Gorean Quotes

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Thursday, July 14, 2005


Arctic Flora:
There are roughly 240 types of plants that grow in the arctic area, within five hundred pasangs of the north pole. Of these plants, none are poisonous or have thorns. They found no need to develop the defenses necessary to many southern plants.
Beasts of Gor pg 196
The tundra at this time of year belies its reputation for bleakness. In many places it bursts into bloom with small flowers. Almost all of the plants of this nature are perennials, as the growing season is too short to permit most annuals to complete their growing cycle. In the winter buds of many of these plants lie dormant in a fluffy sheath which protects them from cold. Some two hundred and forty different types of plants grow in the Gorean arctic within five hundred pasangs of the pole. None of these, interestingly, is poisonous, and none possesses thorns. During the summer plants and flowers will grow almost anywhere in the arctic except on or near the glacial ice.
---Beasts of Gor, 12:196
Apricots - Smuggled from Earth.

Beans - Many varieties brought from Earth.

Blue berries - Smuggled from Earth.

Blue Short Grass:
a powder made of this grass once dried and crushed is used as an analgesic. It grows beneath the water of falls.
brak bush: a shrub whose leaves have a purgative effect when chewed; traditionally, branches of it are nailed to house doors during the Waiting Hand to discourage the entry of bad luck into the house for the New Year.
Branches of this plant are nailed over doors during the Waiting Hand to discourage bad luck from entering the house in the New Year. "Almost all doors, including that of the House of Cernus, had nailed to them some branches of the Brak Bush, the leaves of which, when chewed, have a purgative effect. It is though that the branches of the Brak Bush discourage entry of bad luck into the houses of the citizens." Assassin of Gor, page 211
Carpet Plant - A plant of the rain forest area inland of Schendi, having tendrils that are sometimes used as a source of drinking water.Explorers of Gor pg 96
Found in the rainforests of Schendi; the name may well indicate a variety of creeping, ground covering plants rather than one particular plant. Tendrils of the only reference to a carpet plant throughout the books are mentioned as used for binding, which would indicate rather strong, pliable, perhaps vinelike stems.
I then rose to my feet and walked a few yards away, to a fan palm. From the base of one of its broad leaves I gathered a double handful of fresh water. I retuned to the girl and, carefully, washed out the wound. She winced. I then cut some leaves and wrapped them about it. I tied shut some leaves and wrapped them about it. I tied shut this simple bandage with the tendrils of a carpet plant.
---Explorers of Gor, 34:347
Clover, green
Low leguminous herbs having trifoliate leaves and flowers in dense heads; includes many that are valuable for forage and attractive to bees.
I set her down on a bed of green clover. Beyond it, some hundred yards away, I could see the border of a yellow field of Sa-Tarna and a yellow thicket of Ka-la-na trees....
---Tarnsman of Gor, 7:96
Colored Grass
On his tour of the gardens of the palace of Saphrar, Tarl Cabot mentions colored grass. He does not give a color reference for this grass, but given the splendor and beauty of all that is described, it is fairly safe to presume that if indeed colored grass is mentioned, it islikely that this was an unusual sight for him, and that green would not be the only color seen.
...among the trees and the colored grasses there wound curved, shaded walks....
---Nomads of Gor, 19:218
"Stop," I heard, a man's voice. Instantly I stopped, my heart sinking. I turned, of course, immediately, and fell to my knees, putting my head down to the lavender grass, as was its color here, in this portion of the garden, the palms of my hands down, too, on the grass, beside my head.--Witness of Gor (unedited manuscript), Ch3

Carrots - Grown at the Oasis.

Celane Melon - A melon akin to the honey dew.
Cinnamon - From Earth.
plant on Gor similar to the Earth plant of the same name.
Nomads of Gor pg 96
Cocoa Tree:
from Earth in an early acquistion trip, grown in the Southern Tropical areas
Kajira of Gor pg 61
Said to have been brought from Earth in early voyages of acquisition and grown in the Southern Tropical areas of Gor.
"This is warmed chocolate," I said, pleased. It was very rich and creamy.
"Yes, Mistress," said the girl.
"It is very good," I said.
"Thank you, Mistress," she said.
"Is it from Earth?" I asked.
"Not directly," she said. "Many things here, of course, ulti- mately have an Earth origin. It is not improbable that the beans from which the first cacao trees on this world were grown were brought from Earth."
"Do the trees grow near here?" I asked.
"No, Mistress," she said. "We obtain the beans, from which the chocolate is made, from Cosian merchants, who, in turn, obtain them in the tropics."
---Kajira of Gor, 3:61

Dates - Juicy and fat from the City of Tor.

Garlic - From Earth.

Herbs - Collected from the Forest.

A small, multiple petaled flower resembling the rose; sometimes called the slave flower.
"...my own brand was the 'dina', the dina is a small, lovely, multiply petaled flower, short-stemmed, and blooming in a turf of green leaves, usually on the slopes of hills, in the northern temperate zones of Gor, in its budding, though in few other ways, it resembles a rose; it is an exotic, alien flower; it is also spoken of, in the north, where it grows most frequently, as the slave flower..."
Slave Girl of Gor, page 61
"But, perhaps the dina is spoken of as the slave flower merely because, in the north, it is, though delicate and beautiful, a reasonably common, unimportant flower; it is also easily plucked, being defenseless, and can easily be crushed, overwhelmed and, if one wishes, discarded."
Slave Girl of Gor, page 62

Fan palm: The Fan palm can be found in the jungles of Schendi. The palm can be more than twenty feet in height, with leaves that can spread open to form an open fan formation. The leaves of this plant can also be an excellent source of water, baring as much as a liter at the base of each leaf's cupped stem.

"'Have no fear,' I said. 'Your value on the sales block has not been reduced.'
'Thank you, Master,' she said.
I then rose to my feet and walked a few yards away, to a fan palm. From the base of one of its broad leaves I gathered a double handful of fresh water. I returned to the girl and carefully, washed out the wound. She winced. I then cut some leaves and wrapped them about it. I tied shut this simple bandage with the tendrils of a carpet plant...."
Explorers of Gor...page 347
plant on Gor similar to the Earth plant of the same name.
Nomads of Gor pg
a type of shrubbery that grows in the Vosk delta and likely elsewhere
Vagabonds of Gor pg 339
What do you see?" I asked. "Shrubbery." He said, "some grass, some rence, two trees."
"What sort of shrubbery?" I asked.
"Some festal," he said. "some tes, a bit of tor."
---Vagabonds of Gor, 30:339

Flahdah - A tree of the Tahari region that has leaves that tapper to a point at the base. The trunk of the Flahdah tree leans to the side like the Palm Tree of Urth. "About some of these water holes there were a dozen or so small trees, flahdah trees, like flat-topped umbrellas on crooked sticks, not more than twnety feet high; they are narrow branched with lanceolate leaves."
Tribesmen of Gor, page 7

A flower; scarlet, with five petals.
"There was a shallow bowl of flowers, scarlet, large-budded, five-petaled flaminiums, on the small, low table between us."
Hunters of Gor, page 154
Flower Trees
"And so we sat with our backs against the flower tree in the House of Saphrar, merchant of Turia. I looked at the lovely, dangling loops of interwoven blossoms which hung from the curved branches of the tree. I knew that the clusters of flowers which; cluster upon cluster, graced those linear, hanging stems, would each be a bouquet in itself, for the trees are so bred that the clustered flowers emerge in subtle, delicate patterns of shades and hues."
Nomads of Gor, page 217

Grapes, Ta"Ta wine, from the famed Ta grapes, from the terraces of Cos..."
Tribesmen of Gor, page 213

Though we are not given description of what the Gorean version of the hemp plant may look like, its use is mentioned in the making of bow strings.
... a Gorean long bow of supple Ka-la-na wood, from the yellow wine trees of Gor, tipped with notched bosk horn at each end, loose strung with hemp whipped with silk, and a roll of sheaf and flight arrows.
---Raiders of Gor, 1:2

Hogarthe Trees:
trees with white-barked with shimmering green leaves, that stand about fifty feet tall and are common in the vicinity of water in the Barrens. Their shape is reminiscent of Earth poplar trees.
Blood Brothers of Gor pg 300

Ka-la-na Trees
Yellow trees that bear a red fruit from which wine is made. The wood is used in ship building and in making the long peasant bows.
"The Ka-la-na thicket was yellow in the distance..."
Captive of Gor, page 250
"...a small bottle of Ka-la-na wine, in a wicker basket...I had never tasted so rich and delicate a wine on Earth, and yet here, on this world, it costs only a copper tarn disk and was so cheap, and plentiful, that it might be given even to a female slave...It was the first Gorean fermented beverage which I had tasted. It is said that Ka-la-na has an unusual effect on a female."
Captive of Gor, page 114
"Ho-Hak reached down and unwrapped the leather from the yellow bow of supple Ka-la-na."
Raiders of Gor, page 19

"Besides several of the flower trees there were also some Ka-la-na trees, or the yellow wine trees of Gor...."
Nomads of Gor, page 217
A shrub of the Gorean deserts whose roots hold a lethal poison. Kanda leaves have a strong, addictive narcotic effect that may make this plant a cousin of the Earth Coca plant. An extremely potent poison is extracted from the roots of the kanda plant, and used to coat the tips of various weapons; it is mentioned on numerous occasions, be it on the tip of the pins free women sometimes hide in their hair, on the tips of arrows, hidden in various items of jewelry or literally dropped by the barrel in water reservoirs as is seen in Tarnsman of Gor, during the siege of Ar. The effect of kanda is said to be extremely rapid.
Most was I surprised to find him holding a tiny, round pipe from which curled a bright wisp of smoke. Tobacco is unknown on Gor, though there are certain vices or habits to take its place, in particular the stimulation afforded by chewing on the leaves of the Kanda plant, the roots of which, oddly enough, when ground and dried, constitute an extremely deadly poison.
--Priest-Kings of Gor, 3:24
...Kutaituchik absently reached into a small golden box near his right knee and drew out a string of rolled kanda leaf.
The roots of the kanda plant, which grows largely in desert regions on Gor, are extremely toxic, but, surprisingly, the rolled leaves of this plant, which are relatively innocuous, are formed into strings and, chewed or sucked, are much favored by many Goreans, particularly in the southern hemisphere, where the leaf is more abundant.
Kutaituchik, not taking his eyes off us, thrust one end of the green kanda string in the left side of his mouth and, very slowly, began to chew it....
--Nomads of Gor, 7:43
The Kanda is a shrub found in the Gorean desert. The poison that can be extracted from the roots is a lethal poison, while chewing the leaves of the Kanda can have an addictive narcotic effect
"The roots of the kanda plant, which grows largely in desert regions on Gor, are extremely toxic, but, surprisingly, the rolled leaves of this plant, which are relatively innocuous, are formed into strings and, chewed or sucked, are much favored by many Goreans, particularly in the southern hemisphere, where leaf is more abundant."
Nomads of Gor, page 43
Katch is a leafy vegetable similar to lettuce of Urth. It is often grown by the people of the Tahari Desert
"...a foliated leaf vegetable called Katch..."
Tribesmen of Gor, page 37
The salty, blue secondary root of this plant are the main ingredients in sullage
"The principal ingredients of Sullage are the golden Sul, …the curled, red, ovate leaves of the Tur-Pah, a tree parasite, cultivated in host orchards of Tur trees and the salty, blue secondary roots of the Kes shrub, a small, deeply rooted plant which grows best in sandy soil."
Priest Kings of Gor, page 45

Kort - often served sliced with melted cheese and nutmeg, a large, brownish-skinned, sphere-shaped vegetable of the Tahari usually some 6 inches in width. The interior is yellowish, fibrous and heavily seeded. "Tribesmen of Gor" p. 37

Larma - Succulent fruit, similar to the Urth peach. The larma is sometimes sliced, fried and served with brown honey sauce. Offering a larma by a slave to their Master is a silent plea for the girl to be ravished.

Leech Plant
This plant attached two hollow, fang-like thorns into its victim. These fangs can suck the blood from the victim, which is nourishment for the plant. "Once i shouted in pain. Two fangs had struck into my calf. An, ost I thought! But the fangs held fast, and I heard the popping, sucking sound of the bladderlike seed pods of a leech plant, as they expanded and contracted like small ugly lungs....The leech plant strikes like a cobra and fastens two hollow thorns into its victim. The chemical responses of the bladderlike pods produce a mechanical pumping action, and the blood is sucked into the plant to nourish it."
Outlaw of Gor, page 33

Liana Vine - A Rain forest plant which can be used as a source of drinking water.
"Another useful source of water is the liana vine. One makes the first cut high, over one's head, to keep the water from being withdrawn by contraction and surface adhesion to the vine. The second cut, made a foot or so from the ground, gives a vine tube which, drained, yields in the neighborhood of a liter of water." Explorers of Gor, page 310
Flowers which ressemble lotus are mentioned in Tarl's description of the many flowers within the garden of the palace of Saphrar, Merchant of Turia.
From where I sat I could see two lovely pools, in which lotuslike plants floated; one of the pools was large enough for swimming; the other, I supposed, was stocked with tiny, bright fish from the various seas and lakes of Gor.
---Nomads of Gor, 19:218
Corn fields are seen in the Barrens, the land of the Red Savages.

- Large and picked from the forest floor.

Needle Tree
Evergreens from the northern forests, used in ship building
"...and the needle trees, the evergreens, for masts and spars, and cabin and deck plankings."
Raiders of Gor, page 141
Nuts - Collected from many varieties of trees in the Forests.

From the city of Tor, or red from the groves of Tyros.

Palm, Fan
More than 1500 varieties of palm trees exist in the rainforest one of which is the Fan Palm more than 20 ft high and spreads it leaves in the form of a an opened fan it is an excellent source of pure water as much as one liter of water being found almost as though cupped at the base of each leaf's stem.
Explorers of Gor pg 310

Smaller in size of Earth peaches but just as juicy.

Mentioned as a menu item but were not described.

Orchards of pomegranate are found growing at the Oasis of Red Rock.
"Pomegranate orchards lie at the east of the oasis," I said. "Gardens lie inward. There is even a pond, between two of the groves of date palms."
---Tribesmen of Gor, 11:174

Radishes - Similar to those of Earth and grown in the Oasis.

Raisins - Similar to those of Earth.

Ram berries - Small, succulent berries.

Red fruit - Similar in flesh and taste to the apples of Urth.

Rence is a clustered, reed-like plant that can be found in marsh areas. The roots of the plant are long and can measure approximately four inches thick. The larger roots lie under the surface of the water, while smaller roots can push down into the mud up to sixteen feet deep. Rence is used for food, fuel, wooden utensils, cloth, and paper.

"The plant has many uses besides serving as a raw product in the manufacture of rence paper…from the stem the rence growers can make reed boats, sails, mats, cords and a kind of fibrous cloth; further its pith is edible…"
Raiders of Gor, page 7
"Then, from within the collar, he drew forth a thin, folded piece of paper, rence paper made from the fibers of the rence plant, a tall, long-stalked leafy plant which grows predominately in the delta of the Vosk."
Nomads of Gor, page 49
"In the morning, before dawn, she had placed in my mouth a handful of rence paste."
Raiders of Gor, page 28
"In a moment the woman had returned with a double handful of wet rence paste. When fried on flat stones it makes a kind of cake, often sprinkled with rence seeds."
Raiders of Gor, page 25
"I had carried about bowls of cut, fried fish, and wooden trays of roasted tarsk meat, and roasted gants, threaded on sticks, and rence cakes and porridges, and gourd flagons, many times replenished, of rence beer."
Raiders Gor, page 44
"Before the feast I had helped the women, cleaning fish and dressing marsh gants, and then, later, turning spits for the roasted tarsks, roasted over rence-root fires, kept on metal pans, elevated above the rence of the islands by metal racks, themselves resting on larger pans."
Raiders of Gor, page 44

Rence cakes
Grain from rence plant, boiled and ground into a paste then sweetened and fried into pancakes.

This plant bears fibers that are similar to the cotton of Urth. The Rep plant is primarily grown for cloth.
A plant grown mainly for cloth. Seems to be cotton-like.
"...for example, rep-cloth....Some rep is grown, for cloth..."
Tribesmen of Gor, page 37
"Rep is a whitish fibrous matter found in the seed pods of a small, reddish, woody bush, commercially grown in several areas, but particularly below Ar and above the equator; the cheap rep-cloth is woven in mills, commonly, in various cities; it takes dyes well and, being cheap and strong, is popular, particularly among the lower castes."
Raiders of Gor, pages 10-11

Pod Tree:
a tree in the rainforests and its inner bark is used to make bark cloth.

Rainforest(canopies zone):
zone in rainforest that ranges from 60 to 125 Gorean feet above the jungle floor. This is the fantastic green cover which constitutes the main ceiling of the jungle. It is inhabited by an incredible number of birds, monkeys, reptiles, and insects.

Rainforest(emergent zone):
an ecological level of the rainforest 125 to 200 gorean feet above the jungle floor. In this highest level, the trees have thrust above the canopies below them. Mainly birds, particularly parrots, long-billed fleers, and needle-tailed lits inhabit this zone.

Rainforest(ground zone):
the 'undergrowth' of the rainforest. Extending from the ground to the lower canopies, this ecological zone is home to species of birds, snakes and insects. Many small animals, such as the giani, jit monkeys and four toed leaf urts are found in this zone as well. On the floor itself are marsupials, tarsk, twenty kinds of single-horned tabuk, and jungle larls and panthers.


or ('life-daughter'): Sa-Tarna is the staple yellow grain, on Gor. It can be brewed into paga as a drink served in taverns. It is also ground and used to bake the sa-tarna Bread that is a staple food at every gorean meal.
"Economically, the base of the Gorean life was the free peasant, which was perhaps the lowest but undoubtedly the most fundamental caste, and the staple crop was a yellow grain called Sa-Tarna, or Life-Daughter."
Tarnsman of Gor, page 43
"I thought of the yellow Gorean bread, baked in the shape of round, flat loaves, fresh and hot;…"
Outlaw of Gor, page 76

Sim plant - The Sim plant is raised in the pasture chambers of the Nest. It is a rambling, tangled vine-like plant with huge, rolling leaves.

Sip root - A bitter root whose extract is the active ingrediant in slave wine.
"Sip roots are extremely bitter. Slave wine, incidentally, is made from sip roots."
Blood Brothers of Gor, page 124
"A bitter root, which can either be made into a liquid contraceptive, or chewed, for the same result. The effect of the sip root, in most women is effective for three or four months. In the concentrated state, as in slave wine, developed by the caste of Physicians, the effect is almost indefinite, usually requiring a releaser for it remission, usually administered, to a slave, in what is called the breeding wine, or the second wine"
From Blood Brothers of Gor page 319
Sugar - Yellow is made from fruits and white from the crushed cane stalks.

Sul –
A tuberous vine borne fruit similar to the potato. Sul is a cylinder root, vegetable that os similar to the potato of Urth. It can be served either sliced fried
"The Sul is a tuberous root of the Sul plant; it is a Gorean staple."
Slave Girl of Gor, page 134
"The sul is a large, thick-skinned, yellow-fleshed, root vegetable. It is very common on this world. There are a thousand ways in which it is prepared. It is fed even to slaves. I had had some at the house; narrow, cooked slices, smeared with butter, sprinkled with salt, fed to me by hand."
Dancer of Gor, page 80

Ta'Grapes –
Big, sweet and seedless they are imported from the hillside vineyards of Tyros. Ta grapes are similar to the grapes found of Urth. Ta grapes comes from the Isle of Cos and are a deep purple. These grapes make excellent white wine, called ta-wine.
"Ta wine, from the famed Ta grapes, from the terraces of Cos..."
Tribesmen of Gor, page 213
"The grapes were purple and, I suppose, Ta-grapes from the lower vine-yards of the terraced island of Cos..."
Priest-Kings of Gor, page 45

The yellow Gorean flower associated with beauty and passion. The Talender flower is a delicate, yellow-petalled meadow flower that is symbolic of feminine love and beauty on Gor. The Talender flower can be woven into a crown to be worn by a free woman during the Companionship ceremony. It can also be worn in a slavegirl's hair as a silent plea for her to be slave raped.

"...I saw of set of ridges, lofty and steep, rearing out of a broad, yellow meadow of talendars, a delicate, yellow-petaled flower, often woven into garlands by Gorean maidens. Outlaw of Gor, page 131

"The talendar is a flower which, in the Gorean mind, is associated with beauty and passion. Free Companions, on the Feast of their Free Companionship, commonly wear a garland of talendars. Sometimes slave girls, having been subdued, but fearing to speak, will fix talendars in their hair, that their master may know that they have at last surrendered themselves to him as helpless love slaves."
Raiders of Gor, pages 216-217
Tasta - Similar to the Earth candied apples.

Plant of the Tahari, its roots mashed and mixed with water produce a red dye. This plant is found in the Tahari.

A tree which produces a black wood, used in shipbuilding. Tem is a tree that produces black wood known for its strength. "...Tem-wood for rudders and oars..." Raiders of Gor, page 141
"...there was also, at one side of the garden, against the far wall, a grove of tem-wood, linear, black, supple..." Nomads of Gor, page 217

- A plant whose extract is the active ingrediant in breeding wine.
"The active ingredient in the breeding wine, or the 'second wine', is a derivative of teslik." Blood Brothers of Gor, page 320
a colorful and fragrant flower.
shrub found in the marshes of the Delta Vosk
Vagabonds of Gor pg 339
A plant/root/leaf? Teslik is merely mentioned in passing as being the active ingredient in breeding wine, which is the antagonist to slave wine and given to slaves when it is decided that they will be bred. There is no specific indication as to what teslik really is.
The active ingredient in the breeding wine, or the "second wine," is a derivative of teslik.
---Blood Brothers of Gor, 37:320
Tor Shrub:
shrub, has various other names but this name translates as "bright shrub" or "shrub of light." It has abundant bright flowers, either yellow or white. It blooms in the fall and does not grow higher than a man's waist. It can be found in the Vosk delta and elsewhere.
Vagabonds of Gor pg 339, Renegades of Gor pg 339

A small, peachlike fruit, about the size of a plum, it is bitter, but edible.
"...I raced past a wooden wand fixed in the earth, on top of which was placed a dried tospit, a small, wrinkled, yellowish-white, peachlike fruit, about the size of a plum, which grows on the tospit bush, patches of which are indigenous to the drier valleys of the western Cartius. They are bitter but edible."
Nomads of Gor, page 59

tor shrub
translated as the 'bright shrub' or the 'shrub of light' because of it's abundant bright flowers either yellow or white depending on the variety. It flowers in the fall.
Book 24, page 339
A tree, said to be the inspiration for the name of the city of Turia. Provides wood for shipbuilding and the host of the parasite, Tur-Pah, one of the ingredients of sullage.
"...there was one large trunked, reddish Tur tree, about which curled it's assemblage of Tur-Pah, a vinelike tree parasite with curled scarlet, ovate leaves, rather lovely to look upon; the leaves of the Tur-Pah incidentally are edible and figure in certain Gorean dishes; such as sullage, a kind of soup; long ago, I had heard, a Tur tree was found on the prairie, near a spring, planted perhaps long before by someone who passed by; it was from that Tur tree that the city of Turia took its name;..."
Nomads of Gor, page 217
"Tur wood is used for galleys and frames, and beams and clamps and posts, and for hull planking..."
Raiders of Gor, page 141

an edible of the Tur tree parasite that has curly, red, egg-shaped leaves and is used as the main ingredient in sullage.
"The principal ingredients of Sullage are the golden Sul, the curled, red, ovate leaves of the Tur-Pah, a tree parasite, cultivated in host orchards of Tur trees and the salty, blue secondary roots of the Kes shrub, a small, deeply rooted plant which grows best in sandy soil."
Priest Kings of Gor, page 45
". . .there was one large-trunked, reddish Tur tree, about which curled its assemblage of Tur-Pah, a vine like tree parasite with curled, scarlet, ovate leaves, rather lovely to look upon; the leaves of the Tur-Pah incidentally are edible and figure in certain Gorean dishes, such as sullage, a kind of soup; long ago, I had heard, a Tur tree was found on the prairie, near a spring, planted perhaps long before by someone who passed by; it was from that Tur tree that the city of Turia took its name." (page 217, Book 4, Nomads of Gor)
Nomads of Gor, page 217
Turl Bush:
bush used by the red savages to waterproof hides.

Turian olives
Red olives.

Similar to the Earth version, grown on the Gorean Oasis.

type of produce sold at market; detailed description unavailable.

There are two types of vemimium, is a wildflower, blue in tone, that is used in perfumes. It can be found usually on the lower ranges of the Thentis mountains.

and the purplish Desert Veminium. Small purpleish flower in the Tahari, used in perfumes
"The atmosphere of the pool was further charged with the fragrance of Veminium, a kind of bluish wildflower commonly found on the lower slopes of the Thentis range;..."
Assassin of Gor, page 163

"The petals of veminium, the 'Desert Veminium,' purplish, as opposed to the 'Thentis Veminium,' bluish, which flower grows at the edge of the Tahari, gathered in a shallow baskets and carried to a still, are boiled in water. The vapor which boils off is condensed into oil. This oil is used to perfume water. This water is not drunk but is used in middle and upper-class homes to rinse the eating hand, before and after the evening meal." Tribesmen of Gor, pages 50-51

"The atmosphere of the pool was further charged with the fragrance of Veminium, a kind of bluish wildflower commonly found on the lower slopes of the Thentis range;..."
Assassin of Gor, page 163
"The petals of veminium, the 'Desert Veminium,' purplish, as opposed to the 'Thentis Veminium,' bluish, which flower grows at the edge of the Tahari, gathered in a shallow baskets and carried to a still, are boiled in water. The vapor which boils off is condensed into oil. This oil is used to perfume water. This water is not drunk but is used in middle and upper-class homes to rinse the eating hand, before and after the evening meal."
Tribesmen of Gor, pages 50-51
Verr Grass
"On the shaded sides of some rocks, and the shaded slopes of hills, here and there, grew stubborn, brownish patches of verr grass."
Tribesmen of Gor, page 71

Violet grass: The Violet grass grows in stalky patches. It is one of several grasses used in the pleasure gardens of Turia.


Bushes, Grass, Vines and Shrubs
Roots, Pods and Bulbs

Jai a keh'ra greshak tahem jula: May you fly upon wings of glory
Ga va shiva: Go in Peace
Meh ne kar sheku, Ja'hesa: Wishes for Love everlasting, my friend
Shivar: Peace/Peace be between us
Jan di ashe drena kanta vethuk lina: Travel with an open mind and heart
Ja'Lina: My Heart
Ja'Kar: My Love
Ja'hesa: My Friend- blood sister
Ja'lina dan'le di kar, Tre'sha: My heart beats with Love, precious
Ja'lina, a she arquana nadru jesku jula jan: My Heart, you are worth all of the skies

Equatorial Rain Forests, or "Jungles of Schendi": Cover thousands of square pasangs on the equator. Bordered on the W by Thassa. Home of the "great equatorial lakes" of Gor.


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