slave attire
Slave Attire
Slaves wear a variety of clothing (when they wear anything at all!) dressed differently by the various Gorean cultures.
"The dressing of slaves, incidentally, is an interesting and intricate pastime. The slave is almost never totally nude. Her body is marked almost always with some token of her condition, which is bond. This is usually a collar, but it may also be an anklet, sometimes belled, or a bracelet. Her brand, of course, fixed in her very flesh, deep and lovely, is always worn. There is no mistaking it. The iron has seen to that. Beyond these things, much depends on the individual girl and on her particular master of the time. Individual taste is here supreme. To be sure, there are natural congruencies and proprieties which are generally observed…………….Additional functions of slave garments, of course, other than those of displaying the girl and making it clear to all how desirable she is, are to remind her, clearly, that she is a slave, which is useful in her discipline, and, also, interestingly, to stimulate, intensify and deepen her sexuality. It is impossible for a woman to dress and act as a slave, and be enslaved, in full legality, and not, eventually, understand that she is really what she seems to be, a slave. The master, meanwhile, of course, keeps her under discipline, uses her frequently and often casually, and forces her to undergo the abuses proper to her degraded condition." Guardsmen of Gor, pages 105-109
"The most common Gorean garment for a slave is a brief slave tunic. This tunic is invariably sleeveless, and usually, has a deep, plunging neckline. It may be of a great variety of materials, from rich satins and silks to thin, form-revealing, clinging rep-cloth. Camisks are favored in some cities. The common camisk is a simple rectangle of cloth, containing, in its center, a circular opening. The garment is drawn on by the girl over her head and down upon her shoulders; it is worn, thus, like a poncho; it is commonly belted with biding fiber or a bit of light chain, something with which the girl may be secured, if the master wishes." Guardsmen of Gor, pages 107-109
"Sometimes, too, it is controversial as to what constitutes a garment and what a bond. For example, is a slave harness a garment or a bond; objectively, I suppose, it is both. So, too, I would suppose, are the tunic chains of Tyros. A girl may be "set off," of course, and beautifully, even if, technically, she is not clothed. She may be garbed, for example, in netting, as the "Hunter's Catch"; or she may be bedecked in jewels and leather, and shimmering chains, dancing under a whip in a tavern in Port Kar; or she may have flowers intertwined in her chains, as when she is awarded to a victor in public games in Ar." Guardsmen of Gor, pages 105-109
Slave Strips:
"Clasp your hands behind the back of your neck," I said, "and do not interfer."
"What are you doing?" she asked.
"Kneel up, off your heels," I said.
"What are you doing?" she asked.
"This garment you are wearing," I said, "what is, in effect, a charka, I am shortening and
transforming into two slave strips," I drew the long strip before the cord in front back over the cord so that it would no longer hang midway, or about midway, between her knees and ankles but was now about eighteen inches long. The garment then looped below her body. I then cut the garment a bit behind and below the cord in front. I then moved her about and treated the garment similarly in the back, drawing the strip back over the cord so that it was now only about eighteen inches long, and then cutting it off a bit below and behind the cord. She now wore two slave strips, each about eighteen inches long, one over the cord in front, one over it in back.
"Face me," I said. She obeyed.
"What have you done?" she asked.
"Exactly what you think I have done," I said
"You have removed nether shielding from me!" she said.
"Yes ," I said.
"Restore it," she said. "Quickly!. There is enough left of the cloth! Please!"
She gasped. I had thrown the remaining portion of the cloth in to the fire. She watched it burn, in dismay.
"Do you feel vulnerable!" I asked.
"Yes!" she said.
"In such ways may one increase the passion of a female," I said. She shuddered.
"You are aware, of course," I said, "that these pieces of cloth might be pulled away, easily."
"Yes!" she said.
"Keep your hands clasped behind the back of your neck," I said.
"Now what are you doing!" she cried.
"In the future," I said, "The cord will be tied in this fashion, or in some equivalent fashion."
She moaned, looking down. I had refastened it in a simple bowknot, a sort of knot, which on Gor, in certain contexts, as in the present context, is spoken of as a slave knot. It is called that, I think, because it is sometimes prescribed by masters for the fastening of slave garments. Its advantage, of course, is that it may be easily undone, by anyone. It is fastened at the left side of the girl's waist, where it is handy for a right-handed male, facing her. "Now," I said, "it is possible not only to remove the pieces of cloth singly, but, if one wishes, one may easily, with a casual tug, remove the cord and, with it, both cloths together, simultaneously, expeditiously."
"Stripping me!" she said.
"Keep your hands clasped behind the back of your neck," I said. "Yes." Renegades of Gor, page 160
camisk: simple, poncho like slave garment, about 18"wide. There is a hole cut in the center for the head, it has a belted waist Captive of Gor pg 64, Guardsman of Gor pg 107
camisk, Turian: a cloth shaped like an inverted "T" with a beveled crossbar fastened behind the neck and falls before the wearer's body. The crossbar then passed between the legs and is then brought forward snugly at the hips. It is held in place by a single cord that bunds it at the back of the neck, behind the back and in front at the waist. Guardsman of Gor pg 107
"She wore only a single garment, a long, narrow rectangle of rough, brown material, perhaps eighteen inches in width, drawn over her head like a poncho, falling in front and back a bit above her knees and belted at the waist with a chain." Outlaw of Gor, page 102
"The Turian camisk, on the other hand, if it were to be laid out on the floor, would appear somewhat like an inverted "T" in which the bar of the "T" would be beveled on each side. It is fastened with a single cord. The cord binds the girl at three points, behind the neck, behind the back, and in front at the waist. The garment itself, as might be supposed, fastens behind the girl’s neck, passes before her, fastens between her legs, and is then lifted and, folding the two sides of the "T's" bar about her hips, ties in front. The Turian camisk, unlike the common camisk, will cover the girl's brand; on the other hand, unlike the common camisk, it leaves the back uncovered and can be tied, and is, snugly, the better to disclose the girl's beauty." Nomads of Gor, page 90
chalwar: a strip of black leather some 6"wide by 5'long, worn like a breech-cloth over the curla (red waist cord) by the slavegirls of the wagon Peoples.
Nomads of Gor pg 30
djellaba: a brief made of rep cloth, coming high upon the thighs, used for sleeping in the Tahari
Tribesman of Gor pg 172
hail: a black head to toe garment, at the eyes a bit of black lace, non heeled slippers of black with curled toes
Tribesman of Gor 49
hunters catch: slave garb of netting
Guardsman of Gor pg 108
kalmak: a vest of black leather worn by slave girls of the wagon people.
Nomads of Gor pg 30
A short, sleeveless tunic of black leather worn by the male slaves of the wagon people.
"For a male slave, or Kajirus, of the Wagon Peoples, and there are few, save for the work chains, to be clad Kajir means to wear the Kes, a short, sleeveless work tunic of black leather." Nomads of Gor, page 30
kes: short tunic of black leather Nomads of Gor pg 30
kirtle: a thin white woolen ankle length garment with a deep plunging neckline worn by a slavegirl of the Torvald. Mauraders of Gor pg 81
silk: various colors as described on the silks page. Can be worn in various ways: On the shoulder, off the shoulder, with high necklines or plunging necklines. Open or closed garments tightly or flowing in various lengths. Can be worn in brief partable or wraparound tunics with a disrobing loop at the left shoulder.
Dancer of Gor pg 224-225
A 'chain dress' of sorts...made of looping chains from the collar to wrist and ankle rings. The chain is usually light and shiny.
"....both girls wore the Sirik, a light chain favored for female slaves by many Gorean masters; it consists of a Turian-type collar, a loose, rounded circle of steel, to which a light, gleaming chain is attached; should the girl stand, the chain, dangling from her collar, falls to the floor; it is about ten or twelve inches longer than is required to reach from her collar to her ankles; to this chain, at the natural fall of her wrists, is attached a pair of slave bracelets; at the end of the chain there is attached another device, a set of linked ankle rings, which, when closed about her ankles, lifts a portion of the slack chain from the floor; the Sirik is an incredibly graceful thing and designed to enhance the beauty of its wearer; perhaps it should only be added that the slave bracelets and the ankle rings may be removed from the chain and used separately; this also, of course, permits the Sirik to function as a slave leash." Nomads of Gor, page 42
"She lifted up some loops of chain; there were linked ankle rings and linked wrist rings and a lock collar, all connected by a length of gleaming chain running from the collar. It was rather lovely...'Sirik,' said Eta. Slave Girl of Gor, page 83
Sometimes called the slave rag. A cloth tunic, very brief, fashioned to fit very snugly to a slave girl's form.
"Eta pulled at the bit of rag she wore. 'Ta-Teera,' she said. I looked down at the scrap of rag, outrageously brief, so scandalous, so shameful, fit only for a slave girl, which I wore. I smiled. I had been placed in a Ta-Teera." Slave Girl of Gor, page 81
The simplest form of dressing a slave, the work tunics were generally brown, made of rep cloth.
"I wore a brief, one-piece brown work tunic. It was all I wore, with the exception of the collar. We wore such tunics when engaged as work slaves. The tunics of work slaves are usually brown or gray." Slave Girl of Gor, page 265
Among the Wagon Peoples, to be clad Kajir means, for a girl, to wear four articles, two red two black; a red cord, the Curla, is tied about the waist; the Chatka, or long, narrow strip of black leather, fits over the cord in front, passes under, and then again, from the inside, passes over the cord in back.
The Chatka is drawn tight; the Kalmak is then donned; it is a short, open, sleeveless vest of black leather; lastly the Koora, a strip of red cloth, matching the Curla, is wound about the head, to hold the hair back, for slave women, among the Wagon Peoples, are not permitted to braid, or otherwise dress their hair; it must be, save for the Koora, worn loose.
Brands, Collars, Bonds: (Beads, Bells and Make-up Too!)
All slave girls are usually branded; most as soon as possible...there are a variety of brands found on Gor; the most common being the Gorean cursive 'K' for kajira. The dina brand is also noted. The Wagon Peoples favored a brand of the sign of the four-bosk horns, while in Torvoldsland, a brand symbolizing "a woman whose belly lies under the sword" is used. There is also the Taharic slave mark....a girl can wear any of these well as penalty brands for lying, stealing, etc...
the dina is a small lovely, multiply petaled flower, short-stemmed, and blooming in a turf of green leaves, usually on the slopes of hills, in the northern temperate zones of Gor; in its budding, though in few other ways, it resembles a rose; it is and exotic, alien flower; it is also spoken of, in the north, where it grows most frequently, as the slave flower; it was burned into my flesh; in the south, below the Gorean equador, where the flower is much more rare, it is prized more highly."
kef: a letter of the Gorean alphabet, analogous with the Earth letter 'K'; the first letter of the Gorean words for male and female slaves, and hence often used as a brand:
The brand was the common Kajira mark of Gor, the first letter, about an inch and a half in height and a half inch in width, in cursive script, of expression 'Kajira', which is the most common expression in Gorean for a female slave. It is a simple mark, and rather floral, a staff, with two, upturned, frondlike curls, joined where they touch the staff on its right. It bears a distant resemblance to the printed letter 'K' in several of the Western alphabets of Earth, and I suspect, in spite of several differences, it may owe its origin to that letter. Explorers of Gor, page 9
The brand common to those of the jungles of Schendi, is different not only in design, but in the entirety of both what it is and how it is placed. While most other brands are applied by hot iron, this is instead done with a knife. The blade cuts a specific design into the flesh, and a powder is added to color the mark, much like would a form of tattoo or ritual scarring. "From the box he then took a small, curved knife and a tiny, cylindrical leather flask. I gritted my teeth, but made no sound. With the small knife he gashed my left thigh, making upon it a small, strange design. He then took a powder, orange in color, from the flask and rubbed it into the wound." - EXPLORERS OF GOR, Pg. 330
"The most common brand site on a Gorean slave girl is the outer side of the left thigh, closely beneath the hip. In this brand site the indemnificatory mark is thus placed high enough to be covered by a brief cloth of a common slave tunic and is available for convenient and immediate inspection if the tunic is lifted." Savages of Gor, pages 108-109
"The brand is to be distinguished from the collar, though both are a designation of slavery. The primary significance of the collar is that it identifies the master and his city. The collar of a given girl maybe be changed countless times, but the brand continues throughout to bespeak her status." Outlaw of Gor, page 187
There are many types of collars found on Gor, some made of steel that lock, others simple ropes tied around the girl's throat...the collar differs from the brand in that the brand shows the girl to be slave, the collar shows who she belongs to...
"The small, heavy lock on a girl's slave collar, incidentally, may be one of several varieties, but almost all are cylinder locks, either of the pin or disk variety. In a girl's collar lock there would be six pins or six disks, one each, it is said, for each letter of the Gorean word for female slave, kajira; the male slave, or kajirus, seldom has a locked collar; normally a band of iron is simply hammered about his neck; often he works in chains, usually with other male slaves." Assassin of Gor, page 51
collar, dance: a collar to which light- weight (but effective) chain has been attached in order to set off the dancer; a common type consists of a large oval of chain , to which wrist cuffs and/or ankle cuffs are attached; once the two sides of the oval have been attached to a ring on the collar; their are variations depending on the region: Book 19: Kajira of Gor, page 143
collar, cord: made of cord, fashioned from the rence plant, it is worn by rencer slaves and carries a small disk to identify the owner: Vagabonds of Gor, page 341
"The Turian collar lies loosely on the girl, a round ring, it fits so loosely that, when grasped in a man's fist, the girl can turn within it; the common Gorean collar, on the other hand, is flat, snugly fitting steel band. Both collars lock in the back, behind the girl's neck. The Turian collar is more difficult to engrave, but it, like the flat collar, will bear some legend assuring that the girl, if found, will be promptly returned to her Master." Nomads of Gor, page 16
"...I took it from these indications, she had learned her collar in the south; probably originally it had been a lock collar, snugly fitting, of steel; now of course, it had been replaced with the riveted collar of black iron, with the projecting ring, so useful for running a chain through, or padlocking, or linking on an anvil with a chain. The southern collar commonly lacks such a ring; the southern ankle ring, however, has one, and sometimes two, one in the front and one in the back." Marauders of Gor, page 166
"From my pouch I drew forth a leather Kur collar, with its lock, and sewn in leather, its large, rounded ring.
'What is it?' she asked apprehensively. I took it behind her neck, and then, closing it about her throat, thrust the large, flattish bolt, snapping it into the lock breech. The two edges of metal, bordered by the leather, fitted closely together. The collar is some three inches in height. The girl must keep her chin up. 'It is the collar of a Kur cow,' I told her." Marauders of Gor, page 275
Chastity Belt:
"She also wore an iron belt. This belt consisted of two major pieces, one was a rounded, fitted, curved barlike waistband, flattened at the ends; one end of this band, that on the right, standing behind the woman and looking forward, had a heavy semicircular ring, or staple, welded onto it; the other flattened end of the waistband, looking forward, had a slot in it which fitted over the staple; the other major portion of this belt consisted of a curved band of flat, shaped iron; one end of this flat band was curved about, and closed about, the barlike waistband in the front; this produces a hinge; on the other end of this flat band of iron is a slot; it fits over the same staple as the slot in the flattened end of the left side of the bar like waistband. The belt is then put on the woman in this fashion. The waistband is closed about her, the left side, its slot penetrated by the staple, over the right side; the flat U-shaped band of iron, contoured to female intimacies, is then swung up on its hinge, between her thighs, where the slot on its end is penetrated by the staple, this keeping the parts of the belt in place. The whole apparatus is then locked on her, the tongue of the padlock thrust through the staple, the lock then snapped shut." Kajira of Gor, page 103
Northern Yoke:
"The Northern yoke is either of wood or bone, and is drilled in three places. The one Thistle wore was of wood. It was not heavy. It passed behind her neck at which point one of the drilled holes occurred. The other two holes occurred at the terminations of the yoke. A leather strap is knotted about the girl's wrist, passed through the drilled hole at one end of the yoke, usually that on her left, taken up through the hole behind the neck, looped twice about her neck, threaded back down the end, usually the one on her right, and tied about her right wrist. She is thus fastened to the yoke. From each end of the yoke hung a large sack." Beasts of Gor, page 196
The Body Chain is a multi-purpose device, used as both a form of jewelry and a means of securing one's property. Its links are sturdy, but not overly heavy, and are of a design that is meant to be attractive, yet still serviceable as a means to restrain and safeguard. Its design enables it to be worn in a number of ways, dependent upon how the chain is looped and draped on the girl. Often such devices are further decorated with bits of inexpensive gems and colored beads.
Walking Chains (in the Tahari):
"The use of a light walking chain, tethering the ankles, meant to be worn abroad, accompanying the master, incidentally, is not uncommon in the regions of the Tahari. A beautifully measured gait is thought, in the Tahari, to be attractive in a woman." Tribesmen of Gor, page 45
Other Chains:
"She wore on her throat a high, gold collar, with, in front, a large golden loop, some two inches in width. Threaded through this loop was a golden chain. This chain terminated, at each end, with high, golden slave bracelets. When the girl stands her hands may fall naturally at her sides, each in its bracelet, each bracelet attached to the same chain, which passes through the collar loop. It is a very beautiful way of chaining a girl." Beasts of Gor, page 79
Slave Girdle Used as Binding Fibers:
"...the cord over Marcus' shoulder, of course; was a slave girdle, which is used to adjust the garment on the slave. Such girdles may be tied in various ways, usually in such ways as to enhance the occupants figure. Such girdles, too, like the binding fibers with which a camisk is usually secured on a girl, may be used to bind her." Magicians of Gor, page 21
Slave Hobble:
The slave hobble consists of two rings, one for a wrist, the other for an ankle, joined by about seven inches of chain. In a right-handed girl, such as either Aphris or Elizabeth, it locks on the right wrist and left ankle. When the girl kneel, in any of the traditional positions of the Gorean woman, either slave or free, it is not uncomfortable." Nomads of Gor, pages 154-155
Slave Ring:
"He thrust the dark-haired girl to her knees by the seventh collar and snapped it about her neck, turning the key, locking it. It gave her about a two-foot length of chain, fastened to a slave ring bolted into the stone." Assassin of Gor, page 8
Thumb Cuffs:
"I noted one girl on the landing. From the way she held her hands behind her back I could tell that she was in thumb cuffs. These are handy devices. They are light and take up little space in a warrior's pack." Renegades of Gor, page 326
Beads, Bells, Make-up, Etc:
"She carried, in her hands, serveral strings of beads, simple necklaces, with small, wooden, colored beads. They were not valuable. She held the necklaces up for me to see. Then, with her finger, moving them on their string, she indicated the tiny, colored, wooden beads. 'Da Bina,' she said, smiling. Then she lifted a necklace, looking at it. 'Bina,' she said. I then understood the "Bina" was the expression for beads, or for a necklace of beads. Slave Girl of Gor, page 81
"I took from the chest a string of pearls, then one of the pieces of gold, then one of the rubies.
'Bina?' I asked, each time. Eta laughed.
'Bana,' she said, 'Ki Bana. Bana.'...
The most exact translation of 'bina' would probably be 'slave beads.' They were valueless, save for being a cheap adornment sometimes permitted imbonded wenches." Slave Girl of Gor, pages 81-82
"She threw a linkage of rings and bells to the tiles beside me. 'Bell yourself,' she said.
'They lock,' I said.
'Bell yourself, 'she said.
I extended my left ankle and, carefully, aligned the four rings. The rings were linked vertically at five places by tiny metal fastenings; each ring, opened, hinged, terminated on one end with a bolt and the other with a tiny lock; I slipped the small bolts into the tiny locks; there were four tiny snaps; the rings, linked together, fitted snugly; each ring bor five slave bells. Slave Girl of Gor, page 259
"...she wore bells locked on both wrists, and on both ankles, thick cuffs and anklets, each with a double line of bells, fastened by steel and key." Nomads of Gor, page 29
"I also purchased a set of slave bells, of the thong as opposed to the lock variety. They are less expensive than the lock variety, also, they may be tied at various places on the body, about the neck, the wrists, the ankle, about the thigh, about the arm, etc; it is delightful to bell a girl, she may not remove them, of course, without her master's permission." Tribesmen of Gor, page 49
" 'Do you know the arrangements of pleasure silks?' she asked.
'No Mistress,' I said, putting down my head.
'Do you know the cosmetics and perfumes of a slave girl, and their application?' she asked.
'No Mistress,' I said.
'The jewelries?' she asked.
'No Mistress,' I said." Slave Girl of Gor, page 261
" ' There are one hundred and eleven basic shades of slave lipstick,' said Sucha. 'Much depends on the mood of the master.' " Slave Girl of Gor, page 261
"I looked at the incredibly lovely girl in the mirror, she bedecked in a rope of red silk, made-up, perfumed, vulnerable, soft, with armlets and bracelets, golden beads intertwined in the Turian collar." Slave Girl of Gor, page 261
copper coins are sometimes used as jewelry, strung together.
Also shells are sometimes used, made into jewelry.
The sort of perfume that is appropriate for slave girls, differs greatly from that a Free Woman might wear. Those scents that are designed for slaves are meant to incite desire in men, to attract attention and accent the "wantonness" in the girl, often also having the same effect on the girl that they do on the men around her. Such perfumes can vary greatly, depending on the taste of the owner and the situation the girl is to perform in. Gorean men take great interest in such matters as perfumes, cosmetics and clothes, thus many different styles and variations exist to fit as many situations and circumstances that are deemed possible. Regarding slave scents, such can range from that is often barbaric and bold in nature to more sublte yet highly alluring. It is not uncommon for scents to be chosen or even created to specifically fit the nature and manner of the given girl.
Pierced Ears/Noses:
For the most part, pierced ears on a woman mark her as slave. Culturally, it is a permanent, public sign of bondage.
"Too, I thought I would, before giving her to such a taverner, have her ears pierced. This would, in effect, guarantee that she would remain always only a slave on Gor. Gorean men find pierced ears, as do many men of Earth, stimulatory. To the Gorean such ear-piercing speaks blatantly of bondage. Penetration of a woman's flesh is publicly symbolized, in her very body; the wounds inflicted on her were intended and deliberate; and her body has now been prepared to bear, fastened in its very flesh, barbaric ornamentation. These things all speak to the Gorean of the female slave." Blood Brothers of Gor, page 48
"To Gorean eyes, the piercing of the ears, this visible set of wounds, inflicted to facilitate the mounting of sensual and barbaric ornamentations, is customarily regarded as being tantamount, for most practical purposes, to a sentence of irrevocable bondage. Normally ear-piercing is done only to the lowest and most sensuous of slaves. It is regarded, by most Goreans, as being far more humiliating and degrading to a woman than the piercing of a girl's septum and the consequent fastening on her of a nose ring....On behalf of the nose ring, too, it should be mentioned that among the Wagon Peoples, even free women wear such rings. This however, is unusual on Gor. The nose ring, most often, is worn by a slave...The nose ring too, of course, makes clear to the girl that she is a domestic animal. Many domestic animals on Gor wear them." Savages of Gor, pages 10-11
Slaves wear a variety of clothing (when they wear anything at all!) dressed differently by the various Gorean cultures.
"The dressing of slaves, incidentally, is an interesting and intricate pastime. The slave is almost never totally nude. Her body is marked almost always with some token of her condition, which is bond. This is usually a collar, but it may also be an anklet, sometimes belled, or a bracelet. Her brand, of course, fixed in her very flesh, deep and lovely, is always worn. There is no mistaking it. The iron has seen to that. Beyond these things, much depends on the individual girl and on her particular master of the time. Individual taste is here supreme. To be sure, there are natural congruencies and proprieties which are generally observed…………….Additional functions of slave garments, of course, other than those of displaying the girl and making it clear to all how desirable she is, are to remind her, clearly, that she is a slave, which is useful in her discipline, and, also, interestingly, to stimulate, intensify and deepen her sexuality. It is impossible for a woman to dress and act as a slave, and be enslaved, in full legality, and not, eventually, understand that she is really what she seems to be, a slave. The master, meanwhile, of course, keeps her under discipline, uses her frequently and often casually, and forces her to undergo the abuses proper to her degraded condition." Guardsmen of Gor, pages 105-109
"The most common Gorean garment for a slave is a brief slave tunic. This tunic is invariably sleeveless, and usually, has a deep, plunging neckline. It may be of a great variety of materials, from rich satins and silks to thin, form-revealing, clinging rep-cloth. Camisks are favored in some cities. The common camisk is a simple rectangle of cloth, containing, in its center, a circular opening. The garment is drawn on by the girl over her head and down upon her shoulders; it is worn, thus, like a poncho; it is commonly belted with biding fiber or a bit of light chain, something with which the girl may be secured, if the master wishes." Guardsmen of Gor, pages 107-109
"Sometimes, too, it is controversial as to what constitutes a garment and what a bond. For example, is a slave harness a garment or a bond; objectively, I suppose, it is both. So, too, I would suppose, are the tunic chains of Tyros. A girl may be "set off," of course, and beautifully, even if, technically, she is not clothed. She may be garbed, for example, in netting, as the "Hunter's Catch"; or she may be bedecked in jewels and leather, and shimmering chains, dancing under a whip in a tavern in Port Kar; or she may have flowers intertwined in her chains, as when she is awarded to a victor in public games in Ar." Guardsmen of Gor, pages 105-109
Slave Strips:
"Clasp your hands behind the back of your neck," I said, "and do not interfer."
"What are you doing?" she asked.
"Kneel up, off your heels," I said.
"What are you doing?" she asked.
"This garment you are wearing," I said, "what is, in effect, a charka, I am shortening and
transforming into two slave strips," I drew the long strip before the cord in front back over the cord so that it would no longer hang midway, or about midway, between her knees and ankles but was now about eighteen inches long. The garment then looped below her body. I then cut the garment a bit behind and below the cord in front. I then moved her about and treated the garment similarly in the back, drawing the strip back over the cord so that it was now only about eighteen inches long, and then cutting it off a bit below and behind the cord. She now wore two slave strips, each about eighteen inches long, one over the cord in front, one over it in back.
"Face me," I said. She obeyed.
"What have you done?" she asked.
"Exactly what you think I have done," I said
"You have removed nether shielding from me!" she said.
"Yes ," I said.
"Restore it," she said. "Quickly!. There is enough left of the cloth! Please!"
She gasped. I had thrown the remaining portion of the cloth in to the fire. She watched it burn, in dismay.
"Do you feel vulnerable!" I asked.
"Yes!" she said.
"In such ways may one increase the passion of a female," I said. She shuddered.
"You are aware, of course," I said, "that these pieces of cloth might be pulled away, easily."
"Yes!" she said.
"Keep your hands clasped behind the back of your neck," I said.
"Now what are you doing!" she cried.
"In the future," I said, "The cord will be tied in this fashion, or in some equivalent fashion."
She moaned, looking down. I had refastened it in a simple bowknot, a sort of knot, which on Gor, in certain contexts, as in the present context, is spoken of as a slave knot. It is called that, I think, because it is sometimes prescribed by masters for the fastening of slave garments. Its advantage, of course, is that it may be easily undone, by anyone. It is fastened at the left side of the girl's waist, where it is handy for a right-handed male, facing her. "Now," I said, "it is possible not only to remove the pieces of cloth singly, but, if one wishes, one may easily, with a casual tug, remove the cord and, with it, both cloths together, simultaneously, expeditiously."
"Stripping me!" she said.
"Keep your hands clasped behind the back of your neck," I said. "Yes." Renegades of Gor, page 160
camisk: simple, poncho like slave garment, about 18"wide. There is a hole cut in the center for the head, it has a belted waist Captive of Gor pg 64, Guardsman of Gor pg 107
camisk, Turian: a cloth shaped like an inverted "T" with a beveled crossbar fastened behind the neck and falls before the wearer's body. The crossbar then passed between the legs and is then brought forward snugly at the hips. It is held in place by a single cord that bunds it at the back of the neck, behind the back and in front at the waist. Guardsman of Gor pg 107
"She wore only a single garment, a long, narrow rectangle of rough, brown material, perhaps eighteen inches in width, drawn over her head like a poncho, falling in front and back a bit above her knees and belted at the waist with a chain." Outlaw of Gor, page 102
"The Turian camisk, on the other hand, if it were to be laid out on the floor, would appear somewhat like an inverted "T" in which the bar of the "T" would be beveled on each side. It is fastened with a single cord. The cord binds the girl at three points, behind the neck, behind the back, and in front at the waist. The garment itself, as might be supposed, fastens behind the girl’s neck, passes before her, fastens between her legs, and is then lifted and, folding the two sides of the "T's" bar about her hips, ties in front. The Turian camisk, unlike the common camisk, will cover the girl's brand; on the other hand, unlike the common camisk, it leaves the back uncovered and can be tied, and is, snugly, the better to disclose the girl's beauty." Nomads of Gor, page 90
chalwar: a strip of black leather some 6"wide by 5'long, worn like a breech-cloth over the curla (red waist cord) by the slavegirls of the wagon Peoples.
Nomads of Gor pg 30
djellaba: a brief made of rep cloth, coming high upon the thighs, used for sleeping in the Tahari
Tribesman of Gor pg 172
hail: a black head to toe garment, at the eyes a bit of black lace, non heeled slippers of black with curled toes
Tribesman of Gor 49
hunters catch: slave garb of netting
Guardsman of Gor pg 108
kalmak: a vest of black leather worn by slave girls of the wagon people.
Nomads of Gor pg 30
A short, sleeveless tunic of black leather worn by the male slaves of the wagon people.
"For a male slave, or Kajirus, of the Wagon Peoples, and there are few, save for the work chains, to be clad Kajir means to wear the Kes, a short, sleeveless work tunic of black leather." Nomads of Gor, page 30
kes: short tunic of black leather Nomads of Gor pg 30
kirtle: a thin white woolen ankle length garment with a deep plunging neckline worn by a slavegirl of the Torvald. Mauraders of Gor pg 81
silk: various colors as described on the silks page. Can be worn in various ways: On the shoulder, off the shoulder, with high necklines or plunging necklines. Open or closed garments tightly or flowing in various lengths. Can be worn in brief partable or wraparound tunics with a disrobing loop at the left shoulder.
Dancer of Gor pg 224-225
A 'chain dress' of sorts...made of looping chains from the collar to wrist and ankle rings. The chain is usually light and shiny.
"....both girls wore the Sirik, a light chain favored for female slaves by many Gorean masters; it consists of a Turian-type collar, a loose, rounded circle of steel, to which a light, gleaming chain is attached; should the girl stand, the chain, dangling from her collar, falls to the floor; it is about ten or twelve inches longer than is required to reach from her collar to her ankles; to this chain, at the natural fall of her wrists, is attached a pair of slave bracelets; at the end of the chain there is attached another device, a set of linked ankle rings, which, when closed about her ankles, lifts a portion of the slack chain from the floor; the Sirik is an incredibly graceful thing and designed to enhance the beauty of its wearer; perhaps it should only be added that the slave bracelets and the ankle rings may be removed from the chain and used separately; this also, of course, permits the Sirik to function as a slave leash." Nomads of Gor, page 42
"She lifted up some loops of chain; there were linked ankle rings and linked wrist rings and a lock collar, all connected by a length of gleaming chain running from the collar. It was rather lovely...'Sirik,' said Eta. Slave Girl of Gor, page 83
Sometimes called the slave rag. A cloth tunic, very brief, fashioned to fit very snugly to a slave girl's form.
"Eta pulled at the bit of rag she wore. 'Ta-Teera,' she said. I looked down at the scrap of rag, outrageously brief, so scandalous, so shameful, fit only for a slave girl, which I wore. I smiled. I had been placed in a Ta-Teera." Slave Girl of Gor, page 81
The simplest form of dressing a slave, the work tunics were generally brown, made of rep cloth.
"I wore a brief, one-piece brown work tunic. It was all I wore, with the exception of the collar. We wore such tunics when engaged as work slaves. The tunics of work slaves are usually brown or gray." Slave Girl of Gor, page 265
Among the Wagon Peoples, to be clad Kajir means, for a girl, to wear four articles, two red two black; a red cord, the Curla, is tied about the waist; the Chatka, or long, narrow strip of black leather, fits over the cord in front, passes under, and then again, from the inside, passes over the cord in back.
The Chatka is drawn tight; the Kalmak is then donned; it is a short, open, sleeveless vest of black leather; lastly the Koora, a strip of red cloth, matching the Curla, is wound about the head, to hold the hair back, for slave women, among the Wagon Peoples, are not permitted to braid, or otherwise dress their hair; it must be, save for the Koora, worn loose.
Brands, Collars, Bonds: (Beads, Bells and Make-up Too!)
All slave girls are usually branded; most as soon as possible...there are a variety of brands found on Gor; the most common being the Gorean cursive 'K' for kajira. The dina brand is also noted. The Wagon Peoples favored a brand of the sign of the four-bosk horns, while in Torvoldsland, a brand symbolizing "a woman whose belly lies under the sword" is used. There is also the Taharic slave mark....a girl can wear any of these well as penalty brands for lying, stealing, etc...
the dina is a small lovely, multiply petaled flower, short-stemmed, and blooming in a turf of green leaves, usually on the slopes of hills, in the northern temperate zones of Gor; in its budding, though in few other ways, it resembles a rose; it is and exotic, alien flower; it is also spoken of, in the north, where it grows most frequently, as the slave flower; it was burned into my flesh; in the south, below the Gorean equador, where the flower is much more rare, it is prized more highly."
kef: a letter of the Gorean alphabet, analogous with the Earth letter 'K'; the first letter of the Gorean words for male and female slaves, and hence often used as a brand:
The brand was the common Kajira mark of Gor, the first letter, about an inch and a half in height and a half inch in width, in cursive script, of expression 'Kajira', which is the most common expression in Gorean for a female slave. It is a simple mark, and rather floral, a staff, with two, upturned, frondlike curls, joined where they touch the staff on its right. It bears a distant resemblance to the printed letter 'K' in several of the Western alphabets of Earth, and I suspect, in spite of several differences, it may owe its origin to that letter. Explorers of Gor, page 9
The brand common to those of the jungles of Schendi, is different not only in design, but in the entirety of both what it is and how it is placed. While most other brands are applied by hot iron, this is instead done with a knife. The blade cuts a specific design into the flesh, and a powder is added to color the mark, much like would a form of tattoo or ritual scarring. "From the box he then took a small, curved knife and a tiny, cylindrical leather flask. I gritted my teeth, but made no sound. With the small knife he gashed my left thigh, making upon it a small, strange design. He then took a powder, orange in color, from the flask and rubbed it into the wound." - EXPLORERS OF GOR, Pg. 330
"The most common brand site on a Gorean slave girl is the outer side of the left thigh, closely beneath the hip. In this brand site the indemnificatory mark is thus placed high enough to be covered by a brief cloth of a common slave tunic and is available for convenient and immediate inspection if the tunic is lifted." Savages of Gor, pages 108-109
"The brand is to be distinguished from the collar, though both are a designation of slavery. The primary significance of the collar is that it identifies the master and his city. The collar of a given girl maybe be changed countless times, but the brand continues throughout to bespeak her status." Outlaw of Gor, page 187
There are many types of collars found on Gor, some made of steel that lock, others simple ropes tied around the girl's throat...the collar differs from the brand in that the brand shows the girl to be slave, the collar shows who she belongs to...
"The small, heavy lock on a girl's slave collar, incidentally, may be one of several varieties, but almost all are cylinder locks, either of the pin or disk variety. In a girl's collar lock there would be six pins or six disks, one each, it is said, for each letter of the Gorean word for female slave, kajira; the male slave, or kajirus, seldom has a locked collar; normally a band of iron is simply hammered about his neck; often he works in chains, usually with other male slaves." Assassin of Gor, page 51
collar, dance: a collar to which light- weight (but effective) chain has been attached in order to set off the dancer; a common type consists of a large oval of chain , to which wrist cuffs and/or ankle cuffs are attached; once the two sides of the oval have been attached to a ring on the collar; their are variations depending on the region: Book 19: Kajira of Gor, page 143
collar, cord: made of cord, fashioned from the rence plant, it is worn by rencer slaves and carries a small disk to identify the owner: Vagabonds of Gor, page 341
"The Turian collar lies loosely on the girl, a round ring, it fits so loosely that, when grasped in a man's fist, the girl can turn within it; the common Gorean collar, on the other hand, is flat, snugly fitting steel band. Both collars lock in the back, behind the girl's neck. The Turian collar is more difficult to engrave, but it, like the flat collar, will bear some legend assuring that the girl, if found, will be promptly returned to her Master." Nomads of Gor, page 16
"...I took it from these indications, she had learned her collar in the south; probably originally it had been a lock collar, snugly fitting, of steel; now of course, it had been replaced with the riveted collar of black iron, with the projecting ring, so useful for running a chain through, or padlocking, or linking on an anvil with a chain. The southern collar commonly lacks such a ring; the southern ankle ring, however, has one, and sometimes two, one in the front and one in the back." Marauders of Gor, page 166
"From my pouch I drew forth a leather Kur collar, with its lock, and sewn in leather, its large, rounded ring.
'What is it?' she asked apprehensively. I took it behind her neck, and then, closing it about her throat, thrust the large, flattish bolt, snapping it into the lock breech. The two edges of metal, bordered by the leather, fitted closely together. The collar is some three inches in height. The girl must keep her chin up. 'It is the collar of a Kur cow,' I told her." Marauders of Gor, page 275
Chastity Belt:
"She also wore an iron belt. This belt consisted of two major pieces, one was a rounded, fitted, curved barlike waistband, flattened at the ends; one end of this band, that on the right, standing behind the woman and looking forward, had a heavy semicircular ring, or staple, welded onto it; the other flattened end of the waistband, looking forward, had a slot in it which fitted over the staple; the other major portion of this belt consisted of a curved band of flat, shaped iron; one end of this flat band was curved about, and closed about, the barlike waistband in the front; this produces a hinge; on the other end of this flat band of iron is a slot; it fits over the same staple as the slot in the flattened end of the left side of the bar like waistband. The belt is then put on the woman in this fashion. The waistband is closed about her, the left side, its slot penetrated by the staple, over the right side; the flat U-shaped band of iron, contoured to female intimacies, is then swung up on its hinge, between her thighs, where the slot on its end is penetrated by the staple, this keeping the parts of the belt in place. The whole apparatus is then locked on her, the tongue of the padlock thrust through the staple, the lock then snapped shut." Kajira of Gor, page 103
Northern Yoke:
"The Northern yoke is either of wood or bone, and is drilled in three places. The one Thistle wore was of wood. It was not heavy. It passed behind her neck at which point one of the drilled holes occurred. The other two holes occurred at the terminations of the yoke. A leather strap is knotted about the girl's wrist, passed through the drilled hole at one end of the yoke, usually that on her left, taken up through the hole behind the neck, looped twice about her neck, threaded back down the end, usually the one on her right, and tied about her right wrist. She is thus fastened to the yoke. From each end of the yoke hung a large sack." Beasts of Gor, page 196
The Body Chain is a multi-purpose device, used as both a form of jewelry and a means of securing one's property. Its links are sturdy, but not overly heavy, and are of a design that is meant to be attractive, yet still serviceable as a means to restrain and safeguard. Its design enables it to be worn in a number of ways, dependent upon how the chain is looped and draped on the girl. Often such devices are further decorated with bits of inexpensive gems and colored beads.
Walking Chains (in the Tahari):
"The use of a light walking chain, tethering the ankles, meant to be worn abroad, accompanying the master, incidentally, is not uncommon in the regions of the Tahari. A beautifully measured gait is thought, in the Tahari, to be attractive in a woman." Tribesmen of Gor, page 45
Other Chains:
"She wore on her throat a high, gold collar, with, in front, a large golden loop, some two inches in width. Threaded through this loop was a golden chain. This chain terminated, at each end, with high, golden slave bracelets. When the girl stands her hands may fall naturally at her sides, each in its bracelet, each bracelet attached to the same chain, which passes through the collar loop. It is a very beautiful way of chaining a girl." Beasts of Gor, page 79
Slave Girdle Used as Binding Fibers:
"...the cord over Marcus' shoulder, of course; was a slave girdle, which is used to adjust the garment on the slave. Such girdles may be tied in various ways, usually in such ways as to enhance the occupants figure. Such girdles, too, like the binding fibers with which a camisk is usually secured on a girl, may be used to bind her." Magicians of Gor, page 21
Slave Hobble:
The slave hobble consists of two rings, one for a wrist, the other for an ankle, joined by about seven inches of chain. In a right-handed girl, such as either Aphris or Elizabeth, it locks on the right wrist and left ankle. When the girl kneel, in any of the traditional positions of the Gorean woman, either slave or free, it is not uncomfortable." Nomads of Gor, pages 154-155
Slave Ring:
"He thrust the dark-haired girl to her knees by the seventh collar and snapped it about her neck, turning the key, locking it. It gave her about a two-foot length of chain, fastened to a slave ring bolted into the stone." Assassin of Gor, page 8
Thumb Cuffs:
"I noted one girl on the landing. From the way she held her hands behind her back I could tell that she was in thumb cuffs. These are handy devices. They are light and take up little space in a warrior's pack." Renegades of Gor, page 326
Beads, Bells, Make-up, Etc:
"She carried, in her hands, serveral strings of beads, simple necklaces, with small, wooden, colored beads. They were not valuable. She held the necklaces up for me to see. Then, with her finger, moving them on their string, she indicated the tiny, colored, wooden beads. 'Da Bina,' she said, smiling. Then she lifted a necklace, looking at it. 'Bina,' she said. I then understood the "Bina" was the expression for beads, or for a necklace of beads. Slave Girl of Gor, page 81
"I took from the chest a string of pearls, then one of the pieces of gold, then one of the rubies.
'Bina?' I asked, each time. Eta laughed.
'Bana,' she said, 'Ki Bana. Bana.'...
The most exact translation of 'bina' would probably be 'slave beads.' They were valueless, save for being a cheap adornment sometimes permitted imbonded wenches." Slave Girl of Gor, pages 81-82
"She threw a linkage of rings and bells to the tiles beside me. 'Bell yourself,' she said.
'They lock,' I said.
'Bell yourself, 'she said.
I extended my left ankle and, carefully, aligned the four rings. The rings were linked vertically at five places by tiny metal fastenings; each ring, opened, hinged, terminated on one end with a bolt and the other with a tiny lock; I slipped the small bolts into the tiny locks; there were four tiny snaps; the rings, linked together, fitted snugly; each ring bor five slave bells. Slave Girl of Gor, page 259
"...she wore bells locked on both wrists, and on both ankles, thick cuffs and anklets, each with a double line of bells, fastened by steel and key." Nomads of Gor, page 29
"I also purchased a set of slave bells, of the thong as opposed to the lock variety. They are less expensive than the lock variety, also, they may be tied at various places on the body, about the neck, the wrists, the ankle, about the thigh, about the arm, etc; it is delightful to bell a girl, she may not remove them, of course, without her master's permission." Tribesmen of Gor, page 49
" 'Do you know the arrangements of pleasure silks?' she asked.
'No Mistress,' I said, putting down my head.
'Do you know the cosmetics and perfumes of a slave girl, and their application?' she asked.
'No Mistress,' I said.
'The jewelries?' she asked.
'No Mistress,' I said." Slave Girl of Gor, page 261
" ' There are one hundred and eleven basic shades of slave lipstick,' said Sucha. 'Much depends on the mood of the master.' " Slave Girl of Gor, page 261
"I looked at the incredibly lovely girl in the mirror, she bedecked in a rope of red silk, made-up, perfumed, vulnerable, soft, with armlets and bracelets, golden beads intertwined in the Turian collar." Slave Girl of Gor, page 261
copper coins are sometimes used as jewelry, strung together.
Also shells are sometimes used, made into jewelry.
The sort of perfume that is appropriate for slave girls, differs greatly from that a Free Woman might wear. Those scents that are designed for slaves are meant to incite desire in men, to attract attention and accent the "wantonness" in the girl, often also having the same effect on the girl that they do on the men around her. Such perfumes can vary greatly, depending on the taste of the owner and the situation the girl is to perform in. Gorean men take great interest in such matters as perfumes, cosmetics and clothes, thus many different styles and variations exist to fit as many situations and circumstances that are deemed possible. Regarding slave scents, such can range from that is often barbaric and bold in nature to more sublte yet highly alluring. It is not uncommon for scents to be chosen or even created to specifically fit the nature and manner of the given girl.
Pierced Ears/Noses:
For the most part, pierced ears on a woman mark her as slave. Culturally, it is a permanent, public sign of bondage.
"Too, I thought I would, before giving her to such a taverner, have her ears pierced. This would, in effect, guarantee that she would remain always only a slave on Gor. Gorean men find pierced ears, as do many men of Earth, stimulatory. To the Gorean such ear-piercing speaks blatantly of bondage. Penetration of a woman's flesh is publicly symbolized, in her very body; the wounds inflicted on her were intended and deliberate; and her body has now been prepared to bear, fastened in its very flesh, barbaric ornamentation. These things all speak to the Gorean of the female slave." Blood Brothers of Gor, page 48
"To Gorean eyes, the piercing of the ears, this visible set of wounds, inflicted to facilitate the mounting of sensual and barbaric ornamentations, is customarily regarded as being tantamount, for most practical purposes, to a sentence of irrevocable bondage. Normally ear-piercing is done only to the lowest and most sensuous of slaves. It is regarded, by most Goreans, as being far more humiliating and degrading to a woman than the piercing of a girl's septum and the consequent fastening on her of a nose ring....On behalf of the nose ring, too, it should be mentioned that among the Wagon Peoples, even free women wear such rings. This however, is unusual on Gor. The nose ring, most often, is worn by a slave...The nose ring too, of course, makes clear to the girl that she is a domestic animal. Many domestic animals on Gor wear them." Savages of Gor, pages 10-11
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