them to know that she, that a lofty creature, on the couch, is a helpless, panting, licking she-sleen. The slave girl, on the other hand, does not have this problem. She knows that she belongs to a category of women toward which respect need not shown, and will not be shown. ~ Guardsman, pg. 210
Feared By Slaves:
"Most slave girls, incidentally, fear free women greatly." ~ Captive, pg. 197
Feared By Slaves:
"Slave girls fear free women muchly. It is almost as if there was some unspoken war between them, almost as if they might be mortal enemies. In such a war, or such an enmity, of course, the slave girl is completely at the mercy of the free person; she is only slave. One of the great fears of a slave girl is that she will be sold to a woman. Free women treat their female slaves with incredible hatred and cruelty. Why this is I do not know. Some say it is because they, the free women, envy the girls their collars and wish that they, too, were collared, and at the complete mercy of masters." ~ Marauders, pg. 154
Most Interesting Thing:
"The most interesting thing about them was that they could be seized and enslaved. After that they might become of real interest to a man. ~ Mercenaries, pg. 346
"Some porridge has been spoiled," I said, "It doubtless overflowed the sides of the bowl when you pressed your face into it. That can happen when one feeds too greedily, too enthusiastically. One expects a woman to feed more delicately, more daintily. To be sure you are a free woman, and may eat much as you wish. Still, such feeding habits would disgust a tarsk. If a slave fed anything like that, she would be under the whip within the Ehn." ~ Renegades, pg. 74
The principle he had alluded to pertains to conduct in a free woman which is take as sufficient to warrant her reduction to slavery. The most common application of the principle occurs in areas such as fraud and theft. Other applications may occur, for example, in cases of indecency and vagrancy. Prostitution, rare on Gor because of female slaves, is another case. The women are taken, enslaved, cleaned up and controlled. Indulgence in sensous dance is another case. Sensuous dance is almost always performed by slaves on Gor. A free woman who preforms such dancing publicly is almost begging for a collar. In some cities the sentence of bondage is mandatory for such a woman. ~ Renegades, pg. 372
"This thing is free!" cried the fellow, giving the Lady Temione another shake. "How dare you send it to my table! I do not want it! Send me a female! Send me a woman! ~ Renegades, pg. 78
Many free women regard themselves, without justification, as marvellous prizes. It can come a great shock to them to suddenly realize they are, for most practical purposes, worthtless. This rejection had shaken her profoundly, Like many free woman she probably regarded herself as inordinately attractive. ~ Renegades, pg. 79
Subjection of Slaves:
I wondered if the free woman really thought that the subjection of slaves to orders ended with such matters as cooking and cleaning, the polishing of leather, and such, and that they would not be similarly subject to orders, and also absolutely, where the intimae, marvellous, precious, private, delicious realms of the furs were concerned. ~ Renegades, pg. 81
It is one thing for a free woman, tearfully, while in the dignity of robes and veil, to attempt to impose on a fellow's gullibility or good nature, and quite another for her to do so when she is unclothed. When a woman is naked it is sometimes hard for a man not to see her as a female. ~ Renegades, pg. 98
If Enslaved:
"Should you become a slave," I said, "submit yourself to your sisters in bondage, not as one who was recently a free woman but as one who is now the lowest and most ignorant of slaves, the humblest of tyros and novices. Watch them. Learn from them. Serve them. Bring them small treats which you might earn. beg them to help you, to teach you their ways, their arts and secrets. Even such small things as the use of the tongue can make a great difference in whether you survive or not." ~ Renegades, pg. 165
Coin Value:
" ‘This coin,’ I said, ‘when you were put out in the morning if you were used tonight, was to be tied there. It signifies to all who see it that you have served a man. You are given a coin because you are a free woman. That is your payment. To be sure, it is the smallest-denomination coin in common circulation. It is, thus a comment on your value.’ " ~ Mercenaries, pg. 392
Utterance of Master:
"If and when a free woman should utter this, in the Gorean culture, of course, this sort of thing is very significant. Indeed, in some cities such things as kneeling before a man, or addressing him as "Master" effects legal imbondment on the female, being interpreted as a gesture of submission." ~ Players, pg. 139
Seldom Raped:
"There seem to be two major reasons why free women are seldom raped on Gor. first, it is thought that they, being free, are to be accorded the highest respect, and secondly, slave females are regarded as being much more desirable." ~ Guardsman, pg. 184
Harsh Treatment:
"This harsh treatment, incidentally, when she is thought to deserve it, may even be inflicted on a free companion, in spite of the fact that she is free and usually much loved. According to the Gorean way of looking at things a taste of the slave ring is thought to be occasionally beneficial to all women, even the exalted free woman. Thus when she has been irritable or otherwise troublesome even a Free Companion may find herself at the foot of the couch looking forward to a pleasant night on the stones, stripped, with neither mat nor blanket, chained to the slave ring precisely as though she were a lowly slave girl. It is the Gorean way of reminding her, should she need to be reminded, that she, too, is a woman, and thus to be dominated, to be subject to men. Should she be tempted to forget this basic fact of Gorean life the slave ring set in the bottom of each Gorean couch is there to refresh her memory. Gor is a mans world." ~ Priest Kings, pg. 67
A Riddle:
"The Free Woman is a riddle, the answer to which is the collar." ~ Magicians, pg. 50
Permitted To Become Unkempt:
The lovely figures of slave girls are not accidents, only Free Women are permitted to become unkempt or gross.~ Guardsman, pg. 264
Envious of Slaves:
Indeed it was known that some free women actually envied their lightly clad sisters in bondage, free, though wearing a collar, to come and go much as they pleased, to feel the wind on the high bridges, the arms of a Master who celebrated their beauty and claimed them as his own. ~ Outlaw, pg. 66
Natural Set of Masters:
"Goreans, in their simplistic fashion, often contend, categorically, that man is naturally free and woman is naturally slave. But even for them the issues are far more complex than these simple formulations would suggest. For example, there is no higher person, nor one more respected, than the Gorean free woman. Goreans do believe, however, that every woman has a natural master or set of masters, with respect to whom she could not help but be a complete and passionate slave girl. These men occur in her dreams and fantasies. She lives in terror that she might meet one in real life." ~ Hunters, pg. 311
Unable to Compete:
"…no free woman, because she is free, can truly compete for the attention of a man as can a slave girl." ~ Fighting Slave, pg. 217
"An ignorant free woman is a commonplace. An ignorant slave is an absurdity" ~ Savages, pg. 196
Beauty Enhanced In Slavery:
"Any beauty a free woman has, for example, is enhanced a thousandfold when she becomes a slave." ~ Players, pg. 92
Slaves More Desirable:
"In any contest of desirability the free woman must always lose out to the slave" ~ Mercenaries, pg. 346
Slaves More Interesting:
"The female slave, yours in her servitude, is ten thousand times more interesting than a free woman could ever dream of being" ~ Mercenaries, pg. 346
"It is pleasant to take a proud free woman and teach her her womanhood" ~ Vagabonds, pg. 58
Couching Price/Worth Differences - Slaves Curiosity - Sex Jealousy
Contempt Pressures Feared - Slaves Interesting Etiquette
Rejection Subjection Unclothed If Enslaved Coin Value
Utterance Seldom Raped Treatment A Riddle Unkempt
Envious Set - Masters Compete Ignorance Slavery
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Cruelty: women, it is no secret, in many respects, envy their enslaved sisters, their beauty, their joy, their attractiveness to men; this may explain why free women are often quite cruel to slave girls. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 97
Free women are often cruel to beautiful female slaves. They put us under terrigying discipline. Perhaps they sense in us something of greater interest to men than themselves, something which constitutes to them a threat, something which is subtly competitive, and successfuly so, to them. ~ Slave Girl, pgs. 291-291
"There are few things a female slave fears more than a free female. Female slaves, so helpless in their collars, so much at the mercy of any free person whatsoever, live in terror of such females, for they know that they despise and hate them." ~ Mercenaries, pg. 328
It is sometimes hard to understand the hatred of the free female for her imbonded sister. It has to do…with the venomous jealousy of a woman who has taken an unhappy, path, a road commended to her by many but one which she discovered leads only to her ultimate frustration, misery and lack of fulfillment. No woman is truly happy until she occupies her place in the order or nature. ~ Mercenaries, pg. 219
Some veils are held not with pins but with hooks or cords, passing about the back of the head. Others are a part of the hook itself. With the hooked cords, which can fasten the hood more or less closely about the neck, like a cloak, I fastened the veil in place. She then looked at me, well silenced. ~ Renegades, pg. 90
Veils are worn in various numbers and combinations by Gorean free women, this tending to vary by preference and caste. Many low-class Gorean women own only a single veil which must do for all purposes...The veil, it might be noted, is not legally imperative for a free woman; it is rather a matter of modesty and custom. Some low-class, uncompanioned, free girls do not wear veils. Similarly certain bold free women neglect the veil. Neglect of the veil is not a crime in Gorean cities, though in some it is deemed a brazen and scandalous omission. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 107
Free women, drinking, commonly lift their veil, or veils, with the left hand. Low-caste free women, if veiled, usually do the same. Sometimes, however, particularly if they are in public, they will drink through their veil, or veils. Sometimes, of course, free women will drink unveiled, even with guests. Much depends upon how well the individuals are known, and who is present. In their homes, of course, with only the members of their families present, or servants and slaves, most free women do not veil themselves, even those of high caste. ~ Fighting Slave, pg. 276
Veils [Unveiled]:
"In some cities an unveiled free woman is susceptible to being taken into custody by guardsmen, veiled, by force if necessary, and publicly conducted back to her home... Repeated offences in such a city usually result in the enslavement of the female." ~ Players, pg. 125
"In some cities an unveiled free woman is susceptible to being taken into custody by guardsmen, veiled, by force if necessary, and publicly conducted back to her home... Repeated offenses in such a city usually result in the enslavement of the female." ~ Players, pg. 125
Veils [5 Described]:
Eta, from behind me, pinned the first of five beils, about my face. It was light, and shimmering, of white silk, almost transparent. Then, one after the other, she added the freedom veil, or veil of the citizeness, the pride veil, the house veil, and street veil. Each of these is heavier and more opaque then the one which lies within. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 107
Veils [Street]:
The street veil, worn publicly, is extremely bulky, quite heavy and completely opaque: not even the lineaments of the nose and cheeks are discernible when it is worn... ~ Slave Girl, pg. 107
Veils [House]:
...the house veil is worn indoors when there are those present who are not of the household, as in conversing with or entertaining associates of one's companion. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 107
Veils [Various Numbers And Combinations]:
Veils are worn in various numbers and combinations by Gorean free women, this tending to vary by preference and caste. Many low-class Gorean women own only a single veil which must do for all purposes. Not all high-caste women wear a large number of veils. A free woman, publicly, will commonly wear one or two veils; a frequent combination is the light veil, or last veil, and the house or street veil. Rich, vain women of high caste may wear ostentatiously as many as nine or ten veils. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 107
Veils [Not Legally Imperative]:
The veil, it might be noted, is not legally imperative for a free woman; it is rather a matter of modesty and custom. Some low-=class, uncompanioned, free girls do not wear veils. Similarly certain bold free women neglect the veil. Neglect of the veil is not a crime in Gorean cities, though in some it is deemed a brazen and scandalous omission. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 107
"Free women, in most of the high cities on Gor, particularly those of higher caste, go veiled in public. Also they commonly wear the robes of concealment, which cover them from head to toe. Even gloves are often worn. There are many reasons for this, having to do with modesty, security, and such." ~ Magicians, pg. 12
Many Gorean women, in their haughtiness and pride, do not choose to have their features exposed to the common view. They are too fine and noble to be looked upon by the casual rabble. Similarly the robes of concealment worn by many Gorean women are doubtless dictated by the same sentiments. On the other hand veiling is a not impractical modesty in a culture in where capture, and the chain and the whip are not unknown. One not regarded as inconsiderable, is that it is supposed to provide something of a protection against abduction and perdition. Who would wish to risk his life, it is said, to carry off a woman who might, when roped to a tree and stripped, turn out to be as ugly as a tharlarion? ~ Rogue, pg. ??
"Free women, incidentally, among the Wagon Peoples are not permitted to wear silk: it is claimed by those of the Wagons, delightfully I think, that any women who loves the feel of silk on her body is, in the secrecy of her heart and blood , a slave girl, whether or not some master has yet forced her to don the collar." ~ Nomads, pg. 58
`In Ar's Station,' he said, `as in Ar, robes of concealment, precisely, are not legally obligatory for free women, no more than the veil. Such things are a matter of custom. On the other hand, as you know, there are statutes prescribing certain standards of decorum for free women. For example, they may not appear naked in the streets, as may slaves. Indeed, a free woman who appears in public in violation of these standards of decorum, for example, with her arms or legs too much bared, may be made a slave.' ~ Renegades, pg. 367
" On Gor, men sit cross-legged, not women. The Gorean female, whether free or slave, whether of low caste or high caste, kneels. This posture on the part of women, aping that of men, is a provocation. I had seen panther girls in the north, in their desire to repudiate their own nature, and in their envy of men, adopt such a posture." ~ Magicians, pg. 118
"Aphris of Turia, pleased with herself, assumed her place between the merchant and Kamchak, kneeling back on her heels in the position of the Gorean Free Woman. Her back was very straight and her head high, in the Gorean fashion." ~ Nomads, pg. 94
"Any free woman who voluntarily couches with another’s slave, or readies herself to do so, becomes the slave of the slave’s master. By such an act, the couching with, or the readying herself to couch with, a slave, as though she might be a girl of the slave’s master, thrown to the slave, she shows herself as no more than a slave, and in this act, in law, becomes a slave." ~ Magicians, pg. 303
I had recalled that he had told me that although the use of an inn girl would cost me, in these times, three copper tarsks for only a quarter of an Ahn, I might have the free woman working in the paga room for an Ahn for only a tarsk bit. To be sure, that perhaps overrated her value considerably, as she was only a free woman. Whereas free women, technically, are priceless, that are also, usually, in bed worthless. They are not worthy of kneeling and humbly holding a candle within a thousand pasangs of a slave. To be sure, they commonly hold an inflated opinion of their expertise and desirability. ~ Renegades, pg. 63
Differences From Slaves:
The slave girl is in a totally different category from the free woman. It is the difference between being a person and being property, between being a respected, legally autonomous entity, entitled to dignity and pride, and being a domestic animal. The same fellow who will go to ubsurd lengths to please a free woman, and even make a fool of himself over her, will, even with the same woman, if she has been enslaved, simply gesture her with whip, and without a second thought, to the furs. ~ Renegades, pg. 65
Differences From Slaves:
"One of the major differences between the slave and free sister is that the slave is generally far more sexually fulfilled than her free sister. This is not to say that a slave may not occasionally be made to beg for sex, or that she may not, upon occasion, have to beg for it. These things help her to understand that she has sexual needs, and that whether or not these needs are to be satisfied, is at the option of the master. ~ Dancer, pg. 298
Differences From Slaves:
"How well, if haughtily, she now walked. I considered the walks of free women, and of slaves. How few free women really walk their beauty, perhaps they are ashamed of it, or fear it. Few free women walk in such a way as to display their beauty, as a slave must." "The long garments, usually worn by free women, such as that now worn be Boabissia, might cover certain defects of gait perhaps, but when one’s legs are bared, as a slave’s commonly are, one must walk with beauty and grace. Too, given the scantiness of many slave garments, it is sometimes necessary to walk with exquisite care." ~ Mercenaries, pg. 207
Differences From Slaves:
"As women, there is no comparison between a free women and her imbonded sister. Perhaps that is why free woman so hate slaves. To be sure, there is something to be said of free women. It is enjoyable to capture, enslave and train them. That is interesting. But then in a matter of time, one is not then dealing with a free woman, but another slave." ~ Mercenaries, pg. 319
Differences From Slaves:
"There is a difference" laughed Hassan, "between the pride of a free woman and the pride of the slave girl. The pride of a free woman is the pride of a woman who feels herself to be the equal of a man. The pride of the slave girl is the pride of the girl who knows that no other woman is the equal of herself." ~ Tribesmen, pgs. 332-333
Curiosity About Sex:
Naturally both free women and slaves, as both are women, are very much interested in one another's sexual activities. It is very natural. To be sure, unless the slave is a bred slave, most of this interest is on the part of the free women, for the slaves have usually, at one time or another, been free women, and have a very good idea of how narrow, dull, limited and mediocre is the sex life of the free woman. Indeed, the matter is paradoxical, for free women have a tendency both to inquire eagerly into the behaviours expected of slaves, and enjoined upon them, and, at the same time, commonly profess horror and scandal at what they hear. ~ Renegades, pgs. 403-404
I saw that she was terribly jealous of the attention which men might bestow upon the slave, but how could that be, for she was, by her account, infinitely superior of the slave, and she was free? ~ Renegades, pg. 84
" ‘Why are there so few slaves among the wagons?’ I asked. " ‘The free women kill them,’ said Hurtha." "She was exactly the sort of female which, in her helplessness and collar, in her vulnerability and brief tunic, tends to inspire jealous hatred, sometimes bordering almost on madness, in free women, particularly homely and sexually frustrated ones." ~ Dancer, pg. 50
" 'Slave girls, Mistress?' I asked. 'Yes,' she said. 'They are stinking, meaningless, lascivious little sluts who have been slaves in the arms of Gorean men. It has spoiled them for freedom. They are worthless, sensuous little beasts whose passions Gorean men have seen fit, as cruel masters, to ignite. Their sexuality, their shamelessness, their need, their helplessness, makes them an insult to free women.'" ~ Fighting Slave, pg. 63
Social Pressures:
She ties her master's sandals; she looks up at him; she loves; she serves; she is the female. The slave girl, it might be mentioned, in connection with the "releasing effects" of the collar, is relieved of many social pressures to which the free women, because of her freedom, must remain subject. The free woman, for example, may fear that men will learn of her sexual vitality. It would not do for them to know that she, that a lofty creature, on the couch, is a helpless, panting, licking she-sleen. The slave girl, on the other hand, does not have this problem. She knows that she belongs to a category of women toward which respect need not shown, and will not be shown. ~ Guardsman, pg. 210
Feared By Slaves:
"Most slave girls, incidentally, fear free women greatly." ~ Captive, pg. 197
Feared By Slaves:
"Slave girls fear free women muchly. It is almost as if there was some unspoken war between them, almost as if they might be mortal enemies. In such a war, or such an enmity, of course, the slave girl is completely at the mercy of the free person; she is only slave. One of the great fears of a slave girl is that she will be sold to a woman. Free women treat their female slaves with incredible hatred and cruelty. Why this is I do not know. Some say it is because they, the free women, envy the girls their collars and wish that they, too, were collared, and at the complete mercy of masters." ~ Marauders, pg. 154
Most Interesting Thing:
"The most interesting thing about them was that they could be seized and enslaved. After that they might become of real interest to a man. ~ Mercenaries, pg. 346
"Some porridge has been spoiled," I said, "It doubtless overflowed the sides of the bowl when you pressed your face into it. That can happen when one feeds too greedily, too enthusiastically. One expects a woman to feed more delicately, more daintily. To be sure you are a free woman, and may eat much as you wish. Still, such feeding habits would disgust a tarsk. If a slave fed anything like that, she would be under the whip within the Ehn." ~ Renegades, pg. 74
The principle he had alluded to pertains to conduct in a free woman which is take as sufficient to warrant her reduction to slavery. The most common application of the principle occurs in areas such as fraud and theft. Other applications may occur, for example, in cases of indecency and vagrancy. Prostitution, rare on Gor because of female slaves, is another case. The women are taken, enslaved, cleaned up and controlled. Indulgence in sensous dance is another case. Sensuous dance is almost always performed by slaves on Gor. A free woman who preforms such dancing publicly is almost begging for a collar. In some cities the sentence of bondage is mandatory for such a woman. ~ Renegades, pg. 372
"This thing is free!" cried the fellow, giving the Lady Temione another shake. "How dare you send it to my table! I do not want it! Send me a female! Send me a woman! ~ Renegades, pg. 78
Many free women regard themselves, without justification, as marvellous prizes. It can come a great shock to them to suddenly realize they are, for most practical purposes, worthtless. This rejection had shaken her profoundly, Like many free woman she probably regarded herself as inordinately attractive. ~ Renegades, pg. 79
Subjection of Slaves:
I wondered if the free woman really thought that the subjection of slaves to orders ended with such matters as cooking and cleaning, the polishing of leather, and such, and that they would not be similarly subject to orders, and also absolutely, where the intimae, marvellous, precious, private, delicious realms of the furs were concerned. ~ Renegades, pg. 81
It is one thing for a free woman, tearfully, while in the dignity of robes and veil, to attempt to impose on a fellow's gullibility or good nature, and quite another for her to do so when she is unclothed. When a woman is naked it is sometimes hard for a man not to see her as a female. ~ Renegades, pg. 98
If Enslaved:
"Should you become a slave," I said, "submit yourself to your sisters in bondage, not as one who was recently a free woman but as one who is now the lowest and most ignorant of slaves, the humblest of tyros and novices. Watch them. Learn from them. Serve them. Bring them small treats which you might earn. beg them to help you, to teach you their ways, their arts and secrets. Even such small things as the use of the tongue can make a great difference in whether you survive or not." ~ Renegades, pg. 165
Coin Value:
" ‘This coin,’ I said, ‘when you were put out in the morning if you were used tonight, was to be tied there. It signifies to all who see it that you have served a man. You are given a coin because you are a free woman. That is your payment. To be sure, it is the smallest-denomination coin in common circulation. It is, thus a comment on your value.’ " ~ Mercenaries, pg. 392
Utterance of Master:
"If and when a free woman should utter this, in the Gorean culture, of course, this sort of thing is very significant. Indeed, in some cities such things as kneeling before a man, or addressing him as "Master" effects legal imbondment on the female, being interpreted as a gesture of submission." ~ Players, pg. 139
Seldom Raped:
"There seem to be two major reasons why free women are seldom raped on Gor. first, it is thought that they, being free, are to be accorded the highest respect, and secondly, slave females are regarded as being much more desirable." ~ Guardsman, pg. 184
Harsh Treatment:
"This harsh treatment, incidentally, when she is thought to deserve it, may even be inflicted on a free companion, in spite of the fact that she is free and usually much loved. According to the Gorean way of looking at things a taste of the slave ring is thought to be occasionally beneficial to all women, even the exalted free woman. Thus when she has been irritable or otherwise troublesome even a Free Companion may find herself at the foot of the couch looking forward to a pleasant night on the stones, stripped, with neither mat nor blanket, chained to the slave ring precisely as though she were a lowly slave girl. It is the Gorean way of reminding her, should she need to be reminded, that she, too, is a woman, and thus to be dominated, to be subject to men. Should she be tempted to forget this basic fact of Gorean life the slave ring set in the bottom of each Gorean couch is there to refresh her memory. Gor is a mans world." ~ Priest Kings, pg. 67
A Riddle:
"The Free Woman is a riddle, the answer to which is the collar." ~ Magicians, pg. 50
Permitted To Become Unkempt:
The lovely figures of slave girls are not accidents, only Free Women are permitted to become unkempt or gross.~ Guardsman, pg. 264
Envious of Slaves:
Indeed it was known that some free women actually envied their lightly clad sisters in bondage, free, though wearing a collar, to come and go much as they pleased, to feel the wind on the high bridges, the arms of a Master who celebrated their beauty and claimed them as his own. ~ Outlaw, pg. 66
Natural Set of Masters:
"Goreans, in their simplistic fashion, often contend, categorically, that man is naturally free and woman is naturally slave. But even for them the issues are far more complex than these simple formulations would suggest. For example, there is no higher person, nor one more respected, than the Gorean free woman. Goreans do believe, however, that every woman has a natural master or set of masters, with respect to whom she could not help but be a complete and passionate slave girl. These men occur in her dreams and fantasies. She lives in terror that she might meet one in real life." ~ Hunters, pg. 311
Unable to Compete:
"…no free woman, because she is free, can truly compete for the attention of a man as can a slave girl." ~ Fighting Slave, pg. 217
"An ignorant free woman is a commonplace. An ignorant slave is an absurdity" ~ Savages, pg. 196
Beauty Enhanced In Slavery:
"Any beauty a free woman has, for example, is enhanced a thousandfold when she becomes a slave." ~ Players, pg. 92
Slaves More Desirable:
"In any contest of desirability the free woman must always lose out to the slave" ~ Mercenaries, pg. 346
Slaves More Interesting:
"The female slave, yours in her servitude, is ten thousand times more interesting than a free woman could ever dream of being" ~ Mercenaries, pg. 346
"It is pleasant to take a proud free woman and teach her her womanhood" ~ Vagabonds, pg. 58
Discipline Quotes
By Free Quadruped Staked Lintel Protesting
Leather Philosophies Awaiting Chain Sister Binding
Slave Box Striking A FP Slave Goad Back To Main Page
Attended By Any Free:
"The discipline of a slave may be attended to by any free person, otherwise she might do much what she wished, provided only her Master did not learn of it. The legal principle is clear, and has been upheld in several courts, in several cities, including Ar." ~ Magicians, pg. 122
" ‘…the discipline of she-quadruped.’ I said." "In this discipline the female is forbidden human speech. She is also forbidden human posture, in the sense that she is not allowed to rise to her feet. her locomotion, unless commanded to roll, or under similar commands, suitable for a pet, will be on all fours. Her food will be thrown to her, or put in pans on the ground. In either case, she must feed without the use of her hands. She may also, of course, be fed by hand, but, again, will not be permitted to touch the food with her hands. She may be taught tricks. Sometimes these are taught as functions of arbitrary sounds, so that she must learn them as any animal might, without the benefit of an earlier understanding of the words used. If she is low to learn, of course, she is punished as would be any other animal. When used, too, it ill commonly be in the modality of the she-quadruped. This discipline is often used as punishment, but it may also figure in the training of a new girl. It helps her to understand what she now is, an animal totally subject to her master." ~ Mercenaries, pg. 215
Seeing herself the object of our attention the girl lying on her side in the mud shrank back, pressing her back against the heavy stake, some eight inches in diameter, it sunk deeply in the mud. She did not meet our eyes. She was naked, and dirty. She was chained to the stake by a heavy chain, it looped three times about the stake, tight in a groove, and bolted in place, then looped twice about her neck and fastened there by a padlock. She could not move more than four feet from the stake." ~ Mercenaries, pg. 215
Bound To Lintel:
"Outside to the entrance of this enclosure, where the girls could see it, among and going was a simple structure of three heavy, squared timbers, two of which were upright, and the third fixed upon them, crosswise, in the manner of a lintel. In the underside of the horizontal beam there was a fixed stout ring, from which cords dangled. In these cords, her wrists were crossed and bound over her head, there was now a fair prisoner. On the outside surface of the horizontal beam, the side facing up, there was two hooks, over which there hung a sign. The hooks are permanent fixtures, the signs may be changed, if one wishes to use them at all, depending on the error, deficiency or offense. This sign read, ‘I was not fully pleasing to my master of the night, Punish me. Use whip at left.’ " ~ Mercenaries, pg. 216
When Protesting Discipline:
"We may protest, of course, if the masters see fit to permit it," said Mira, "but then, when we are finished, our discipline is reimposed upon us, perhaps even more severely." "Discipline?" breathed the girl. "Yes," said Mira, 'the slave girl is subject to discipline and punishment. She is owned, like a sleen or tarsk is owned. She is owned, literally owned, You must understand that in its full sense. Accordingly, anything may be done with her that the master wishes. She may even be slain, if the master wishes." "Then the slave girl is totally helpless," said the girl. "She is totally at the mercy of the master." "Yes," said Mira. "I would like that," said the girl. "Oh?" asked Mira. "Are you happy?" asked the girl. "Yes, incredibly so." "Do you not desire freedom?" asked the girl. "The only freedom I would now desire," said Mira "would be the freedom to be totally a slave." ~ Blood Brothers, pg. 296
Leather In Flight:
I heard the swift sound of the leather in flight. Never had I heard it approach so swiftly. After the fourth blow I could no longer hold position. "Tie me at the slave ring," I begged. "Put me at a post, Master!" I lay on the block on my stomach, my hands over my head. There was sawdust on my lips and face. I could not, after the second blow, scream. Yet he struck me only ten times. I cried, lying on the block, punished. I felt him thrust a steel collar about my throat, and lock it. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 438
Diverse Philosophies Of:
There are diverse philosophies of discipline. Some masters believe a girl should be whipped only privately. Others believe she should be whipped whenever and wherever she deserves it, immediately, while her offense, such as it is, is fresh in her mind. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 412
Waiting For Punishment:
Sometimes punishment is much more effective when a girl must wait for it. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 412
Discipline [Slave Not Whipped Before A Chain Sister]:
Generally a girl is not whipped before another girl who is owned by the same master. They only know, when the door is closed, that their sister in bondage is to be whipped. ~ Slave Girl, pgs. 412-413
Binding As Discipline:
Why then had I been bound? I supposed, perhaps, it was for purposes of discipline. Binding is excellent discipline. It is often used on this world for that purpose. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 103
Binding As Discipline:
Restraints, their psychological indignity and physical discomfort, particularly after a time, placed upon a girl by the will of a master, are among the simplest and most effective instruments of female instruction; they rank with food and the whip; a girl, under disciplinary binding, once released, is invariably eager to please; she does not wish to be rebound; the thongs have well apprised her of her place, which is at her master's feet. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 103
Slave Box:
I was locked inside. I could see a tiny slit of the outside through the aperture in the iron door, about a half an inch in height and seven inches in width. There was a somewhat larger opening at the foot of the door, about two inches in height and a foot wide. the box itself was square, with dimensions of perhaps one yard square. It was hot, and dark. ~ Captive, pg. 313
For Striking A FP [Impalement]:
When one who is slave strikes a free person the penalty is not infrequently death by impalement, preceded by lengthy torture. ~ Assassin, pg. 74
Slave Goad:
On the other side of the belt, there hung a slave goad, rather like the tarn goad, except that it is designed to be used as an instrument for the control of human beings rather than tarns...Unlike the tarn goad which has a simple on-off switch in the handle, the slave goad works with both a switch and a dial, and the intensity of the charge administered can be varied from an infliction which is only distinctly unpleasant to one which is instantly lethal. ~ Assassin, pg. 84
Leather Philosophies Awaiting Chain Sister Binding
Slave Box Striking A FP Slave Goad Back To Main Page
Attended By Any Free:
"The discipline of a slave may be attended to by any free person, otherwise she might do much what she wished, provided only her Master did not learn of it. The legal principle is clear, and has been upheld in several courts, in several cities, including Ar." ~ Magicians, pg. 122
" ‘…the discipline of she-quadruped.’ I said." "In this discipline the female is forbidden human speech. She is also forbidden human posture, in the sense that she is not allowed to rise to her feet. her locomotion, unless commanded to roll, or under similar commands, suitable for a pet, will be on all fours. Her food will be thrown to her, or put in pans on the ground. In either case, she must feed without the use of her hands. She may also, of course, be fed by hand, but, again, will not be permitted to touch the food with her hands. She may be taught tricks. Sometimes these are taught as functions of arbitrary sounds, so that she must learn them as any animal might, without the benefit of an earlier understanding of the words used. If she is low to learn, of course, she is punished as would be any other animal. When used, too, it ill commonly be in the modality of the she-quadruped. This discipline is often used as punishment, but it may also figure in the training of a new girl. It helps her to understand what she now is, an animal totally subject to her master." ~ Mercenaries, pg. 215
Seeing herself the object of our attention the girl lying on her side in the mud shrank back, pressing her back against the heavy stake, some eight inches in diameter, it sunk deeply in the mud. She did not meet our eyes. She was naked, and dirty. She was chained to the stake by a heavy chain, it looped three times about the stake, tight in a groove, and bolted in place, then looped twice about her neck and fastened there by a padlock. She could not move more than four feet from the stake." ~ Mercenaries, pg. 215
Bound To Lintel:
"Outside to the entrance of this enclosure, where the girls could see it, among and going was a simple structure of three heavy, squared timbers, two of which were upright, and the third fixed upon them, crosswise, in the manner of a lintel. In the underside of the horizontal beam there was a fixed stout ring, from which cords dangled. In these cords, her wrists were crossed and bound over her head, there was now a fair prisoner. On the outside surface of the horizontal beam, the side facing up, there was two hooks, over which there hung a sign. The hooks are permanent fixtures, the signs may be changed, if one wishes to use them at all, depending on the error, deficiency or offense. This sign read, ‘I was not fully pleasing to my master of the night, Punish me. Use whip at left.’ " ~ Mercenaries, pg. 216
When Protesting Discipline:
"We may protest, of course, if the masters see fit to permit it," said Mira, "but then, when we are finished, our discipline is reimposed upon us, perhaps even more severely." "Discipline?" breathed the girl. "Yes," said Mira, 'the slave girl is subject to discipline and punishment. She is owned, like a sleen or tarsk is owned. She is owned, literally owned, You must understand that in its full sense. Accordingly, anything may be done with her that the master wishes. She may even be slain, if the master wishes." "Then the slave girl is totally helpless," said the girl. "She is totally at the mercy of the master." "Yes," said Mira. "I would like that," said the girl. "Oh?" asked Mira. "Are you happy?" asked the girl. "Yes, incredibly so." "Do you not desire freedom?" asked the girl. "The only freedom I would now desire," said Mira "would be the freedom to be totally a slave." ~ Blood Brothers, pg. 296
Leather In Flight:
I heard the swift sound of the leather in flight. Never had I heard it approach so swiftly. After the fourth blow I could no longer hold position. "Tie me at the slave ring," I begged. "Put me at a post, Master!" I lay on the block on my stomach, my hands over my head. There was sawdust on my lips and face. I could not, after the second blow, scream. Yet he struck me only ten times. I cried, lying on the block, punished. I felt him thrust a steel collar about my throat, and lock it. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 438
Diverse Philosophies Of:
There are diverse philosophies of discipline. Some masters believe a girl should be whipped only privately. Others believe she should be whipped whenever and wherever she deserves it, immediately, while her offense, such as it is, is fresh in her mind. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 412
Waiting For Punishment:
Sometimes punishment is much more effective when a girl must wait for it. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 412
Discipline [Slave Not Whipped Before A Chain Sister]:
Generally a girl is not whipped before another girl who is owned by the same master. They only know, when the door is closed, that their sister in bondage is to be whipped. ~ Slave Girl, pgs. 412-413
Binding As Discipline:
Why then had I been bound? I supposed, perhaps, it was for purposes of discipline. Binding is excellent discipline. It is often used on this world for that purpose. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 103
Binding As Discipline:
Restraints, their psychological indignity and physical discomfort, particularly after a time, placed upon a girl by the will of a master, are among the simplest and most effective instruments of female instruction; they rank with food and the whip; a girl, under disciplinary binding, once released, is invariably eager to please; she does not wish to be rebound; the thongs have well apprised her of her place, which is at her master's feet. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 103
Slave Box:
I was locked inside. I could see a tiny slit of the outside through the aperture in the iron door, about a half an inch in height and seven inches in width. There was a somewhat larger opening at the foot of the door, about two inches in height and a foot wide. the box itself was square, with dimensions of perhaps one yard square. It was hot, and dark. ~ Captive, pg. 313
For Striking A FP [Impalement]:
When one who is slave strikes a free person the penalty is not infrequently death by impalement, preceded by lengthy torture. ~ Assassin, pg. 74
Slave Goad:
On the other side of the belt, there hung a slave goad, rather like the tarn goad, except that it is designed to be used as an instrument for the control of human beings rather than tarns...Unlike the tarn goad which has a simple on-off switch in the handle, the slave goad works with both a switch and a dial, and the intensity of the charge administered can be varied from an infliction which is only distinctly unpleasant to one which is instantly lethal. ~ Assassin, pg. 84
Dance Qutoes
Differences in Dance Satisfy Passions Rich & Varied Ornamented Femaleness Slave Dance Symbolism More Sensuous Men Respond Uninhibited Stirred Various Types Femininity Description Lesson - Biology Pole Dance
Differences in Dance
"There is no standardization, or little standardization, for better or for worse, in Gorean slave dance. Not only can the dances differ from city to city, and town to town, and even from tavern to tavern, but they are likely to differ, too, even from girl to girl. This is because each girl, in her own way, brings the nature of her own body, her own dispositions, her own sensuality and needs, her own personality, to the dance. For the woman, slave dance is a uniquely personal and creative art form. Too, of course, it provides her with a wondrous modality for deeply intimate self-expression. 'They all wear collars,' is the first portion of a familiar exchange, of which Goreans are fond. The second, and concluding, portion of the exchange is, 'But each in her collar is different.' This exchange, I think, makes clear the attitude of the Gorean toward the slave girl. In one sense, she is nothing, and is to be treated as such, but, in another sense, she is precious, and is everything." ~ Guardsman of Gor, Pg. 260
Expected To Satisfy Passions:
"The Gorean dancer is expected, usually, to satisfy the passions she arouses." ~ Players, pg. 26
Rich And Varied Dance:
"Slave dance," on Gor incidentally, is a very rich and varied dance form. It covers a great deal more than simple "ethnic dance." For example, it includes dances such as hunt dances, capture dances, submission dances, chain dances, whip dances, and such. Perhaps what is done in slave dance on Gor would count as "exotic dance" on Earth, but, if we are thinking of the actual kinds of dances performed, then there is much in slave dance, for example, story dances, which are seldom, if ever, included in "exotic dance" on Earth, and there are forms of dance in "exotic dance" which for one reason or another, are seldom, if ever, seen on Gor, for example, certain forms of carnival dancing, such as bubble dancing or fan dancing. Perhaps the reason such dances are seldom, if ever, seen on Gor, is that Goreans would be likely to regard them as being "real dance." They would be regarded, I think, as little more than culturally idiosyncratic forms of comedic teasing. They are, at any rate, not the sort of dance, or the "danse-du-ventre" sort, so pleasing to strong men, which a slave on Gor, fearing the whip must often learn to perform." ~ Dancer, pg. 172
Ornamented Dancer:
"I moved, warming up, preparing my muscles. I was intent, and careful. A dancer, of course, does not simply begin to dance. That can be dangerous. She warms up. It is like an athlete warming up, I suppose. As I warmed up, I could hear the jewellery on me, the tiny sounds of the skirt. Bells, too, marked these movements. I was belled. These I had fastened, in three lines, they fastened on a single thong, about my left ankle. Men, I sensed, somehow, would relish an ornamented woman, perhaps even one who was shamefully belled." ~ Dancer, pgs. 24-25
Femaleness Revealed:
"Only too obviously was this a trained dancer, and yet, too, there was far more than training involved. Too, I speak not of such relativity insignificant matters as the mere excellence of her figure for slave dance, as suitable and fitting as it might be for such andart form, for women with many figures can be superb in slave dance, or that she must possess a great natural talent for such a mode of expression, but something much deeper. In the nature of her dance I saw more than training, her figure, and her talent. Within this woman, revealing itself in the dance, in its rhythm, its joy, its spontaneity, its wonders, were untold depths of femaleness, a deep and radical femineity, unabashed and unapologetic, a rejoicing in her sex, a respect of it, a love of it, an acceptance of it and a celebration of it, a wanting of it, and of what she was, a woman, a slave, in all of its marvellousness." ~ Magicians, pgs. 53-54
Slave Dance:
"On Gor, dance of the sort in which I was expected to perform, is called, simply, 'slave dance.' That is presumably because it is a form of dance which, for the most part, is thought to be fit only for slaves, and would be performed only by slaves. The thought crossed my mind that the lovely woman who had been my teacher on Earth had once remarked to me, 'We are all slaves.' I think that is true." ~ Dancer, pg. 172
Slave Dance:
"The dance in the circle, as one might have gathered, was not the stately dance of free maidens, even in which, of course, the maidens, though scarcely admitting this even to themselves, experience something of the stimulatory voluptuousness of movement, but slave dance, that form of dance, in its thousands of variations, in which a female may excitingly and beautifully, marvellously and fulfillingly, express the depths and profoundities of her nature. In such dance the woman moves as a female, and shows herself as a female, in all her excitingness and beauty. It is no wonder that women love such dance, in which dance they are so desirable and beautiful, in which dance they feel so free, so sexual, so much a slave." ~ Magicians, pg. 44
Symbolism Within Dance:
"I, myself, saw the symbolism of the dance, and, I think, so, too, did Winyela, in a pattern far deeper than that of an ethnocentric idiosyncrasy. I saw the symbolism as being in accord with what is certainly one of the deepest and most pervasive themes of organic nature, that of dominance and submission. In the dance, as I chose to understand it, Winyela danced the glory of life and the natural order; in it she danced her submission to the might of men and the fulfillment of her own femaleness; in it she danced her desire to be owned, to feel passion, to give of herself, unstintingly, to surrender herself, rejoicing, to service and love." ~ Blood Brothers, pgs. 42-43
Slave Dance More Sensuous:
"The dancing of a slave is a thousand times more sensuous than that of a free woman because of the incredible meanings involved, the additional richness which this furnishes, the explosive significance of this comprehension, that she who dances is owned, and theoretically, could be owned by you." ~ Dancer, pg. 193
Seeing Men Respond:
"It is good for them to get the practice, hearing and seeing men respond to them. That is the way to learn what truly pleases men. In the end, I say, it is men who teach women to dance." ~ Assassin, pg. 91
Uninhibited Movements:
"I watched her, and marvelled. It is interesting to note that such movements, those of slave dances, despite the inhibitions of rigid cultures, may occur in a girl's sleep, and may even occur, almost spontaneously, when she, nude, alone, passes before a mirror in her bedroom. How shocked she may be to suddenly see her body move as that of a slave. Could it have been she who so moved? Later, perhaps to her surprise, she finds herself standing before the mirror. She is naked, and alone. Then, perhaps scarcely understanding what is occurring within her, she sees the girl in the mirror has begun to dance. The movements are not dissimilar perhaps to those of women who, thousands of years ago, danced in firelit caves before their masters. Then, knowing well that it is she herself who is the dancer, she dances brazenly, boldly, before the mirror. Well does she present her bared beauty before it in the movements, the attitudes and postures of the female slave. Then perhaps she falls to the rug, scratching at it, pressing her belly to it. 'I want a Master,' she whispers." ~ Explorers, pg. 362
Stirred To Dance:
"Then I knew I did not want to dance poorly. Out there were men, real men, many of whom excited and stirred me, even in my virgin's belly. I could scarcely imagine what it might be to be helpless in their arms, and at their heat and desire in them. They would not compromise with a woman like me. They would want her too much. They would throw her to their feet. They would dominate and master me, mercilessly! I was a female. In the arms of no other sort of man could I be fulfilled!" ~ Dancer, pg. 192
Various Types:
"To be sure, many of the dances of female slaves are lovely and sensuous; others of course, are piteous and orgasmic. In all fairness, though, one must note that there is a large variety of slave dances on Gor, and that there is some variation from city to city. The institution of female slavery on Gor is doubtless thousands of years old; accordingly it is natural that there should be great complexity and refinement in such a delicious art from as slave dance. There are even, it might be mentioned, hate dances and rebellion dances, or need dances , or love and submission dances; even the hate and rebellion dances, of course, conclude, inevitably, with the ultimate surrender of the girl to her master as a love slave." ~ Fighting Slave, pg. 288
Radical Femininity:
Only too obviously was this a trained dancer, and yet, too, there was far more than training involved. Too, I speak not of such relatively insignificant matters as the mere excellence of her figure for slave dance, as suitable and fitting as it might be for such an art form, for women with many figures can be superb in slave dance, or that she must possess a great natural talent for such a mode of expression, but something much deeper. In the nature of her dance I saw more than training, her figure, and her talent. Within this woman, revealing itself in the dance, in its rhythm, its joy, its spontaneity, its wonders, were untold depths of femaleness, a deep and radical femininity, unabashed and unapologetic, a rejoicing in her sex, a respect of it, a love of it, an acceptance of it and a celebration of it, a wanting of it, and of what she was, a woman, a slave, in all of its marvellousness." ~ Magicians, pgs. 53-54
Description Of Movements:
She scarcely moved, swaying, ankles close, arms over her head, wrists back to back, palms turned out. Yet she subtly danced, controlled by the musice of a single flute. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 293
Description Of Movements:
Then I began to dance the madness of my need, writing beneath the moons of Gor, clutching at them, turning, stamping my feet, swirling, crying out. ~ Captive, pg. 341
Profound Lesson In Biology:
"The dancing of the female before the male, that she be found pleasing and he be pleased, is one of the most profound lessons in all of human biology. Others are when she kneels before him, when she kisses his feet, when she performs obeisance, when she knows herself subject, truly, to his whip." ~ Dancer, pg.193
Pole Dance
"At the moment she writhed upon the 'slave pole,' it fixing her in place. There is no actual pole, of course, but sometimes it is difficult to believe there is not. The girl imagines that a pole, slender, supple, swaying, transfixed her body, holding her helplessly. About this imaginary pole, it constituting a hypothetical center of gravity, she moves, undulating, swaying, sometimes yielding to it in ecstasy, sometimes fighting it, it always holding her in perfect place, its captive. The control achieved by the use of the 'slave pole' is remarkable. An incredible, voluptuous tension is almost immediately generated, visible in the dancers body, and kinetically felt by those who watch." ~ Tribesman of Gor, Pg. 11
Differences in Dance
"There is no standardization, or little standardization, for better or for worse, in Gorean slave dance. Not only can the dances differ from city to city, and town to town, and even from tavern to tavern, but they are likely to differ, too, even from girl to girl. This is because each girl, in her own way, brings the nature of her own body, her own dispositions, her own sensuality and needs, her own personality, to the dance. For the woman, slave dance is a uniquely personal and creative art form. Too, of course, it provides her with a wondrous modality for deeply intimate self-expression. 'They all wear collars,' is the first portion of a familiar exchange, of which Goreans are fond. The second, and concluding, portion of the exchange is, 'But each in her collar is different.' This exchange, I think, makes clear the attitude of the Gorean toward the slave girl. In one sense, she is nothing, and is to be treated as such, but, in another sense, she is precious, and is everything." ~ Guardsman of Gor, Pg. 260
Expected To Satisfy Passions:
"The Gorean dancer is expected, usually, to satisfy the passions she arouses." ~ Players, pg. 26
Rich And Varied Dance:
"Slave dance," on Gor incidentally, is a very rich and varied dance form. It covers a great deal more than simple "ethnic dance." For example, it includes dances such as hunt dances, capture dances, submission dances, chain dances, whip dances, and such. Perhaps what is done in slave dance on Gor would count as "exotic dance" on Earth, but, if we are thinking of the actual kinds of dances performed, then there is much in slave dance, for example, story dances, which are seldom, if ever, included in "exotic dance" on Earth, and there are forms of dance in "exotic dance" which for one reason or another, are seldom, if ever, seen on Gor, for example, certain forms of carnival dancing, such as bubble dancing or fan dancing. Perhaps the reason such dances are seldom, if ever, seen on Gor, is that Goreans would be likely to regard them as being "real dance." They would be regarded, I think, as little more than culturally idiosyncratic forms of comedic teasing. They are, at any rate, not the sort of dance, or the "danse-du-ventre" sort, so pleasing to strong men, which a slave on Gor, fearing the whip must often learn to perform." ~ Dancer, pg. 172
Ornamented Dancer:
"I moved, warming up, preparing my muscles. I was intent, and careful. A dancer, of course, does not simply begin to dance. That can be dangerous. She warms up. It is like an athlete warming up, I suppose. As I warmed up, I could hear the jewellery on me, the tiny sounds of the skirt. Bells, too, marked these movements. I was belled. These I had fastened, in three lines, they fastened on a single thong, about my left ankle. Men, I sensed, somehow, would relish an ornamented woman, perhaps even one who was shamefully belled." ~ Dancer, pgs. 24-25
Femaleness Revealed:
"Only too obviously was this a trained dancer, and yet, too, there was far more than training involved. Too, I speak not of such relativity insignificant matters as the mere excellence of her figure for slave dance, as suitable and fitting as it might be for such andart form, for women with many figures can be superb in slave dance, or that she must possess a great natural talent for such a mode of expression, but something much deeper. In the nature of her dance I saw more than training, her figure, and her talent. Within this woman, revealing itself in the dance, in its rhythm, its joy, its spontaneity, its wonders, were untold depths of femaleness, a deep and radical femineity, unabashed and unapologetic, a rejoicing in her sex, a respect of it, a love of it, an acceptance of it and a celebration of it, a wanting of it, and of what she was, a woman, a slave, in all of its marvellousness." ~ Magicians, pgs. 53-54
Slave Dance:
"On Gor, dance of the sort in which I was expected to perform, is called, simply, 'slave dance.' That is presumably because it is a form of dance which, for the most part, is thought to be fit only for slaves, and would be performed only by slaves. The thought crossed my mind that the lovely woman who had been my teacher on Earth had once remarked to me, 'We are all slaves.' I think that is true." ~ Dancer, pg. 172
Slave Dance:
"The dance in the circle, as one might have gathered, was not the stately dance of free maidens, even in which, of course, the maidens, though scarcely admitting this even to themselves, experience something of the stimulatory voluptuousness of movement, but slave dance, that form of dance, in its thousands of variations, in which a female may excitingly and beautifully, marvellously and fulfillingly, express the depths and profoundities of her nature. In such dance the woman moves as a female, and shows herself as a female, in all her excitingness and beauty. It is no wonder that women love such dance, in which dance they are so desirable and beautiful, in which dance they feel so free, so sexual, so much a slave." ~ Magicians, pg. 44
Symbolism Within Dance:
"I, myself, saw the symbolism of the dance, and, I think, so, too, did Winyela, in a pattern far deeper than that of an ethnocentric idiosyncrasy. I saw the symbolism as being in accord with what is certainly one of the deepest and most pervasive themes of organic nature, that of dominance and submission. In the dance, as I chose to understand it, Winyela danced the glory of life and the natural order; in it she danced her submission to the might of men and the fulfillment of her own femaleness; in it she danced her desire to be owned, to feel passion, to give of herself, unstintingly, to surrender herself, rejoicing, to service and love." ~ Blood Brothers, pgs. 42-43
Slave Dance More Sensuous:
"The dancing of a slave is a thousand times more sensuous than that of a free woman because of the incredible meanings involved, the additional richness which this furnishes, the explosive significance of this comprehension, that she who dances is owned, and theoretically, could be owned by you." ~ Dancer, pg. 193
Seeing Men Respond:
"It is good for them to get the practice, hearing and seeing men respond to them. That is the way to learn what truly pleases men. In the end, I say, it is men who teach women to dance." ~ Assassin, pg. 91
Uninhibited Movements:
"I watched her, and marvelled. It is interesting to note that such movements, those of slave dances, despite the inhibitions of rigid cultures, may occur in a girl's sleep, and may even occur, almost spontaneously, when she, nude, alone, passes before a mirror in her bedroom. How shocked she may be to suddenly see her body move as that of a slave. Could it have been she who so moved? Later, perhaps to her surprise, she finds herself standing before the mirror. She is naked, and alone. Then, perhaps scarcely understanding what is occurring within her, she sees the girl in the mirror has begun to dance. The movements are not dissimilar perhaps to those of women who, thousands of years ago, danced in firelit caves before their masters. Then, knowing well that it is she herself who is the dancer, she dances brazenly, boldly, before the mirror. Well does she present her bared beauty before it in the movements, the attitudes and postures of the female slave. Then perhaps she falls to the rug, scratching at it, pressing her belly to it. 'I want a Master,' she whispers." ~ Explorers, pg. 362
Stirred To Dance:
"Then I knew I did not want to dance poorly. Out there were men, real men, many of whom excited and stirred me, even in my virgin's belly. I could scarcely imagine what it might be to be helpless in their arms, and at their heat and desire in them. They would not compromise with a woman like me. They would want her too much. They would throw her to their feet. They would dominate and master me, mercilessly! I was a female. In the arms of no other sort of man could I be fulfilled!" ~ Dancer, pg. 192
Various Types:
"To be sure, many of the dances of female slaves are lovely and sensuous; others of course, are piteous and orgasmic. In all fairness, though, one must note that there is a large variety of slave dances on Gor, and that there is some variation from city to city. The institution of female slavery on Gor is doubtless thousands of years old; accordingly it is natural that there should be great complexity and refinement in such a delicious art from as slave dance. There are even, it might be mentioned, hate dances and rebellion dances, or need dances , or love and submission dances; even the hate and rebellion dances, of course, conclude, inevitably, with the ultimate surrender of the girl to her master as a love slave." ~ Fighting Slave, pg. 288
Radical Femininity:
Only too obviously was this a trained dancer, and yet, too, there was far more than training involved. Too, I speak not of such relatively insignificant matters as the mere excellence of her figure for slave dance, as suitable and fitting as it might be for such an art form, for women with many figures can be superb in slave dance, or that she must possess a great natural talent for such a mode of expression, but something much deeper. In the nature of her dance I saw more than training, her figure, and her talent. Within this woman, revealing itself in the dance, in its rhythm, its joy, its spontaneity, its wonders, were untold depths of femaleness, a deep and radical femininity, unabashed and unapologetic, a rejoicing in her sex, a respect of it, a love of it, an acceptance of it and a celebration of it, a wanting of it, and of what she was, a woman, a slave, in all of its marvellousness." ~ Magicians, pgs. 53-54
Description Of Movements:
She scarcely moved, swaying, ankles close, arms over her head, wrists back to back, palms turned out. Yet she subtly danced, controlled by the musice of a single flute. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 293
Description Of Movements:
Then I began to dance the madness of my need, writing beneath the moons of Gor, clutching at them, turning, stamping my feet, swirling, crying out. ~ Captive, pg. 341
Profound Lesson In Biology:
"The dancing of the female before the male, that she be found pleasing and he be pleased, is one of the most profound lessons in all of human biology. Others are when she kneels before him, when she kisses his feet, when she performs obeisance, when she knows herself subject, truly, to his whip." ~ Dancer, pg.193
Pole Dance
"At the moment she writhed upon the 'slave pole,' it fixing her in place. There is no actual pole, of course, but sometimes it is difficult to believe there is not. The girl imagines that a pole, slender, supple, swaying, transfixed her body, holding her helplessly. About this imaginary pole, it constituting a hypothetical center of gravity, she moves, undulating, swaying, sometimes yielding to it in ecstasy, sometimes fighting it, it always holding her in perfect place, its captive. The control achieved by the use of the 'slave pole' is remarkable. An incredible, voluptuous tension is almost immediately generated, visible in the dancers body, and kinetically felt by those who watch." ~ Tribesman of Gor, Pg. 11
Loss Of Importance Betrayal - Codes No Mere Point 97th Aphorism
Dangerous Lies Hypocrisy Home Stones Impugn Honor Idea - Honor
Code - Warriors Back - Main Page
Loss Of:
"Yes," I said, "once long ago, in the delta of the Vosk, I lost my honor. I know that never can I find it again. That honor, which was to me my most precious possession, was lost. It is gone, and gone forever. It is like a tarn with wings of gold, that sits but once upon a warrior"s helm, and when it departs, it returns no more. It is gone, and gone forever." I looked at them, and looked, too, upward at the stars of the Gorean night. They were beautiful, like points of fire, marking the camps of the armies of the night. `Yes," I said, again regarding the men of Tyros, `I have lost my honor, but you must not understand by that I have forgotten it. On some nights, on such a night as this, sometimes, I recollect it." ~ Hunters, pg. 275-76
Importance Of:
"Honor is important to Goreans, in a way that those of Earth might find it hard to understand; for example, those of Earth find it natural that men should go to war over matters of gold and riches, but not honor; the Gorean, contrariwise, is more willing to submit matters of honor to the adjudication of steel than he is matters of riches and gold; there is a simple explanation for this; honor is more important to him." ~ Beasts, pg. 42
Betrayal of Codes:
"I once betrayed my codes," I said. "It is not my intention to do so again." I looked at her. `One does not know, truly what it is to stand, until one has fallen. Once one has fallen, then one knows, you see, what it is to stand." ~ Beasts, pg. 340
No Mere Point of Honor:
"You risked so much for a mere point of honor?" she asked. "There are no mere points of honor," I told her." ~ Vagabonds, pg. 63
97th Aphorism:
"The 97th Aphorism in the Codes I was taught," I said, "is in the form of a riddle: "What is invisible but more beautiful than diamonds?" "And the answer?" inquired Labenius. "That which is silent but deafens thunder." The men regarded one another. "And what is that?" asked Labenius. "The same," said I, "as that which depresses no scale but is weightier than gold." "And what is that?" asked Labenius. "Honor," I said." ~ Vagabonds, pgs. 304-05
Most Dangerous Lies:
"What of honor?" I asked. "An inconvenience," he said, "an impediment on the path to power." "You seem to me," I said, uncertainly, "one who might once have had honor." "I have outgrown it," he said. "The most dangerous lies," I said, "are those which we tell ourselves." ~ Vagabonds, pg. 468
Honor In Hypocrisy:
"But, why," I asked myself. "Should not, rather, one be more ashamed by deceit than the truth? Can there truly be a greater honor in hypocrisy than in honor? It does not seem so. We grow fond of our myths. Yet our myths are like walls of straw. Ultimately they must perish in the flames of truth." ~ Guardsman, pg. 257
When Speaking of Home Stones:
"One who speaks of Home Stones should stand, for matters of honor are involved here." ~ Tarnsman, pg. 27
Unwise to Impugn Honor:
It is seldom wise, incidentally, to impugn, or attempt to manipulate, the honor of a Gorean. ~ Mercenaries, pg. 297
Idea of Honor Involved:
When Goreans get the idea that honour is involved, they sudden become quite difficult to deal with. ~ Magicians, pg. 400
Code of Warriors:
The Code of the warriors, in general, characterized by a rudimentary chivalry, emphasizing loyalty to Pride Chiefs and the Home Stone. It was harsh , but with a certain gallantry, a sense of honor that I could respect. A man could do worse than live by such a code. ~ Tarnsman, pg. 41
Dangerous Lies Hypocrisy Home Stones Impugn Honor Idea - Honor
Code - Warriors Back - Main Page
Loss Of:
"Yes," I said, "once long ago, in the delta of the Vosk, I lost my honor. I know that never can I find it again. That honor, which was to me my most precious possession, was lost. It is gone, and gone forever. It is like a tarn with wings of gold, that sits but once upon a warrior"s helm, and when it departs, it returns no more. It is gone, and gone forever." I looked at them, and looked, too, upward at the stars of the Gorean night. They were beautiful, like points of fire, marking the camps of the armies of the night. `Yes," I said, again regarding the men of Tyros, `I have lost my honor, but you must not understand by that I have forgotten it. On some nights, on such a night as this, sometimes, I recollect it." ~ Hunters, pg. 275-76
Importance Of:
"Honor is important to Goreans, in a way that those of Earth might find it hard to understand; for example, those of Earth find it natural that men should go to war over matters of gold and riches, but not honor; the Gorean, contrariwise, is more willing to submit matters of honor to the adjudication of steel than he is matters of riches and gold; there is a simple explanation for this; honor is more important to him." ~ Beasts, pg. 42
Betrayal of Codes:
"I once betrayed my codes," I said. "It is not my intention to do so again." I looked at her. `One does not know, truly what it is to stand, until one has fallen. Once one has fallen, then one knows, you see, what it is to stand." ~ Beasts, pg. 340
No Mere Point of Honor:
"You risked so much for a mere point of honor?" she asked. "There are no mere points of honor," I told her." ~ Vagabonds, pg. 63
97th Aphorism:
"The 97th Aphorism in the Codes I was taught," I said, "is in the form of a riddle: "What is invisible but more beautiful than diamonds?" "And the answer?" inquired Labenius. "That which is silent but deafens thunder." The men regarded one another. "And what is that?" asked Labenius. "The same," said I, "as that which depresses no scale but is weightier than gold." "And what is that?" asked Labenius. "Honor," I said." ~ Vagabonds, pgs. 304-05
Most Dangerous Lies:
"What of honor?" I asked. "An inconvenience," he said, "an impediment on the path to power." "You seem to me," I said, uncertainly, "one who might once have had honor." "I have outgrown it," he said. "The most dangerous lies," I said, "are those which we tell ourselves." ~ Vagabonds, pg. 468
Honor In Hypocrisy:
"But, why," I asked myself. "Should not, rather, one be more ashamed by deceit than the truth? Can there truly be a greater honor in hypocrisy than in honor? It does not seem so. We grow fond of our myths. Yet our myths are like walls of straw. Ultimately they must perish in the flames of truth." ~ Guardsman, pg. 257
When Speaking of Home Stones:
"One who speaks of Home Stones should stand, for matters of honor are involved here." ~ Tarnsman, pg. 27
Unwise to Impugn Honor:
It is seldom wise, incidentally, to impugn, or attempt to manipulate, the honor of a Gorean. ~ Mercenaries, pg. 297
Idea of Honor Involved:
When Goreans get the idea that honour is involved, they sudden become quite difficult to deal with. ~ Magicians, pg. 400
Code of Warriors:
The Code of the warriors, in general, characterized by a rudimentary chivalry, emphasizing loyalty to Pride Chiefs and the Home Stone. It was harsh , but with a certain gallantry, a sense of honor that I could respect. A man could do worse than live by such a code. ~ Tarnsman, pg. 41
Gorean Ways
Pity Reverence - World On Living Regard - Enemies Being Gorean
Wisdom Breech - Code Judge & Scorn Betrayal - Nature Male & Female
Honoring Nature Self-Castration Swords Drawn Owed Nothing Strangers
Not Surrendering Swords of Others Respect Paradox Sensitivity - Names
Difficult To Fool Less Cynical Caring - Keeping Gorean Courtesy Guests' Use
"According to the Gorean way of thinking pity humiliates both he who pities and he who is pitied. According to the Gorean way, one may love but one may not pity." ~ Outlaw, pg. 31
Reverence of World:
"Goreans care for their world. They love the sky, the plains, the sea, the rain in the summer, the snow in the winter. They will sometimes stand and watch clouds. The movement of grass in the wind is very beautiful to them. More than one Gorean poet has sung of the leaf of a Tur tree. I have known warriors who cared for the beauty of small flowers." ~ Hunters, pg. 119
Reverence of World:
"The Goreans, often so cruel to one another, tend to have an affection for wildlife and growing things, which they regard as free, and thereby deserving of great respect." ~ Captive, pg. 238
On Living:
"Do not ask the stones or the trees how to live , they can not tell you ; they do not have tongues; do not ask the wise man how to live for, if he knows , he will know he cannot tell you; if you would learn how to live , do not ask the question; its answer is not in the question but in the answer, which is not in words; do not ask how to live, but, instead, proceed to do so." ~ Marauders, pg. 9
Regard of Enemies:
"Gorean enemies, if skilled, often hold one another in high regard." ~ Marauders, pg. 70
On Being Gorean:
"In the North my blood had found itself, learning itself; in the north I had learned strength, and how to stand alone. I thought of the Kurri. They were terrible foes. Suddenly, incredibly, I felt love for them. I recollected the head of the giant Kur, mounted on its stake, in the ruins of the hall of Svein Blue Tooth. One cannot be weak who meets such beasts. I laughed at the weakness instilled into the men of earth. Only men who are strong, without weakness, can meet such Beasts. One must match them in strength, in intellect, in terribleness, in ferocity. In the north I had grown strong. I suddenly realized the supreme power of the united Gorean will, not divided against itself, not weak, not crippled like the wills of earth. I felt a surge of power, of unprecedented, unexpected joy. I had discovered what it was to be Gorean. I had discovered what is was, truly, to be male, to be a man. I was Gorean." ~ Marauders, pb. 290
"Gone from my mind suddenly were the brooding on realities and truths that might not be disclosed to men. It is enough to know that they exist. One need not stand forever, one's face pressed against a wall that may not be penetrated. One must turn one's back in time upon the impenetrable wall. One must laugh, one must cry out, and be a man. Man can think; he must act. In the midst of impenetrable mysteries, not caring for him, beyond him, he behaves, he chooses, he acts. Wisdom decrees that the fruit of thought must not be planted where it cannot bear fruit." ~ Tribesmen, pg. 258
Breech of Code:
"We took her without your permission," said Bran Loort. "In this," said Thurnus, "you have committed a breach of code." "It does not matter to me," said Bran Loort. "Neither a plow, nor a bosk, nor a girl may one man take from another, saving with the owner's saying of it," quoted Thurnus." ~ Slave Girl, pg. 227-228
Judge and Scorn:
"You may judge and scorn Goreans as you wish. Know as well however that they judge and scorn you. They fulfill themselves as you do not. Hate them for their pride and power they will pity you for your shame and weakness." ~ Beasts, pg. 11
Betrayal of Nature:
"In denying it we deny our nature. In betraying it we betray no one but ourselves. The master will never be happy until he is a master. The slave will never be happy until she is a slave. It is what we are." ~ Explorers, pg. 159
Male & Female:
"Masculinity and femininity are complementary properties," I told her. "If a man wishes a woman to be more feminine, he must be more masculine. If a woman wishes a man to be more masculine, she must be more feminine." ~ Explorers, pg. 205
Honoring One's Nature:
"Is it not safer to cower in the caves of lies than to stand upon the cliffs of truth, surveying the world? Yet when one stands in the sunlight, and feels the winds of reality, how dank and shameful seem the dark shelters of falsehood, and how foolish it seems then to have once feared daylight and fresh air." ~ Fighting Slave, pg. 103
"If the men of Earth choose to surrender the birthright of their dominance, to exchange it for the garbage of a political perversion; if they should choose to deny their genes; if they should choose to subvert and violate the order of nature; if they should choose self- castration to manhood, that is, I suppose, their business." ~ Guardsman, pg. 152
Swords Drawn Over Women:
"Swords are often drawn on Gor over women, and particularly over lovely slaves. Women are prizes, perfections and treasures. It is no wonder that men fight over them with ferocity. Wars have been fought to recover a stolen slave." ~ Renegades, pg. 397
Slaves Owed Nothing:
"So, it is all the will of men?" she said, through her tears. "All the debts, all the owing, all the payments? And nothing is owed to me?" "No," I said. "Nothing is owed to you. You are a slave." ~ Magicians, pg. 204
"The Gorean is suspicious of the stranger, particularly in the vicinity of his native walls. Indeed, in Gorean the same word is used for both stranger and enemy." ~ Outlaw, pg. 49
Not Surrendering:
"Gorean men do not surrender their birthright as males, their rightful dominance, their appropriate mastery. They do not choose to be dictated to by females." ~ Magicians, pg. 51
Swords of Others:
"Be strong and do as you will. The swords of others will set you your limits" ~ Marauders, pg. 10
"A woman can only respect a man who can reduce her to utter defeat" ~ Nomads, pg. 298
Paradox Concerning Women:
Paradoxically,the Gorean, who seems to think so little of women in some respects, celebrates them extravagantly in others. The Gorean is extremely susceptible to beauty; it gladdens his heart, and his songs and art are often paeans to its glory. ~ Outlaw, pg. 54
Sensitivity - Names:
Goreans are extremely sensitive about names, and who may speak them. Indeed, particularly those of low caste, even have use names, concealing their true names, lest they be discovered by enemies and used to conjure spells against them. ~ Assassin, pg. 12
Difficult To Fool:
"Goreans are not stupid. It is difficult to fool them more than once. They tend to remember... there would always be the dupes, of one sort or another, and the opportunists, and the cowards, with their rationalizations. But, too, I speculated, there would be those of Ar to whom the Home Stone was a Home Stone, and not a mere rock, not a piece of meaningless earth." ~ Magicians, pg. 489
Less Cynical:
"It might also be noted, interestingly, that the Gorean, in spite of his awe of Priest-Kings, and the reverence he accords them, the gods of his world, does not think of them as having formed the world, nor of the world being in some sense consequent upon their will. Rather the Priest-Kings are seen as being its children, too, like sleen, and rain and man. A last observation having to do with the tendency of some Goreans to accept illusions and such as reality is that the Gorean tends to take such things as honor and truth very seriously. Given his culture and background, his values, he is often easier to impose upon than would be many others. For example, he is likely, at least upon occasion, to be an easier mark for the fraud and charletan than a more suspicious, cynical fellow. On the other hand, I do not encourage lying to Goreans. They do not like it." ~ Magicians, pg. 255
Showing Caring By Keeping:
"On Earth weaklings who wish to rid themselves of women sometimes take refuge in the comforting rationalization that they "love them enough to let them go." That position, whatever may be its moral or psychological merits, does not represent a typical Gorean response, at least where slaves are concerned. Most Goreans would regard it absurd to let a woman go for whom one truly cared. One shows caring by keeping. And if necessary, by fighting. What woman, it seemed to me, would prefer a man who cared enough for her to keep her, one who was willing, even, to fight for her, rather than one who was willing to let her go." ~ Dancer, pg. 308
Gorean Courtesy:
Verna sat cross-legged, like a man. I knelt, as a serving slave. She threw me one of the oysters. "Eat, Slave," she said. I ate. In so doing this, she, the guest, had signified that I might now feed. It is a not uncommon Gorean courtesy, in such situations, to permit the guest to grant the feeding permission to the slaves present. ~ Captive, pg. 301
Guests' Use Of A Girl:
In a large house, with various slave girls, it is thought only an act of courtesy on the part of a host to permit a guest the use of one of the girls for the evening. ~ Assassin, pg. 89
Wisdom Breech - Code Judge & Scorn Betrayal - Nature Male & Female
Honoring Nature Self-Castration Swords Drawn Owed Nothing Strangers
Not Surrendering Swords of Others Respect Paradox Sensitivity - Names
Difficult To Fool Less Cynical Caring - Keeping Gorean Courtesy Guests' Use
"According to the Gorean way of thinking pity humiliates both he who pities and he who is pitied. According to the Gorean way, one may love but one may not pity." ~ Outlaw, pg. 31
Reverence of World:
"Goreans care for their world. They love the sky, the plains, the sea, the rain in the summer, the snow in the winter. They will sometimes stand and watch clouds. The movement of grass in the wind is very beautiful to them. More than one Gorean poet has sung of the leaf of a Tur tree. I have known warriors who cared for the beauty of small flowers." ~ Hunters, pg. 119
Reverence of World:
"The Goreans, often so cruel to one another, tend to have an affection for wildlife and growing things, which they regard as free, and thereby deserving of great respect." ~ Captive, pg. 238
On Living:
"Do not ask the stones or the trees how to live , they can not tell you ; they do not have tongues; do not ask the wise man how to live for, if he knows , he will know he cannot tell you; if you would learn how to live , do not ask the question; its answer is not in the question but in the answer, which is not in words; do not ask how to live, but, instead, proceed to do so." ~ Marauders, pg. 9
Regard of Enemies:
"Gorean enemies, if skilled, often hold one another in high regard." ~ Marauders, pg. 70
On Being Gorean:
"In the North my blood had found itself, learning itself; in the north I had learned strength, and how to stand alone. I thought of the Kurri. They were terrible foes. Suddenly, incredibly, I felt love for them. I recollected the head of the giant Kur, mounted on its stake, in the ruins of the hall of Svein Blue Tooth. One cannot be weak who meets such beasts. I laughed at the weakness instilled into the men of earth. Only men who are strong, without weakness, can meet such Beasts. One must match them in strength, in intellect, in terribleness, in ferocity. In the north I had grown strong. I suddenly realized the supreme power of the united Gorean will, not divided against itself, not weak, not crippled like the wills of earth. I felt a surge of power, of unprecedented, unexpected joy. I had discovered what it was to be Gorean. I had discovered what is was, truly, to be male, to be a man. I was Gorean." ~ Marauders, pb. 290
"Gone from my mind suddenly were the brooding on realities and truths that might not be disclosed to men. It is enough to know that they exist. One need not stand forever, one's face pressed against a wall that may not be penetrated. One must turn one's back in time upon the impenetrable wall. One must laugh, one must cry out, and be a man. Man can think; he must act. In the midst of impenetrable mysteries, not caring for him, beyond him, he behaves, he chooses, he acts. Wisdom decrees that the fruit of thought must not be planted where it cannot bear fruit." ~ Tribesmen, pg. 258
Breech of Code:
"We took her without your permission," said Bran Loort. "In this," said Thurnus, "you have committed a breach of code." "It does not matter to me," said Bran Loort. "Neither a plow, nor a bosk, nor a girl may one man take from another, saving with the owner's saying of it," quoted Thurnus." ~ Slave Girl, pg. 227-228
Judge and Scorn:
"You may judge and scorn Goreans as you wish. Know as well however that they judge and scorn you. They fulfill themselves as you do not. Hate them for their pride and power they will pity you for your shame and weakness." ~ Beasts, pg. 11
Betrayal of Nature:
"In denying it we deny our nature. In betraying it we betray no one but ourselves. The master will never be happy until he is a master. The slave will never be happy until she is a slave. It is what we are." ~ Explorers, pg. 159
Male & Female:
"Masculinity and femininity are complementary properties," I told her. "If a man wishes a woman to be more feminine, he must be more masculine. If a woman wishes a man to be more masculine, she must be more feminine." ~ Explorers, pg. 205
Honoring One's Nature:
"Is it not safer to cower in the caves of lies than to stand upon the cliffs of truth, surveying the world? Yet when one stands in the sunlight, and feels the winds of reality, how dank and shameful seem the dark shelters of falsehood, and how foolish it seems then to have once feared daylight and fresh air." ~ Fighting Slave, pg. 103
"If the men of Earth choose to surrender the birthright of their dominance, to exchange it for the garbage of a political perversion; if they should choose to deny their genes; if they should choose to subvert and violate the order of nature; if they should choose self- castration to manhood, that is, I suppose, their business." ~ Guardsman, pg. 152
Swords Drawn Over Women:
"Swords are often drawn on Gor over women, and particularly over lovely slaves. Women are prizes, perfections and treasures. It is no wonder that men fight over them with ferocity. Wars have been fought to recover a stolen slave." ~ Renegades, pg. 397
Slaves Owed Nothing:
"So, it is all the will of men?" she said, through her tears. "All the debts, all the owing, all the payments? And nothing is owed to me?" "No," I said. "Nothing is owed to you. You are a slave." ~ Magicians, pg. 204
"The Gorean is suspicious of the stranger, particularly in the vicinity of his native walls. Indeed, in Gorean the same word is used for both stranger and enemy." ~ Outlaw, pg. 49
Not Surrendering:
"Gorean men do not surrender their birthright as males, their rightful dominance, their appropriate mastery. They do not choose to be dictated to by females." ~ Magicians, pg. 51
Swords of Others:
"Be strong and do as you will. The swords of others will set you your limits" ~ Marauders, pg. 10
"A woman can only respect a man who can reduce her to utter defeat" ~ Nomads, pg. 298
Paradox Concerning Women:
Paradoxically,the Gorean, who seems to think so little of women in some respects, celebrates them extravagantly in others. The Gorean is extremely susceptible to beauty; it gladdens his heart, and his songs and art are often paeans to its glory. ~ Outlaw, pg. 54
Sensitivity - Names:
Goreans are extremely sensitive about names, and who may speak them. Indeed, particularly those of low caste, even have use names, concealing their true names, lest they be discovered by enemies and used to conjure spells against them. ~ Assassin, pg. 12
Difficult To Fool:
"Goreans are not stupid. It is difficult to fool them more than once. They tend to remember... there would always be the dupes, of one sort or another, and the opportunists, and the cowards, with their rationalizations. But, too, I speculated, there would be those of Ar to whom the Home Stone was a Home Stone, and not a mere rock, not a piece of meaningless earth." ~ Magicians, pg. 489
Less Cynical:
"It might also be noted, interestingly, that the Gorean, in spite of his awe of Priest-Kings, and the reverence he accords them, the gods of his world, does not think of them as having formed the world, nor of the world being in some sense consequent upon their will. Rather the Priest-Kings are seen as being its children, too, like sleen, and rain and man. A last observation having to do with the tendency of some Goreans to accept illusions and such as reality is that the Gorean tends to take such things as honor and truth very seriously. Given his culture and background, his values, he is often easier to impose upon than would be many others. For example, he is likely, at least upon occasion, to be an easier mark for the fraud and charletan than a more suspicious, cynical fellow. On the other hand, I do not encourage lying to Goreans. They do not like it." ~ Magicians, pg. 255
Showing Caring By Keeping:
"On Earth weaklings who wish to rid themselves of women sometimes take refuge in the comforting rationalization that they "love them enough to let them go." That position, whatever may be its moral or psychological merits, does not represent a typical Gorean response, at least where slaves are concerned. Most Goreans would regard it absurd to let a woman go for whom one truly cared. One shows caring by keeping. And if necessary, by fighting. What woman, it seemed to me, would prefer a man who cared enough for her to keep her, one who was willing, even, to fight for her, rather than one who was willing to let her go." ~ Dancer, pg. 308
Gorean Courtesy:
Verna sat cross-legged, like a man. I knelt, as a serving slave. She threw me one of the oysters. "Eat, Slave," she said. I ate. In so doing this, she, the guest, had signified that I might now feed. It is a not uncommon Gorean courtesy, in such situations, to permit the guest to grant the feeding permission to the slaves present. ~ Captive, pg. 301
Guests' Use Of A Girl:
In a large house, with various slave girls, it is thought only an act of courtesy on the part of a host to permit a guest the use of one of the girls for the evening. ~ Assassin, pg. 89
Men Command Compliments Vent Upon Touch Food Remain Strong
Gentle & Harsh His Domination Remark - Kindness Strictness Admit - Caring
Some Care More Striking FP - Punish Repeating FM - Punish
Anticipate Discipline Forcing Pleasure Lips - Touched Rebellion
Squabbles Abandonment Every Inch Pride - Knowing Like To Know
Spirited Truly Master Possessive Liberation No Bargain
No Compromise At His Mercy Mastered Reveal Deceive
Freedom Competition Manipulating Restraints Appreciation
Fulfill Male Mastery Whip Convinces Power Over Hand Feeding
Permission - Speak Natural Master Chaining Not - Earth Deep Passion
Way Of Looking Less Tolerant Insubordinate Not Conditioned The Woodsman
Thanks Constraint Not Weak Relish Women Taking Action
Whole Woman Lusty Males Nature's Gift Seldom Cruel Denial - Collar
Heartless Possessions Freeing Fool To Free Maleness
Release - Man Collared Master Never Deprive Misunderstand His Use
Claudia Use - Name Sharing Salt Not Fooled Hurricane - Joy
Her Breasts Eating Feeding Control - Food Troubled - Caring
Power - Beauty Kiss & Caress Useage Back To Main Page
Men Command/Women Obey:
A woman admires strength, especially if it is used to dominate and control her. It is it seems for men to command and women to obey, for men to dominate, and women to submit, for men to claim and women to yield, It is, it seems the way of primate nature. Its test is enactment, its proof is joy, its evidence is love. If we have lost this, we have lost part of ourselves. pg 423 Slave Girl of GOR
Made To Earn Compliments:
Most masters, incidentally, make a girl they own earn her compliments. ~ Beasts, pg. 17
Object To Vent Upon:
" of the utilities of a slave, of course, is to occasionally serve as the helpless object upon which the Master may vent his dissatisfaction, his frustration or anger. Too, of course, they may serve many other related purposes, such as the relief of tensions, to relax oneself and even to calm oneself for clear thought." ~ Magicians, pg. 134
Touching Food:
"Sometimes slaves are not permitted to touch food with their own hands. Sometimes they are fed by hand; at other times their food might be thrown to them or put out for them in pans, and such, from which then, not using their hands, on all fours, head down, they must feed, in the manner of she-quadrupeds, or slaves, if it be the master’s pleasure." ~ Mercenaries, pg. 82
Strive To Remain Strong:
Women with deep feminine needs are mercilessly exploited by Gorean men. It was a pleasant game. They are so helpless. And yet how lovely they are. One must strive to remain strong with them. ~ Beasts, pgs. 433-434
Time For Gentle & Harsh:
There is a time for courtesy and gentleness, and a time for harshness. The master must remember that he owns the girl; if he keeps this in mind he will generally treat her correctly. He must be strong and he must be capable of administering discipline if she is not pleasing ~ Beasts, pgs. 9-10
Evidence Of His Domination:
Accordingly, what might seem brutal or quick to a man, may be taken by a woman in the dimensions of her sentience as irrefutable evidence of his domination of her, her being owned by him, which thrills her to the core for it touches the ancient biological meaning of her womanhood. He simply uses her for his pleasure, because he wished to do so. He is her master. ~Beasts, pgs. 9-10
Perilous Remark On Kindness:
"You are kind," she said. "Beware," I said. "Forgive me, Master," she said, suddenly frightened. "I meant no harm. It was a small slip. I did not mean to insult you. Please do not whip me for it." "Very well, I said. I was tired. Too, it did not seem to me that her remark, inadvertant and perilous as it may have been, impaired the discipline in which I held her. Kindness is not always a weakness you must understand. Indeed, it, and its withdrawal, may be used to better control the girl. To be sure, the master who is harder to please gets more from his girl than the master who is easy to please, but, nonetheless, I think kindness is not out of place upon occasion toward a bond girl. Indeed, in a certain context a kind word can almost cause such a wench, collared and at your mercy, to faint with love. ~ Beasts, pgs. 316-317
Of His Strictness:
It may seem hard to understand but the man who truly cares for his slave is often rather strict with her; he cares enough for her to be strong; sometimes she may resent or hate him but, too, she is inordinately proud of him, for what he makes her do, and be, and she loves him for his strength and his will; in her heart she knows she is the slave of such a man; how can she not love the man who proves to be her master? ~ Beasts, pgs. 316-317
Not Admit To Caring:
Many Gorean men, in their vanity, will not admit to caring for slaves. Even the thought of it, it seems, would embarrass them. Who could care for a meaningless slut in a collar? Yet, too often, for just such women, luscious and helpless, and in bondage, men are prepared to kill. Indeed, more than one war on Gor has been fought to recover a single slave. ~ Dancer, pg.21
Some Care More Than A Little:
"Do some men care for their slaves," I asked, "just a little?" "Some men care for them much more than a little," he said. "Even natural slaves?" I asked. "Those are the best sort," he said." ~ Kajira, pg. 436
No Reason Needed For Striking:
That a slave had irritated one in the least particular is, of course, more than enough reason for striking her. Indeed, one does not need a reason for striking a slave. One may do so at one purest caprice. The girl know of course, aside from my irritation at her own outburst, I did not want her cries to mark our position in the forest. Explorers, page 287
Any FP Can Punish:
"You cannot punish me" she cried. 'You are not my Masters!'. 'Any FreePerson can punish an errant slave girl' I said. 'Surely you do not think that her behaviour fails to be subject to supervision and correction as soon as she is out of her Masters sight" ~ Magicians of Gor page 225
Repeating Commands:
"Punishment for having to repeat a command is always at the option of the Master. For example, a command might not be clearly heard, or might not be clear in itself, or might appear inconsistent with the Master's presumed intentions. Whether punishment is in order or not is then a matter for judgement on the Master's part." ~ Magicians, pg. 198
Any FM Can Punish:
"Any free man may discipline an insolent or errant slave," I said, "even one who is the least bit displeasing, even one he might merely feel like disciplining. If she is killed, or injured, he need only pay compensation to her master, and that only if the master can be located within a specific amount of time and requests such compensation. ~ Players, pg. 235
Anticipate The Blow:
I then, by the hair and an arm, drew her again to her hands and knees. I again then stood behind her but this time I did not strike her immediately, but let her wait, as a slave, that she might anticipate the blow, and grow apprehensive of it, and not know precisely when it would fall. ~ Mercenaries, pg. 11
Discipline Attended By Any FP:
"The discipline of a slave may be attended to by any free person, otherwise she might do much what she wished, provided only her Master did not learn of it. The legal principle is clear, and has been upheld in several courts, in several cities, including Ar." ~ Magicians, pg. 122
Alternatively, he might have waited a bit, and paid her next rent fee himself. Any free person, incidentally, may discipline a slave. If this were not the case, then a slave, outside the knowledge of her master, might dare to be insolent to a free person. ~ Renegades, pg. 209
Forcing Pleasure:
One of the great pleasures in the Master, increasing the sense of it's joy and power, is forcing the female to experience, at your will and convenience, incredible pleasures, carrying her up and down, and through, a series of slave orgasms, making her more and more helpless, until she is irremediably yours, lost in the throes of her submission ecstacies. ~ Vagabonds, pg. 357
Whose Lips Never Touched:
"It is said that he whose lips have never touched those of a slave girl does not know, truly, what it is to hold a woman in his arms." ~ Beasts, pg. 438
Commanded Rebellion:
Tears formed in my eyes. There is a mock rebellion which is sometimes permitted a slave girl, or even commanded of her, for the master's amusement. I felt a tear on my cheek. "Show Rebellion," is a command which a girl must, as any other, obey. Yet it is a terribly cruel command. "Kneel," is the command which, commonly puts an end to her rebellion. When a girl is permitted defiance, it is then all the sweeter, I gather, to bring her to her knees before you. Suffice it to say the girl belongs to her master, completely. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 153
Slave Squabbles:
"The other girls, resenting the tunic she had been given, had stripped her. Svein Blue Tooth had laughed, masters do not interfere in the squabbles of slaves." ~ Marauders, pg. 289
It interested me that none of the twenty-four girls had been abandoned. But I was not surprised. The female slave, celebrated on Gor for her beauty, her skills and her delights is a prize booty. Female slaves are almost never abandoned by Gorean men. He does not care to release such a prize. He keeps it.
Knowing Every Inch:
"He looked on her intently. He studied her. He gave her great attention. She turned her head to one side, her wrists secured in many turns of the binding fiber, her fists clenched....on earth many men did not even know their wives...Never, truly had they seen them. But a Gorean Master will know every inch, and care for every inch, of one of his slave girls. He will know every hair, every sweet blemish of her. In a way she is nothing to him, for she is only a slave. But in another way she is very important to him. She is one of his women. He will know her. He will want to know her completely, every inch of her body, every inch of her mind. Nothing less will satisfy him. She is his property. He will choose to know his property thoroughly." ~ Hunters, pg. 145
Pride In Depth Of Knowing:
"It is not uncommon for masters to pride themselves on the depth with which they know their slave girls; this depth is far greater in my opinion than that with which the average husband of Earth knows his wife; the slave girl is not simply someone with whom the man lives; she is very special to him; she is a treasured possession; he owns her; he wants to know profoundly and deeply, the background, history, the mind, the intelligence, the appetites, the nature and dispositions of his lovely article of property; this knowledge, of course, puts her more at his mercy; by making it possible for him to manipulate her feelings, exploit weaknesses, drop asides, etc., she in the helpless condition of slavery, it gives him greater power over her. ~ Tribesmen, pgs. 42-43
Like To Know Their Girls:
Masters, like to know their girls. They want to know them with a depth, detail and intimacy that it would be quite appropriate to expect of, or desire from, a prideful free companion. She is naked to the master, and fully." ~ Mercenaries, pg. 349
Spirited Slave:
"What he said did not surprise me. The Gorean Master, commonly, likes a spirited girl, one who fights the whip and collar, resisting until the last, perhaps months later, she is overwhelmed and must acknowledge herself his, utterly and without reservation, then fearing only that he might tire of her and sell her to another." ~ Nomads, pg. 29
Truly The Master:
"I knew before," she said, "that I was truly your slave but I did not know until now that you were truly my master." She looked up at me, shaken. "It is a strange feeling," she said, "to know that someone-truly-is you master, to know that not only has he the right to do with you as he pleases but that he will, that your will is nothing to him, that it is your will and not his that must bend, that you are helpless and must-and will-do what he says, that you must obey." ~ Priest Kings, pb. 203-204
Most Master Possessive:
"These girls may be exchanged among the men, but commonly they are not. Most masters are rather possessive about their slaves, particularly if they are fond of them." ~ Guardsman, pg. 209
Marvelous Liberation:
"The master…keeps her under discipline, uses her frequently and often casually, and forces her to undergo the abuses proper to her degraded condition. At a given moment of tenderness, sooner or later, she yields herself to him, fully, and as his slave. This moment is usually accompanied with tears of joy, and love. This is experienced by the women as a moment of marvelous liberation. Gone then are the thousand frustrations and conflicts; released then, in a flood of tears and joy, is her fundamental womanhood; the hypocrisies are then at an end; the long shams are done; she melts into his arms; kissing and sobbing, his." ~ Guardsman, pg 105
No Bargaining:
"One owns slaves and commands them. One does what one likes with them. One does not bargain with them." ~ Mercenaries, pg. 365
No Compromise On Femininity:
"You are a slave," I said. "You are owned. You are a female. You will be forced to be a woman. If you were free, and Gorean, you might be permitted by men to remain as you are, but you are neither Gorean nor free. The Gorean man will accept no compromise on your femininity, not from a slave. She will be what he wishes, and that is a woman, fully, and his." ~ Tribesmen, pg. 12
At His Mercy:
"If necessary you will be whipped or starved. You may fight your master. He will, if he wishes, permit this, to prolong the sport of your conquest, but in the end, it is you who are the slave; it is you who will lose. On Earth you had the society at your back, the result of centuries of feminization; he could not so much as speak harshly to you but you could rush away or summon magistrates; here, however, society is not at your back, but at his; it will abet him in his wishes, for you are only a slave; you will have no one to call, nowhere to run; you will be alone with him, and at his mercy." ~ Tribesmen, pg. 12
I Was Mastered:
"What have you done to her?" he asked, grinning. "Last night she was an enslaved female. This morning she is a female slave." He put forth his hand and held her, with one hand, his fingers about her chin and throat. She shuddered. "I would say," he grinned, "that she is now more truly aware of her condition, that you have much improved her." He did not remove his hand from her throat and chin. "Were you much improved last night, Beverly?" he asked. "Yes, Master," she said. ..... "What was done to you last night?" he asked. "I was mastered," she said." ~ Rogue, pgs. 223-224
Forced To Reveal:
For example, it is common for a master to force his girl to speak at length and in detail to him of the secret sides of her nature, explaining and elaborating on her fantasies; if she is literate, she may be forced, naked and collared, on her knees at a small table, sometimes with her ankles shackled, to write them out; this supplies the master, of course, with abundant materials which may be used by him to make her further and more helplessly his..." ~ Tribesmen, pgs. 42-43
Attempts To Deceive:
"... sometimes the girl attempts to deceive the master; it is not difficult to detect in authenticity in such matters; she is then beaten; too, she may be at times ordered to invent fantasies, sometimes of a certain type; these, too, for she has invented them, are, to an astute master, instructive; these intellectual, emotional exercises, performed by the girl under the condition of slavery, particularly if coupled with an enforced exercise regime, posing under male surveillance, and such, can do much to sensitize her to her collar; they awaken her body..." ~ Tribesmen, pgs. 42-43
Paradox Of Freedom: "... and, of equal importance for the Gorean, though not for the Earthling, who sees sex with the perception of a hippopotamus, as a matter of body rubbings, her fantastic imagination and mind; she becomes curious, soon, about the deeper implications of what she is, a mere article of her master's property; then, with authority, with assurance and power, to the depth and height of her mind and imagination she is taught; the slave girl experiences a paradox of freedom; the free woman is physically free, but miserable, fighting to be what she is not; the slave girl, physically in bondage, even to the collar, sometimes chains, is given no choice by men but to be totally and precisely what she is, slave; such women, slaves, interestingly, are almost always joyful and vital; they are paradoxically, in their feelings and emotions, liberated; they are not pinched, not psychologically restrained; why this should be I do not know; to see such women , their heads held high, their eyes bright, their bodies , movements, beautiful, as no earth woman would dare to be, is quite pleasurable; some of them are so insolent, so proud of their collars, that I have cuffed them to my feet, to remind them that they are only slaves." ~ Tribesmen, pgs. 42-43
Competition Among Girls:
One of the aspects of the mastery, inconvenient at times, though it can be borne, is the competition among girls for the attentions of the master. Indeed, some masters keep more than one girl, just for this purpose, not merely to lesson the labors of each, but that each may, in the intensity of their rivalry, strive to lease him more than the other. Each wishes, of course, to undermine the position of the other and to become the favorite. From the girl's point of view there are few slaves who would not rather do double the labor and be the only wench in the masters compartments. To be sure, the loser in such a competition generally becomes the masters work and the winner the pleasure slave. ~ Explorers, pg. 374
"Did you strike me because I challenged your manhood?" she asked." You were not struck for such an absurd reason," I said. "You were struck, rather, because you were attempting to manipulate me." ~ Mercenaries, pg. 422
Mastering With Restraints:
"What do you think he is doing to her?" she asked. "Mastering her," I said. "Do you think she is tied?" she asked. "Probably." I said She looked down, shuddering, blushing. The intensification of sexual pleasure, both physically and psychologically, by the application of selected restraints is well known." ~ Renegades, pg. 158
Appreciation Of A Rag:
I regarded the girl. In warmer seasons, or warmer areas, one may take one's time in making the decision as to whether or not a female is to be permitted clothing. Some masters keep their slaves naked for a year or more. The girl is grateful when, and if, she is permitted clothing, be it only a bit of cloth or some rag or other. ~ Mercenaries, pg. 13
Fulfilling Maleness:
"I knew, from my own experience, that nothing fulfills maleness like mastery. He who would be a man must be a master. He who surrenders his mastery surrenders his manhood. I wondered what those who flocked like sheep to their own castration received in recompense for their manhood. I supposed it must be very valuable. But if this were so, why did they feel it necessary to shrill so petulantly at others, those who scorned them and had chosen different paths?" ~ Players, pg. 176
Owning vs Mastery:
"It is one thing to own a woman, and it is another to have her within the bonds of an excellent mastery." Magicians, pg. 465
The Whip Convinces:
"It is not so much, I think, that the lash, in such a situation, as a punishment, changes the woman's behavior, that she obeys because she does not wish to be whipped, but rather that the whip convinces her that she is now free to be the sensuous, sexual, marvelous creature which she is in herself and has always desired to be. In this sense the whip does not oppress the woman but rather liberates her to be herself, wild, uninhibited, free in a sense, even though she may be bound in chains, and sexual. To be sure, the whip is also used to punish women, and they do fear it, and mightily, for such a reason." ~ Magicians, pg. 197
Absolute Power Over Slave:
"Do you like the garment?" he asked. "Whose use I may have, if only for a moment," she smiled, "Yes, Master. Oh, yes, my Master!" "It is not much," he said. "It is a treasure," she said. I smiled. To her, I supposed, a slave, such a tiny thing, little more than a brief rag, would indeed be a treasure. "You understand, of course," he said, "that its use may be as easily taken from you as given to you." "Yes, Master," she said. "Do you wish to retain its use?" he asked. "Of course, Master," she said. "You now have an additional motivation for striving to please," he said. "Yes, Master," she smiled. The control of a girl’s clothing, and many other things, such as her diet, chaining, name, whether or not her head it to be shaved, and so on, are all within the purview of the master. His power over the slave is unqualified and absolute." ~ Magicians, pg. 26
Hand Feeding:
"I held a date before her, and she leaned forward, stretching her chained neck to reach it, and I drew it back. She then knelt back again, on her heels. Whether she were to receive the date or not was my decision. I then gave it to her, putting it in her mouth. "My Master feeds me," she whispered. "The slave is grateful." "Open your mouth," I said, "Eat." She looked at me. "Yes," I said, "you will be fed as what you are, a slave." I then put one of the tidbits into her mouth, and, in a moment, angrily, she had finished it. It is not unusual for a slave’s first food from a new master to be received in a hand feeding. It may also be done, from time to time, of course, with all, or a portion, of a given snack, or meal. This sort of thing expresses symbolically, and teaches her also, on a very deep level, that she is dependent upon him for her food, that it is from his hand, so to speak, that she receives it." ~ Magicians, pg. 477
Permission To Speak:
"He then struck her with the back of his hand, striking her to one side, and she fell, turning, to her knees. She looked up at him from all fours, blood at her lips. "Were you given permission to speak?" he asked. "Forgive me, Master," she whispered. She then crawled to his feet, and putting her head down, kissed them. "A slave begs the forgiveness of her master," she said. Marcus looked down at her angrily." ~ Magicians, pg. 27
Gorean Natural Master:
"...the Gorean male, whether by culture or genetic endowment, is unlike the typical man of Earth...though not unlike at all, is a natural master of women." ~ Captive, pg. 168
Chaining A Wench:
"The Gorean man, as a man, cheerfully and dutifully attends to the rescuing of his female in distress, but as a Gorean, as a true Gorean, he feels, perhaps justifiably and being somewhat less or more romantic than ourselves, that he should have something more for his pains than her kiss of gratitude and so, in typical Gorean fashion, puts his chain on the wench, claiming both her and her body as his payment." ~ Priest-Kings, pg. 138
Not Men Of Earth:
"Goreans are not men of Earth," I said. "They will have what they truly want from a woman, everything." ~ Beasts, pg. 230
Men Of Deep Passion:
"Tears are not unbecoming to the soldier," said Callimachus. "The soldier is a man of deep passions, and emotion. Many men cannot even understand his depths. Do not fear your currents and your powers. In the soldier are flowers and storms. Each is a part of him, and each is real. Accept both. Deny neither." ~ Guardsman, pg. 238
Way Of Looking At Women:
"Gorean men have a way of looking at women which is like stripping them and putting them to their feet." ~ Slave Girl, pb. 267
Less Tolerant Of Pretense:
"Gorean men," I said, "you will learn, are less tolerant of pretense than the men of Earth." ~ Beasts, pg. 202
Insubordination Unacceptable:
"Insubordination, slaves are quickly taught, is not acceptable, in any way, to the Gorean master." ~ Kajira, pg. 123
Not Conditioned:
"Further, he has not been conditioned with counterinstinctual value sets, programmed with guilt, taught self-hatred; he has been taught pride and has, in the very air he breathes, imbibed the mastery of females. These are different men. They are not Earthlings. They are Goreans. They are strong, and they are hard, and they will conquer you. For a man of Earth, you might never be a woman. For a man of Gor, I assure you, my dear, sooner or later you will be." ~ Tribesmen, pg. 12
The Woodsman:
"The Gorean woodsman, it might be mentioned, before he will strike a tree with an axe, speaks to the tree, begs its forgiveness and explains the use to which the wood will be put." ~ Captive, pg. 238
Thanks Not Needed:
"How can I ever thank you?" he cried, stepping back, holding me, proudly, looking at me. "Between friends," I said, "thanks are neither needed, nor possible." ~ Mercenaries, pg. 116
Hypocrisy Of Constraint:
"On this alien world a strong man may feel and express emotions, and that the hypocrisy of constraint is not honored on this planet." ~ Tarnsman, pg. 25
Gorean Male Not Weak:
She was a gorean female, and knew the men of Gor. A woman of Earth, if not beaten, and swiftly forced to learn her womanhood, would dobtless have held out for a time, confident that Gorean men, like those to whom she had become accustomed on her native planet, would prove to be weak, that they would yield to her. They learn soon enough, however, that the average Gorean male simply does not share the conditioned political conceptions of the female which in so many cases have suceeded in crippling, weakening and demasculnizing the men of Earth. ~ Renegades, pg. 209
Gorean Men Relish Women:
"It pleased the men to see us do this. Gorean men relish women, and enjoy watching, even in the performance of such simple, homely acts as combing our hair. To be sure we were bare breasted, and slaves, and obeying." ~ Dancer, pg. 111
Taking Direct Action:
"How many times, I wondered, had a man of Earth, irritated with an Earth girl or woman, been tempted to seize her and pull gum from her mouth, or straighten her hair, or adjust her halter, or tell her to straighten her body, or to change her posture, or to sit and kneel in a certain way, but, of course, had not done so? Here however, men at least with women such as I, felt few reservations, inhibitions or compunctions about taking immediate and often direct action in such manners." ~ Dancer, pg. 79
Whole Woman Found Exciting:
"Gorean men seem to find the whole woman exciting. The shoulders lead to the delicious curvatures of the breasts, those, too, the property of the master, and thence to the waist and belly, and thighs, and the slave’s helpless, delicate intimacies. The ear lobes, too, lead to the throat, and thence, beneath the collar, to the shoulders, and so on. Similarly, the foot leads to the ankle, and that to the lusciously rounded calf, and that upward to the thighs, and those, again, in their lovely softness, to the girls exposed, hot open, delicate, intimacies. ~ Dancer, pg. 157
Kisses & Caresses:
It is not unusual for a Gorean male, in his zest for females, to cover her entire body, bit by bit, with kisses and caresses, moving toward her helplessness. It is not easy to prevent these attentions, either when you have been simply chained down for his pleasure. Sometimes you scream for him to hasten, begging him with every bit of your female helplessness to do so, but he will do as he pleases, for you belong to him or her has your use, and he is a free male, a Master." ~ Dancer, pg. 157
Lusty Males:
"Gorean men, like lusty males generally, have an incredible appreciation of female beauty." ~ Dancer, pg. 259
Nature's Gift To Man:
"Many Goreans believe that woman is nature’s gift to man, that nature has designed her for his stimulation, pleasure and service. Accordingly, they seldom hesitate to avail themselves of this gift. Too, they are sensitive to the pleasure of power. They know the pleasures of power, and they honestly and candidly seek, appreciate and relish them. They know there is no thrill in the world comparable to having absolute power over a female. These feelings, like those of glory and victory, to which they are akin, are their own reward. Goreans do not apologize for such natural and biologically validated urges. Too, they do not feel guilty over them. Indeed, to feel guilty over such natural, profound, deep, and common urges would be, from the Gorean point of view, madness. The male is dominant, unless crippled. Without the mastery there can be no fulfillment, and, interestingly, without complete male fulfillment there can be no complete female fulfillment." ~ Mercenaries, pg. 147
Seldom Cruel:
Perhaps it should only be added that the Gorean master, though often strict, is seldom cruel. The girl knows, if she pleases him, her lot will be an easy one. She will almost never encounter sadism or wanton cruelty, for the psychological environment that tends to breed these diseases is largely absent from Gor. This does not mean that she will not expect to be beaten if she disobeys, or fails to please her master." Outlaw, pg. 51-54
Denial Of Collar:
"What greater cruelty can a man inflict upon a slave than to deny her the collar?" she asked. ~ Rogue, pg.18
Some Masters Heartless:
I could not deny to her that some masters are heartless , that some are inflexible and cruel. And the coins of such men, of course, have as much buying power as those of anyone else. In fact, sometimes I have suspected that slavers enjoy throwing a girl who is still proud, or who has given them some difficulties, into such clutches. Sometimes after only a week in the power of such brutes a girl is almost willing to give her life to achieve a kind word, or a moment of intimacy. She is then ready to be a slave fully. The slave may be given more or less leash , as seems fitting, but she must always understand that it can be shortened at a moment's notice, and that the whip is always ready. ~ Renegades, pgs. 405-406
Pleasure In Possessions:
"Such things are not unusual with Gorean masters. It is not uncommon with them to have their girls strip, and turn before them and assume the poses, and move in certain ways, and such." "In the case of the slave, they own the girl. Thus they may command her, and have her perform, and precisely, as it pleases them, and she must, of course, obey with perfection. She is their slave. I suppose this in part, at least, the result of an understandable desire to appreciate and take pleasure in one’s possessions, or what one might regard as one’s precious objects, or treasure." ~ Dancer, pg. 259
Freeing of Slaves:
Gorean men, on the whole, do not free slaves. The freeing of a girl is almost unheard of. This makes sense. They are not free women. They are belongings, valuable, slaves, treasures. Who discards precious possessions, who surrenders treasures? If the slave girl were worth less perhaps she would be freed more. She is too marvelous to free; and if she is not marvelous, she can be slain. Too, what man who has known the glory and joy of a girl at his feet is likely to wish to exchange that for the inconvenience and bother of a free woman? No, slave girls, for all practical uses, are not freed. They will remain in one collar or another. Men will have it that way. Explorers of Gor pg. 90
A Fool To Free Her:
"I had broken her swiftly to my collar. She had been excellent in a man"s arms. Months later I had freed her. What a fool I had been. It was not a mistake I would make again with a woman. Keep them slaves. They belong in collars." ~ Beasts, pg. 140
Incredible Maleness:
"How beautiful I must look to him, I thought. And I had sensed his incredible maleness, the animal maleness of him, so different from the thwarted, crippled sexuality so commended and tragically endemic among the males of Earth. For the first time in my life I felt I understood what might be the meaning of the expression "male," and as I lay before him, too, dimly, it frightening me, what might be the meaning of the expression "female." How beautiful, I thought, I must look to him, lying bound, totally vulnerable, helpless at his feet. How such a sight must stir the splendor of his manhood, to see the female, his, caught, helpless at his feet, his to do with in lust and pleasure, and joy, as he pleased, helpless to escape him, free for him to work his will upon her!" ~ Slave Girl, pg. 27
Release Of Man:
"I feared she might release in me things which I feared to understand, because I feared she might release in me something proud and savage, something which would be a stranger to apologies and pretenses, something long-forgotten and mighty, something which had been bred in caves and the hunt, something which might be called man." ~ Fighting Slave, pg. 111
Collared Master:
On the other hand, it is not too unusual a set of compartments on Gor where the master, in effect, willingly wears the collar, and his lovely slave, by the practice of the delightful wiles of her sex, with scandalous success wheedles her way triumphantly from the satisfaction of one whim to the next pg 51-54 Outlaw of GOR
A slave girl is best either when she is often used, or when she has been deliberately, for some time, deprived. A free woman may go days or weeks without the touch of her companion. For a slave, who has learned her collar, this would be almost unspeakable misery. Two nights without a master's touch would be agony for her.~ Hunters, pg. 235
Almost Never Deprive Of Sex:
"Gorean masters almost never deprive a girl of sex. Though it can be done with an end view, for such purposes as punishment, increasing her need for a later time, or bringing her to a good, hot ready point for, say, her sale from a block." ~ Dancer, pg. 298
Common Misunderstanding Of FW:
" ‘There are many ways to take a woman,’ I said. ‘All of them are pleasurable. Much depends on the situation, and the time of day, and preferences and tastes of the master. If you think that the pleasure of the man is inextricably linked with the pleasure of the woman you are naive. That is a common misunderstanding of the free woman. That is much like thinking that the fruit cannot be enjoyed if it has not first begged to be plucked from the tree. That is simply not true. One can simply take it and enjoy it. Indeed there is something to be said for such things. In them one simply imposes one’s will upon the helpless other. In them one senses imperiousness and power. Those who have felt such things know their value.’ " ~ Mercenaries, pg. 194
Subject To His Use:
"In relationships between men and women, it is common observation that the relationship tends to be improved considerably when the woman is subject to his usage. When she knows that a fellow may, if he wishes, simply hurl her to his feet and put her to woman uses, she is likely to behave rather differently toward him than toward who does not have this power over her. ~ Dancer, pg. 234
The Use Of Claudia:
I had used lady Claudia, the first day I had been in the cell, flinging her to my feet in the straw, I had taken little time with her. Later that afternoon, after I had slept, I had awakened and snapped my fingers. She was over against the far wall, awake, wide-eyed, half covered in the straw, lying on her side, watching me. At my signal she had crawled across the floor, through the straw, and then knelt before me her head down submitted. I had taken her by her arms and thrown her again to the straw. I had not exepcted the intensity and helplessness of her response. Within the Ahn she had become, in effect, my slave. That night I gave her the name 'Chloe". A transformation had soon become visible in her, over the next two or three days, in her entire body and personality. The hardness, the selfishness, the nastiness, the smallness, the pettiness, the meanness which had so characterized her began to melt away. In its place she was becoming soft and feminine, delicate and attentive, eager to please and serve, and loving. ~ Renegades, pg. 214-215
Use of Master's Name:
'May I call you Tarl?' she asked. 'Only if given permission, ' I told her. this was normal Gorean slave custom. Generally, of course, such permission is not even asked, and , if asked would be denied. Sometimes a girl is whipped for even daring to ask this permission. 'A girl asks permission to call her Master by his name,' she said. 'It is denied,' I said. 'Yes, Master,' she said. I would not permit the slave girl to speak my name. It is not fitting that the name of the master be soiled by being touched by the lips of a slave girl." pg 360 Tribesmen
Sharing of Salt:
Ride Free," he said. "I will," I said. "I can teach you nothing more," he said. I was silent. "Let there be salt between us," he said. "Let there be salt between us," I said. He placed salt from the small dish on the back of his right wrist. He looked at me. His eyes were narrow. "I trust," said he, "you have not made jest of me." "No," I said. "In your hand," he said, "steel is live, like a bird." The judge nodded assent. The boy's eyes shone. He stood back. "I have never seen this, to this extent, in another man." He looked at me. "Who are you?" he asked. I placed salt on the back of my right wrist. "One who shares salt with you," I said. "It is enough," he said. I touched my tongue to the salt in the sweat of his right wrist, and he touched his tongue to the salt on my right wrist. "We have shared salt," he said. ~ pg 60 Tribesmen
Not Easily Fooled:
"Gorean men were not so easily fooled as the men of Earth. Gorean men do not choose to be dominated, but to dominate, to be the master." ~ Captive, pg. 193
A Hurricane Of Joy:
To an Earth girl, accumtomed to the hypocrisy and weakness of the men of Earth, their shame, their inhibitions and pretenses, the Gorean male, in his honesty, his power, his lust, his manhood, is a hurricane of joy. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 358 Top
Her Breasts:
"Her breasts…in which so much of her luscious femaleness is naturally manifested, do not escape notice in her bondage. They are as open and available to the master as any part of her. After all, he owns the whole slave. Accordingly she knows that they, so sweet and soft, so delicious and marvelous, so wonderful and exciting, will, like the rest of her, without a second thought, be submitted to attentions appropriate to her status. They may be lovingly handled, and kissed and caressed by the master and as long as he pleases. Too, they might be emphasized and accentuated by various forms of garments and bindings. The tying of slave girdles…and the arrangement of binding fiber, often has this subtle, delicious feature in mind. Too…they may be confined, if one wishes , in open brassieres of cord, or netting." ~ Mercenaries, pg. 389
Eating Simultaneously:
Many men permit a girl, for most practical purposes, to eat simultaneously with him, provided he begins first and it does not interfere with her service to him. Thus, he gets his girl, fed, more swiftly to the furs. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 66
Feeding The Slave:
In some dwellings a girl must, before the evening meal, hand her plate to the man; he will then, normally, return it to her; if she has not been completely pleasing to him, on the other hand, she may not be fed that night. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 66
Control Of Food:
Control of a girl's food not only permits the intelligent regulation of her caloric intake but provides an excellent instrument for keeping her in line; control the food, control the girl. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 66
Control Of Food:
Few things so impress a man's dominance on her, or her dependence upon him, than the control of her food. So simple a thing thrills her to the core. It makes her eager to please him as a slave girl. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 66
Troubled Over Caring:
He looked down at me, troubled. He touched my head gently, moving back hair from the right side of my face. "Can it be," he asked, "that I, Rask of Treve, care for a mere slave?" ~ Captive, pg. 344
Power Over Beauty:
"Sometimes slaves are skillful in immeshing masters in the toils of their beauty. How often do they conquer us with their softness! How often are we the victims of their delicious, insidious charms and wiles! What drums and alarms are found, upon occasion, in their glances and smiles. What battalions can march in a tearful eye and a trembling lip. What potent strategies can lurk in the line of a breast or the turn of a hip. How a bent knee and a bowed head can wrench a man's guts. Helplessness and vulnerability seem strange shields; how implausible is gentleness as an instrument of diplomacy; what an unlikely weapon is her tenderness. Who is most powerful, I wondered, the master of the slave? Then I realized that it is the master who is most powerful for he may, if he wishes, put her on the block and sell her or dispose of her in any way he pleases. In the end, in the final analysis, it is he, and not she, who holds the whip. It is she who, in the end, must kneel at the feet of a master, completely at his mercy, her will, in the final analysis, nothing. It is she who, in the end, in the final analysis, is owned, and must please, absolutely." ~ Blood Brothers, pg. 316
Gentle & Harsh His Domination Remark - Kindness Strictness Admit - Caring
Some Care More Striking FP - Punish Repeating FM - Punish
Anticipate Discipline Forcing Pleasure Lips - Touched Rebellion
Squabbles Abandonment Every Inch Pride - Knowing Like To Know
Spirited Truly Master Possessive Liberation No Bargain
No Compromise At His Mercy Mastered Reveal Deceive
Freedom Competition Manipulating Restraints Appreciation
Fulfill Male Mastery Whip Convinces Power Over Hand Feeding
Permission - Speak Natural Master Chaining Not - Earth Deep Passion
Way Of Looking Less Tolerant Insubordinate Not Conditioned The Woodsman
Thanks Constraint Not Weak Relish Women Taking Action
Whole Woman Lusty Males Nature's Gift Seldom Cruel Denial - Collar
Heartless Possessions Freeing Fool To Free Maleness
Release - Man Collared Master Never Deprive Misunderstand His Use
Claudia Use - Name Sharing Salt Not Fooled Hurricane - Joy
Her Breasts Eating Feeding Control - Food Troubled - Caring
Power - Beauty Kiss & Caress Useage Back To Main Page
Men Command/Women Obey:
A woman admires strength, especially if it is used to dominate and control her. It is it seems for men to command and women to obey, for men to dominate, and women to submit, for men to claim and women to yield, It is, it seems the way of primate nature. Its test is enactment, its proof is joy, its evidence is love. If we have lost this, we have lost part of ourselves. pg 423 Slave Girl of GOR
Made To Earn Compliments:
Most masters, incidentally, make a girl they own earn her compliments. ~ Beasts, pg. 17
Object To Vent Upon:
" of the utilities of a slave, of course, is to occasionally serve as the helpless object upon which the Master may vent his dissatisfaction, his frustration or anger. Too, of course, they may serve many other related purposes, such as the relief of tensions, to relax oneself and even to calm oneself for clear thought." ~ Magicians, pg. 134
Touching Food:
"Sometimes slaves are not permitted to touch food with their own hands. Sometimes they are fed by hand; at other times their food might be thrown to them or put out for them in pans, and such, from which then, not using their hands, on all fours, head down, they must feed, in the manner of she-quadrupeds, or slaves, if it be the master’s pleasure." ~ Mercenaries, pg. 82
Strive To Remain Strong:
Women with deep feminine needs are mercilessly exploited by Gorean men. It was a pleasant game. They are so helpless. And yet how lovely they are. One must strive to remain strong with them. ~ Beasts, pgs. 433-434
Time For Gentle & Harsh:
There is a time for courtesy and gentleness, and a time for harshness. The master must remember that he owns the girl; if he keeps this in mind he will generally treat her correctly. He must be strong and he must be capable of administering discipline if she is not pleasing ~ Beasts, pgs. 9-10
Evidence Of His Domination:
Accordingly, what might seem brutal or quick to a man, may be taken by a woman in the dimensions of her sentience as irrefutable evidence of his domination of her, her being owned by him, which thrills her to the core for it touches the ancient biological meaning of her womanhood. He simply uses her for his pleasure, because he wished to do so. He is her master. ~Beasts, pgs. 9-10
Perilous Remark On Kindness:
"You are kind," she said. "Beware," I said. "Forgive me, Master," she said, suddenly frightened. "I meant no harm. It was a small slip. I did not mean to insult you. Please do not whip me for it." "Very well, I said. I was tired. Too, it did not seem to me that her remark, inadvertant and perilous as it may have been, impaired the discipline in which I held her. Kindness is not always a weakness you must understand. Indeed, it, and its withdrawal, may be used to better control the girl. To be sure, the master who is harder to please gets more from his girl than the master who is easy to please, but, nonetheless, I think kindness is not out of place upon occasion toward a bond girl. Indeed, in a certain context a kind word can almost cause such a wench, collared and at your mercy, to faint with love. ~ Beasts, pgs. 316-317
Of His Strictness:
It may seem hard to understand but the man who truly cares for his slave is often rather strict with her; he cares enough for her to be strong; sometimes she may resent or hate him but, too, she is inordinately proud of him, for what he makes her do, and be, and she loves him for his strength and his will; in her heart she knows she is the slave of such a man; how can she not love the man who proves to be her master? ~ Beasts, pgs. 316-317
Not Admit To Caring:
Many Gorean men, in their vanity, will not admit to caring for slaves. Even the thought of it, it seems, would embarrass them. Who could care for a meaningless slut in a collar? Yet, too often, for just such women, luscious and helpless, and in bondage, men are prepared to kill. Indeed, more than one war on Gor has been fought to recover a single slave. ~ Dancer, pg.21
Some Care More Than A Little:
"Do some men care for their slaves," I asked, "just a little?" "Some men care for them much more than a little," he said. "Even natural slaves?" I asked. "Those are the best sort," he said." ~ Kajira, pg. 436
No Reason Needed For Striking:
That a slave had irritated one in the least particular is, of course, more than enough reason for striking her. Indeed, one does not need a reason for striking a slave. One may do so at one purest caprice. The girl know of course, aside from my irritation at her own outburst, I did not want her cries to mark our position in the forest. Explorers, page 287
Any FP Can Punish:
"You cannot punish me" she cried. 'You are not my Masters!'. 'Any FreePerson can punish an errant slave girl' I said. 'Surely you do not think that her behaviour fails to be subject to supervision and correction as soon as she is out of her Masters sight" ~ Magicians of Gor page 225
Repeating Commands:
"Punishment for having to repeat a command is always at the option of the Master. For example, a command might not be clearly heard, or might not be clear in itself, or might appear inconsistent with the Master's presumed intentions. Whether punishment is in order or not is then a matter for judgement on the Master's part." ~ Magicians, pg. 198
Any FM Can Punish:
"Any free man may discipline an insolent or errant slave," I said, "even one who is the least bit displeasing, even one he might merely feel like disciplining. If she is killed, or injured, he need only pay compensation to her master, and that only if the master can be located within a specific amount of time and requests such compensation. ~ Players, pg. 235
Anticipate The Blow:
I then, by the hair and an arm, drew her again to her hands and knees. I again then stood behind her but this time I did not strike her immediately, but let her wait, as a slave, that she might anticipate the blow, and grow apprehensive of it, and not know precisely when it would fall. ~ Mercenaries, pg. 11
Discipline Attended By Any FP:
"The discipline of a slave may be attended to by any free person, otherwise she might do much what she wished, provided only her Master did not learn of it. The legal principle is clear, and has been upheld in several courts, in several cities, including Ar." ~ Magicians, pg. 122
Alternatively, he might have waited a bit, and paid her next rent fee himself. Any free person, incidentally, may discipline a slave. If this were not the case, then a slave, outside the knowledge of her master, might dare to be insolent to a free person. ~ Renegades, pg. 209
Forcing Pleasure:
One of the great pleasures in the Master, increasing the sense of it's joy and power, is forcing the female to experience, at your will and convenience, incredible pleasures, carrying her up and down, and through, a series of slave orgasms, making her more and more helpless, until she is irremediably yours, lost in the throes of her submission ecstacies. ~ Vagabonds, pg. 357
Whose Lips Never Touched:
"It is said that he whose lips have never touched those of a slave girl does not know, truly, what it is to hold a woman in his arms." ~ Beasts, pg. 438
Commanded Rebellion:
Tears formed in my eyes. There is a mock rebellion which is sometimes permitted a slave girl, or even commanded of her, for the master's amusement. I felt a tear on my cheek. "Show Rebellion," is a command which a girl must, as any other, obey. Yet it is a terribly cruel command. "Kneel," is the command which, commonly puts an end to her rebellion. When a girl is permitted defiance, it is then all the sweeter, I gather, to bring her to her knees before you. Suffice it to say the girl belongs to her master, completely. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 153
Slave Squabbles:
"The other girls, resenting the tunic she had been given, had stripped her. Svein Blue Tooth had laughed, masters do not interfere in the squabbles of slaves." ~ Marauders, pg. 289
It interested me that none of the twenty-four girls had been abandoned. But I was not surprised. The female slave, celebrated on Gor for her beauty, her skills and her delights is a prize booty. Female slaves are almost never abandoned by Gorean men. He does not care to release such a prize. He keeps it.
Knowing Every Inch:
"He looked on her intently. He studied her. He gave her great attention. She turned her head to one side, her wrists secured in many turns of the binding fiber, her fists clenched....on earth many men did not even know their wives...Never, truly had they seen them. But a Gorean Master will know every inch, and care for every inch, of one of his slave girls. He will know every hair, every sweet blemish of her. In a way she is nothing to him, for she is only a slave. But in another way she is very important to him. She is one of his women. He will know her. He will want to know her completely, every inch of her body, every inch of her mind. Nothing less will satisfy him. She is his property. He will choose to know his property thoroughly." ~ Hunters, pg. 145
Pride In Depth Of Knowing:
"It is not uncommon for masters to pride themselves on the depth with which they know their slave girls; this depth is far greater in my opinion than that with which the average husband of Earth knows his wife; the slave girl is not simply someone with whom the man lives; she is very special to him; she is a treasured possession; he owns her; he wants to know profoundly and deeply, the background, history, the mind, the intelligence, the appetites, the nature and dispositions of his lovely article of property; this knowledge, of course, puts her more at his mercy; by making it possible for him to manipulate her feelings, exploit weaknesses, drop asides, etc., she in the helpless condition of slavery, it gives him greater power over her. ~ Tribesmen, pgs. 42-43
Like To Know Their Girls:
Masters, like to know their girls. They want to know them with a depth, detail and intimacy that it would be quite appropriate to expect of, or desire from, a prideful free companion. She is naked to the master, and fully." ~ Mercenaries, pg. 349
Spirited Slave:
"What he said did not surprise me. The Gorean Master, commonly, likes a spirited girl, one who fights the whip and collar, resisting until the last, perhaps months later, she is overwhelmed and must acknowledge herself his, utterly and without reservation, then fearing only that he might tire of her and sell her to another." ~ Nomads, pg. 29
Truly The Master:
"I knew before," she said, "that I was truly your slave but I did not know until now that you were truly my master." She looked up at me, shaken. "It is a strange feeling," she said, "to know that someone-truly-is you master, to know that not only has he the right to do with you as he pleases but that he will, that your will is nothing to him, that it is your will and not his that must bend, that you are helpless and must-and will-do what he says, that you must obey." ~ Priest Kings, pb. 203-204
Most Master Possessive:
"These girls may be exchanged among the men, but commonly they are not. Most masters are rather possessive about their slaves, particularly if they are fond of them." ~ Guardsman, pg. 209
Marvelous Liberation:
"The master…keeps her under discipline, uses her frequently and often casually, and forces her to undergo the abuses proper to her degraded condition. At a given moment of tenderness, sooner or later, she yields herself to him, fully, and as his slave. This moment is usually accompanied with tears of joy, and love. This is experienced by the women as a moment of marvelous liberation. Gone then are the thousand frustrations and conflicts; released then, in a flood of tears and joy, is her fundamental womanhood; the hypocrisies are then at an end; the long shams are done; she melts into his arms; kissing and sobbing, his." ~ Guardsman, pg 105
No Bargaining:
"One owns slaves and commands them. One does what one likes with them. One does not bargain with them." ~ Mercenaries, pg. 365
No Compromise On Femininity:
"You are a slave," I said. "You are owned. You are a female. You will be forced to be a woman. If you were free, and Gorean, you might be permitted by men to remain as you are, but you are neither Gorean nor free. The Gorean man will accept no compromise on your femininity, not from a slave. She will be what he wishes, and that is a woman, fully, and his." ~ Tribesmen, pg. 12
At His Mercy:
"If necessary you will be whipped or starved. You may fight your master. He will, if he wishes, permit this, to prolong the sport of your conquest, but in the end, it is you who are the slave; it is you who will lose. On Earth you had the society at your back, the result of centuries of feminization; he could not so much as speak harshly to you but you could rush away or summon magistrates; here, however, society is not at your back, but at his; it will abet him in his wishes, for you are only a slave; you will have no one to call, nowhere to run; you will be alone with him, and at his mercy." ~ Tribesmen, pg. 12
I Was Mastered:
"What have you done to her?" he asked, grinning. "Last night she was an enslaved female. This morning she is a female slave." He put forth his hand and held her, with one hand, his fingers about her chin and throat. She shuddered. "I would say," he grinned, "that she is now more truly aware of her condition, that you have much improved her." He did not remove his hand from her throat and chin. "Were you much improved last night, Beverly?" he asked. "Yes, Master," she said. ..... "What was done to you last night?" he asked. "I was mastered," she said." ~ Rogue, pgs. 223-224
Forced To Reveal:
For example, it is common for a master to force his girl to speak at length and in detail to him of the secret sides of her nature, explaining and elaborating on her fantasies; if she is literate, she may be forced, naked and collared, on her knees at a small table, sometimes with her ankles shackled, to write them out; this supplies the master, of course, with abundant materials which may be used by him to make her further and more helplessly his..." ~ Tribesmen, pgs. 42-43
Attempts To Deceive:
"... sometimes the girl attempts to deceive the master; it is not difficult to detect in authenticity in such matters; she is then beaten; too, she may be at times ordered to invent fantasies, sometimes of a certain type; these, too, for she has invented them, are, to an astute master, instructive; these intellectual, emotional exercises, performed by the girl under the condition of slavery, particularly if coupled with an enforced exercise regime, posing under male surveillance, and such, can do much to sensitize her to her collar; they awaken her body..." ~ Tribesmen, pgs. 42-43
Paradox Of Freedom: "... and, of equal importance for the Gorean, though not for the Earthling, who sees sex with the perception of a hippopotamus, as a matter of body rubbings, her fantastic imagination and mind; she becomes curious, soon, about the deeper implications of what she is, a mere article of her master's property; then, with authority, with assurance and power, to the depth and height of her mind and imagination she is taught; the slave girl experiences a paradox of freedom; the free woman is physically free, but miserable, fighting to be what she is not; the slave girl, physically in bondage, even to the collar, sometimes chains, is given no choice by men but to be totally and precisely what she is, slave; such women, slaves, interestingly, are almost always joyful and vital; they are paradoxically, in their feelings and emotions, liberated; they are not pinched, not psychologically restrained; why this should be I do not know; to see such women , their heads held high, their eyes bright, their bodies , movements, beautiful, as no earth woman would dare to be, is quite pleasurable; some of them are so insolent, so proud of their collars, that I have cuffed them to my feet, to remind them that they are only slaves." ~ Tribesmen, pgs. 42-43
Competition Among Girls:
One of the aspects of the mastery, inconvenient at times, though it can be borne, is the competition among girls for the attentions of the master. Indeed, some masters keep more than one girl, just for this purpose, not merely to lesson the labors of each, but that each may, in the intensity of their rivalry, strive to lease him more than the other. Each wishes, of course, to undermine the position of the other and to become the favorite. From the girl's point of view there are few slaves who would not rather do double the labor and be the only wench in the masters compartments. To be sure, the loser in such a competition generally becomes the masters work and the winner the pleasure slave. ~ Explorers, pg. 374
"Did you strike me because I challenged your manhood?" she asked." You were not struck for such an absurd reason," I said. "You were struck, rather, because you were attempting to manipulate me." ~ Mercenaries, pg. 422
Mastering With Restraints:
"What do you think he is doing to her?" she asked. "Mastering her," I said. "Do you think she is tied?" she asked. "Probably." I said She looked down, shuddering, blushing. The intensification of sexual pleasure, both physically and psychologically, by the application of selected restraints is well known." ~ Renegades, pg. 158
Appreciation Of A Rag:
I regarded the girl. In warmer seasons, or warmer areas, one may take one's time in making the decision as to whether or not a female is to be permitted clothing. Some masters keep their slaves naked for a year or more. The girl is grateful when, and if, she is permitted clothing, be it only a bit of cloth or some rag or other. ~ Mercenaries, pg. 13
Fulfilling Maleness:
"I knew, from my own experience, that nothing fulfills maleness like mastery. He who would be a man must be a master. He who surrenders his mastery surrenders his manhood. I wondered what those who flocked like sheep to their own castration received in recompense for their manhood. I supposed it must be very valuable. But if this were so, why did they feel it necessary to shrill so petulantly at others, those who scorned them and had chosen different paths?" ~ Players, pg. 176
Owning vs Mastery:
"It is one thing to own a woman, and it is another to have her within the bonds of an excellent mastery." Magicians, pg. 465
The Whip Convinces:
"It is not so much, I think, that the lash, in such a situation, as a punishment, changes the woman's behavior, that she obeys because she does not wish to be whipped, but rather that the whip convinces her that she is now free to be the sensuous, sexual, marvelous creature which she is in herself and has always desired to be. In this sense the whip does not oppress the woman but rather liberates her to be herself, wild, uninhibited, free in a sense, even though she may be bound in chains, and sexual. To be sure, the whip is also used to punish women, and they do fear it, and mightily, for such a reason." ~ Magicians, pg. 197
Absolute Power Over Slave:
"Do you like the garment?" he asked. "Whose use I may have, if only for a moment," she smiled, "Yes, Master. Oh, yes, my Master!" "It is not much," he said. "It is a treasure," she said. I smiled. To her, I supposed, a slave, such a tiny thing, little more than a brief rag, would indeed be a treasure. "You understand, of course," he said, "that its use may be as easily taken from you as given to you." "Yes, Master," she said. "Do you wish to retain its use?" he asked. "Of course, Master," she said. "You now have an additional motivation for striving to please," he said. "Yes, Master," she smiled. The control of a girl’s clothing, and many other things, such as her diet, chaining, name, whether or not her head it to be shaved, and so on, are all within the purview of the master. His power over the slave is unqualified and absolute." ~ Magicians, pg. 26
Hand Feeding:
"I held a date before her, and she leaned forward, stretching her chained neck to reach it, and I drew it back. She then knelt back again, on her heels. Whether she were to receive the date or not was my decision. I then gave it to her, putting it in her mouth. "My Master feeds me," she whispered. "The slave is grateful." "Open your mouth," I said, "Eat." She looked at me. "Yes," I said, "you will be fed as what you are, a slave." I then put one of the tidbits into her mouth, and, in a moment, angrily, she had finished it. It is not unusual for a slave’s first food from a new master to be received in a hand feeding. It may also be done, from time to time, of course, with all, or a portion, of a given snack, or meal. This sort of thing expresses symbolically, and teaches her also, on a very deep level, that she is dependent upon him for her food, that it is from his hand, so to speak, that she receives it." ~ Magicians, pg. 477
Permission To Speak:
"He then struck her with the back of his hand, striking her to one side, and she fell, turning, to her knees. She looked up at him from all fours, blood at her lips. "Were you given permission to speak?" he asked. "Forgive me, Master," she whispered. She then crawled to his feet, and putting her head down, kissed them. "A slave begs the forgiveness of her master," she said. Marcus looked down at her angrily." ~ Magicians, pg. 27
Gorean Natural Master:
"...the Gorean male, whether by culture or genetic endowment, is unlike the typical man of Earth...though not unlike at all, is a natural master of women." ~ Captive, pg. 168
Chaining A Wench:
"The Gorean man, as a man, cheerfully and dutifully attends to the rescuing of his female in distress, but as a Gorean, as a true Gorean, he feels, perhaps justifiably and being somewhat less or more romantic than ourselves, that he should have something more for his pains than her kiss of gratitude and so, in typical Gorean fashion, puts his chain on the wench, claiming both her and her body as his payment." ~ Priest-Kings, pg. 138
Not Men Of Earth:
"Goreans are not men of Earth," I said. "They will have what they truly want from a woman, everything." ~ Beasts, pg. 230
Men Of Deep Passion:
"Tears are not unbecoming to the soldier," said Callimachus. "The soldier is a man of deep passions, and emotion. Many men cannot even understand his depths. Do not fear your currents and your powers. In the soldier are flowers and storms. Each is a part of him, and each is real. Accept both. Deny neither." ~ Guardsman, pg. 238
Way Of Looking At Women:
"Gorean men have a way of looking at women which is like stripping them and putting them to their feet." ~ Slave Girl, pb. 267
Less Tolerant Of Pretense:
"Gorean men," I said, "you will learn, are less tolerant of pretense than the men of Earth." ~ Beasts, pg. 202
Insubordination Unacceptable:
"Insubordination, slaves are quickly taught, is not acceptable, in any way, to the Gorean master." ~ Kajira, pg. 123
Not Conditioned:
"Further, he has not been conditioned with counterinstinctual value sets, programmed with guilt, taught self-hatred; he has been taught pride and has, in the very air he breathes, imbibed the mastery of females. These are different men. They are not Earthlings. They are Goreans. They are strong, and they are hard, and they will conquer you. For a man of Earth, you might never be a woman. For a man of Gor, I assure you, my dear, sooner or later you will be." ~ Tribesmen, pg. 12
The Woodsman:
"The Gorean woodsman, it might be mentioned, before he will strike a tree with an axe, speaks to the tree, begs its forgiveness and explains the use to which the wood will be put." ~ Captive, pg. 238
Thanks Not Needed:
"How can I ever thank you?" he cried, stepping back, holding me, proudly, looking at me. "Between friends," I said, "thanks are neither needed, nor possible." ~ Mercenaries, pg. 116
Hypocrisy Of Constraint:
"On this alien world a strong man may feel and express emotions, and that the hypocrisy of constraint is not honored on this planet." ~ Tarnsman, pg. 25
Gorean Male Not Weak:
She was a gorean female, and knew the men of Gor. A woman of Earth, if not beaten, and swiftly forced to learn her womanhood, would dobtless have held out for a time, confident that Gorean men, like those to whom she had become accustomed on her native planet, would prove to be weak, that they would yield to her. They learn soon enough, however, that the average Gorean male simply does not share the conditioned political conceptions of the female which in so many cases have suceeded in crippling, weakening and demasculnizing the men of Earth. ~ Renegades, pg. 209
Gorean Men Relish Women:
"It pleased the men to see us do this. Gorean men relish women, and enjoy watching, even in the performance of such simple, homely acts as combing our hair. To be sure we were bare breasted, and slaves, and obeying." ~ Dancer, pg. 111
Taking Direct Action:
"How many times, I wondered, had a man of Earth, irritated with an Earth girl or woman, been tempted to seize her and pull gum from her mouth, or straighten her hair, or adjust her halter, or tell her to straighten her body, or to change her posture, or to sit and kneel in a certain way, but, of course, had not done so? Here however, men at least with women such as I, felt few reservations, inhibitions or compunctions about taking immediate and often direct action in such manners." ~ Dancer, pg. 79
Whole Woman Found Exciting:
"Gorean men seem to find the whole woman exciting. The shoulders lead to the delicious curvatures of the breasts, those, too, the property of the master, and thence to the waist and belly, and thighs, and the slave’s helpless, delicate intimacies. The ear lobes, too, lead to the throat, and thence, beneath the collar, to the shoulders, and so on. Similarly, the foot leads to the ankle, and that to the lusciously rounded calf, and that upward to the thighs, and those, again, in their lovely softness, to the girls exposed, hot open, delicate, intimacies. ~ Dancer, pg. 157
Kisses & Caresses:
It is not unusual for a Gorean male, in his zest for females, to cover her entire body, bit by bit, with kisses and caresses, moving toward her helplessness. It is not easy to prevent these attentions, either when you have been simply chained down for his pleasure. Sometimes you scream for him to hasten, begging him with every bit of your female helplessness to do so, but he will do as he pleases, for you belong to him or her has your use, and he is a free male, a Master." ~ Dancer, pg. 157
Lusty Males:
"Gorean men, like lusty males generally, have an incredible appreciation of female beauty." ~ Dancer, pg. 259
Nature's Gift To Man:
"Many Goreans believe that woman is nature’s gift to man, that nature has designed her for his stimulation, pleasure and service. Accordingly, they seldom hesitate to avail themselves of this gift. Too, they are sensitive to the pleasure of power. They know the pleasures of power, and they honestly and candidly seek, appreciate and relish them. They know there is no thrill in the world comparable to having absolute power over a female. These feelings, like those of glory and victory, to which they are akin, are their own reward. Goreans do not apologize for such natural and biologically validated urges. Too, they do not feel guilty over them. Indeed, to feel guilty over such natural, profound, deep, and common urges would be, from the Gorean point of view, madness. The male is dominant, unless crippled. Without the mastery there can be no fulfillment, and, interestingly, without complete male fulfillment there can be no complete female fulfillment." ~ Mercenaries, pg. 147
Seldom Cruel:
Perhaps it should only be added that the Gorean master, though often strict, is seldom cruel. The girl knows, if she pleases him, her lot will be an easy one. She will almost never encounter sadism or wanton cruelty, for the psychological environment that tends to breed these diseases is largely absent from Gor. This does not mean that she will not expect to be beaten if she disobeys, or fails to please her master." Outlaw, pg. 51-54
Denial Of Collar:
"What greater cruelty can a man inflict upon a slave than to deny her the collar?" she asked. ~ Rogue, pg.18
Some Masters Heartless:
I could not deny to her that some masters are heartless , that some are inflexible and cruel. And the coins of such men, of course, have as much buying power as those of anyone else. In fact, sometimes I have suspected that slavers enjoy throwing a girl who is still proud, or who has given them some difficulties, into such clutches. Sometimes after only a week in the power of such brutes a girl is almost willing to give her life to achieve a kind word, or a moment of intimacy. She is then ready to be a slave fully. The slave may be given more or less leash , as seems fitting, but she must always understand that it can be shortened at a moment's notice, and that the whip is always ready. ~ Renegades, pgs. 405-406
Pleasure In Possessions:
"Such things are not unusual with Gorean masters. It is not uncommon with them to have their girls strip, and turn before them and assume the poses, and move in certain ways, and such." "In the case of the slave, they own the girl. Thus they may command her, and have her perform, and precisely, as it pleases them, and she must, of course, obey with perfection. She is their slave. I suppose this in part, at least, the result of an understandable desire to appreciate and take pleasure in one’s possessions, or what one might regard as one’s precious objects, or treasure." ~ Dancer, pg. 259
Freeing of Slaves:
Gorean men, on the whole, do not free slaves. The freeing of a girl is almost unheard of. This makes sense. They are not free women. They are belongings, valuable, slaves, treasures. Who discards precious possessions, who surrenders treasures? If the slave girl were worth less perhaps she would be freed more. She is too marvelous to free; and if she is not marvelous, she can be slain. Too, what man who has known the glory and joy of a girl at his feet is likely to wish to exchange that for the inconvenience and bother of a free woman? No, slave girls, for all practical uses, are not freed. They will remain in one collar or another. Men will have it that way. Explorers of Gor pg. 90
A Fool To Free Her:
"I had broken her swiftly to my collar. She had been excellent in a man"s arms. Months later I had freed her. What a fool I had been. It was not a mistake I would make again with a woman. Keep them slaves. They belong in collars." ~ Beasts, pg. 140
Incredible Maleness:
"How beautiful I must look to him, I thought. And I had sensed his incredible maleness, the animal maleness of him, so different from the thwarted, crippled sexuality so commended and tragically endemic among the males of Earth. For the first time in my life I felt I understood what might be the meaning of the expression "male," and as I lay before him, too, dimly, it frightening me, what might be the meaning of the expression "female." How beautiful, I thought, I must look to him, lying bound, totally vulnerable, helpless at his feet. How such a sight must stir the splendor of his manhood, to see the female, his, caught, helpless at his feet, his to do with in lust and pleasure, and joy, as he pleased, helpless to escape him, free for him to work his will upon her!" ~ Slave Girl, pg. 27
Release Of Man:
"I feared she might release in me things which I feared to understand, because I feared she might release in me something proud and savage, something which would be a stranger to apologies and pretenses, something long-forgotten and mighty, something which had been bred in caves and the hunt, something which might be called man." ~ Fighting Slave, pg. 111
Collared Master:
On the other hand, it is not too unusual a set of compartments on Gor where the master, in effect, willingly wears the collar, and his lovely slave, by the practice of the delightful wiles of her sex, with scandalous success wheedles her way triumphantly from the satisfaction of one whim to the next pg 51-54 Outlaw of GOR
A slave girl is best either when she is often used, or when she has been deliberately, for some time, deprived. A free woman may go days or weeks without the touch of her companion. For a slave, who has learned her collar, this would be almost unspeakable misery. Two nights without a master's touch would be agony for her.~ Hunters, pg. 235
Almost Never Deprive Of Sex:
"Gorean masters almost never deprive a girl of sex. Though it can be done with an end view, for such purposes as punishment, increasing her need for a later time, or bringing her to a good, hot ready point for, say, her sale from a block." ~ Dancer, pg. 298
Common Misunderstanding Of FW:
" ‘There are many ways to take a woman,’ I said. ‘All of them are pleasurable. Much depends on the situation, and the time of day, and preferences and tastes of the master. If you think that the pleasure of the man is inextricably linked with the pleasure of the woman you are naive. That is a common misunderstanding of the free woman. That is much like thinking that the fruit cannot be enjoyed if it has not first begged to be plucked from the tree. That is simply not true. One can simply take it and enjoy it. Indeed there is something to be said for such things. In them one simply imposes one’s will upon the helpless other. In them one senses imperiousness and power. Those who have felt such things know their value.’ " ~ Mercenaries, pg. 194
Subject To His Use:
"In relationships between men and women, it is common observation that the relationship tends to be improved considerably when the woman is subject to his usage. When she knows that a fellow may, if he wishes, simply hurl her to his feet and put her to woman uses, she is likely to behave rather differently toward him than toward who does not have this power over her. ~ Dancer, pg. 234
The Use Of Claudia:
I had used lady Claudia, the first day I had been in the cell, flinging her to my feet in the straw, I had taken little time with her. Later that afternoon, after I had slept, I had awakened and snapped my fingers. She was over against the far wall, awake, wide-eyed, half covered in the straw, lying on her side, watching me. At my signal she had crawled across the floor, through the straw, and then knelt before me her head down submitted. I had taken her by her arms and thrown her again to the straw. I had not exepcted the intensity and helplessness of her response. Within the Ahn she had become, in effect, my slave. That night I gave her the name 'Chloe". A transformation had soon become visible in her, over the next two or three days, in her entire body and personality. The hardness, the selfishness, the nastiness, the smallness, the pettiness, the meanness which had so characterized her began to melt away. In its place she was becoming soft and feminine, delicate and attentive, eager to please and serve, and loving. ~ Renegades, pg. 214-215
Use of Master's Name:
'May I call you Tarl?' she asked. 'Only if given permission, ' I told her. this was normal Gorean slave custom. Generally, of course, such permission is not even asked, and , if asked would be denied. Sometimes a girl is whipped for even daring to ask this permission. 'A girl asks permission to call her Master by his name,' she said. 'It is denied,' I said. 'Yes, Master,' she said. I would not permit the slave girl to speak my name. It is not fitting that the name of the master be soiled by being touched by the lips of a slave girl." pg 360 Tribesmen
Sharing of Salt:
Ride Free," he said. "I will," I said. "I can teach you nothing more," he said. I was silent. "Let there be salt between us," he said. "Let there be salt between us," I said. He placed salt from the small dish on the back of his right wrist. He looked at me. His eyes were narrow. "I trust," said he, "you have not made jest of me." "No," I said. "In your hand," he said, "steel is live, like a bird." The judge nodded assent. The boy's eyes shone. He stood back. "I have never seen this, to this extent, in another man." He looked at me. "Who are you?" he asked. I placed salt on the back of my right wrist. "One who shares salt with you," I said. "It is enough," he said. I touched my tongue to the salt in the sweat of his right wrist, and he touched his tongue to the salt on my right wrist. "We have shared salt," he said. ~ pg 60 Tribesmen
Not Easily Fooled:
"Gorean men were not so easily fooled as the men of Earth. Gorean men do not choose to be dominated, but to dominate, to be the master." ~ Captive, pg. 193
A Hurricane Of Joy:
To an Earth girl, accumtomed to the hypocrisy and weakness of the men of Earth, their shame, their inhibitions and pretenses, the Gorean male, in his honesty, his power, his lust, his manhood, is a hurricane of joy. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 358 Top
Her Breasts:
"Her breasts…in which so much of her luscious femaleness is naturally manifested, do not escape notice in her bondage. They are as open and available to the master as any part of her. After all, he owns the whole slave. Accordingly she knows that they, so sweet and soft, so delicious and marvelous, so wonderful and exciting, will, like the rest of her, without a second thought, be submitted to attentions appropriate to her status. They may be lovingly handled, and kissed and caressed by the master and as long as he pleases. Too, they might be emphasized and accentuated by various forms of garments and bindings. The tying of slave girdles…and the arrangement of binding fiber, often has this subtle, delicious feature in mind. Too…they may be confined, if one wishes , in open brassieres of cord, or netting." ~ Mercenaries, pg. 389
Eating Simultaneously:
Many men permit a girl, for most practical purposes, to eat simultaneously with him, provided he begins first and it does not interfere with her service to him. Thus, he gets his girl, fed, more swiftly to the furs. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 66
Feeding The Slave:
In some dwellings a girl must, before the evening meal, hand her plate to the man; he will then, normally, return it to her; if she has not been completely pleasing to him, on the other hand, she may not be fed that night. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 66
Control Of Food:
Control of a girl's food not only permits the intelligent regulation of her caloric intake but provides an excellent instrument for keeping her in line; control the food, control the girl. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 66
Control Of Food:
Few things so impress a man's dominance on her, or her dependence upon him, than the control of her food. So simple a thing thrills her to the core. It makes her eager to please him as a slave girl. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 66
Troubled Over Caring:
He looked down at me, troubled. He touched my head gently, moving back hair from the right side of my face. "Can it be," he asked, "that I, Rask of Treve, care for a mere slave?" ~ Captive, pg. 344
Power Over Beauty:
"Sometimes slaves are skillful in immeshing masters in the toils of their beauty. How often do they conquer us with their softness! How often are we the victims of their delicious, insidious charms and wiles! What drums and alarms are found, upon occasion, in their glances and smiles. What battalions can march in a tearful eye and a trembling lip. What potent strategies can lurk in the line of a breast or the turn of a hip. How a bent knee and a bowed head can wrench a man's guts. Helplessness and vulnerability seem strange shields; how implausible is gentleness as an instrument of diplomacy; what an unlikely weapon is her tenderness. Who is most powerful, I wondered, the master of the slave? Then I realized that it is the master who is most powerful for he may, if he wishes, put her on the block and sell her or dispose of her in any way he pleases. In the end, in the final analysis, it is he, and not she, who holds the whip. It is she who, in the end, must kneel at the feet of a master, completely at his mercy, her will, in the final analysis, nothing. It is she who, in the end, in the final analysis, is owned, and must please, absolutely." ~ Blood Brothers, pg. 316