Dancing Tips

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Within the last week, nykky has had two sisters come to her for help in writing dance. Master has graciously permitted his property to post to this blog some pointers and helpful hints on writing dance online. i hope this shall be helpful!
This site is awesome and has some great dances linked to it with some very helpful hints. Wishes nykky could do better, but why reinvent the wheel?
Grins, is a smart slut sometimes!
The only suggestion that nykky has to her sisters is to research the dances and to look at several that have been danced before. But, here’s the catch; some dances have rules with them or definite no no’s. For example, in a belt dance, a girl is never to dance above the waist.
Having said that however, it is your dance; be unique within that dance. Make up your own rules as you go. For nykky, the most important part is in telling a story within the dance. At the end of your dance, everyone should have been able to have seen, felt, and understood the emotions you were trying to express. Dance can be lovely if a girl takes time to hone the skills needed. It is a way to express the self to the Free!
So take the time, to set the stage so to speak and dance your heart out. Remember that your movements are of dance! You are to be extremely pleasing to the eye and to accomplish your goal, whatever the end result is.
Good luck dancing!
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