Gorean Quotes

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Sunday, March 20, 2005

Master/slave Relationship

To Love Love Slave No Secrets Capacity For Love Recognition
Symbol - Power Raging Desire Testing Power Not Easy No Excuse
Attentive Unilaterality Ownership Submission Knowing All
Thoughts Intimacy Complete Service Two - Total Nakedness
Men Interested A Meeting - Eyes Looked At Femaleness Eyes Of Master
Eyes - Welcomed Eyes Lowered Eyes Not Easy Eye Contact Looking - FM
Animal Nature Meaninful Gentle & Kind Long Hair The Whip
Whip - Symbol Intimacy Ecstacies Helpless Will Dominance
Total Use Garb Important Master "In" No Way Equal Giving Oneself
Natural Order Strength Complementarity Primate True Men

Most Natural To Love:
"Do Masters ever love their slaves?" she asked. "Often," I said. Indeed, a female slave is the easiest of all women to love; too, of course, she is the most natural of all women to love; these things have to do with the equations of nature, in particular, those of dominance and submission. To a man, a female slave is a dream come true. A free woman, understandably, cannot begin to compete with the female slave for a man's love. ~ Blood Brothers of Gor, page 101

Love Slave:
She was an excellent slave, and would doubtless know many loves, until she, a superb love slave, might at last find herself fallen helplessly and totally into the absolute power of such a man as she had never dreamed might exist, he who to her, in personal and intricate chemistry of couples, would be her ideal master, one powerful, and uncompromising and strict, one capable of seeing the she served well, one capable of whipping her, if need be, but yet one loving and tender, one who would be her the perfect love master. It did not seem likely that she would be again sold. What would be the point of it? ~ Explorers, pg. 424

No Secrets:
There are no secrets between masters and slaves. Her deepest thoughts and desires, as well as her most trivial fancies and observations, are open to him and, because he owns her, of great interest to him. A man is much more likely to be intensely fond of a girl he owns than of a free individual toward whom he stands in a mere contractual relationship. The latter he does not own; the former he does. the owned girl is valuable; she is precious; this make her much different from a business partner. For what it is worth, the most intimate and deepest loves I have known have been between the love master and their love slave. ~ Explorers, pg. 354

Capacity For Love:
"The most fundamental property prized by Goreans in women, I suppose, though little is said about it, is her need for love, and her capacity for love. How much does she need love? And how deep and loving is she? That is the kind of woman a man wants, ultimately, one who is helplessly and totally love's captive, in his collar." ~ Mercenaries, pg. 322

Immediately Recognition:
Sometimes individuals know one another immediately, sometimes not. Sometimes a man simply sees a naked women in her chains upon the blocks and knows suddenly the she is the perfect one, she who is destined to be the perfect love slave for whom he has always sought. Sometimes a girl, kneeling before a new master, is seized by a sudden wild emotion. Perhaps it is something in the way his steel is locked upon her body; perhaps it is something in the audacity and assurance with which he handles her. She lifts her head, meeting his eyes. Quickly she puts her head down, trembling. She knows then she has met one who may well be her love master, one to whom she can be but the most helpless of love slaves. Explorers, pg. 370

Chaining Symbolizes Power:
Though the girl loves her master with all her heart and would never dream of fleeing from him, absurd though such dream might be on Gor, given the branding, the collaring, the closeness of the society, and such, she knows that she is upon occasion to be put in chains. In this act is symbolized his desire of her, that she is worth chaining and keeping. And in this act is symbolizes his power over her. Despite their love, she is still his, a slave. ~ Renegades, pg. 359

Raging Slave Desire:
"I must put aside all thoughts of love or affection. I was unworthy of such, from such a man. I was inutterably beneath him, worth less than the dust beneath his sandals. Did I not know I was only a slave! But I loved him, and with the whole heart and body of me! I tendered to him the wholeness of my helpless slave’s love, worthless though it might have been. I had enough love in my small marvelous body for a thousand of us, a thousand times over! So I was not loved! What did it matter! I was desired, and this would be enough. Too, I myself felt desire, and profound, raging slave desire, as he on his part must have felt some passions of the Master. Unworthy though I might be he had clearly wanted me. ~ Dancer, pg. 452

Slave Testing Power:
"He was my Master, I loved Him! I loved him more than anything! But I had failed my first test with him! I had only wanted to know, foolishly the nature of my power with him, if any, and the nature of discipline to which I might be subject. I had only wanted to know, if truly I was his slave or not. Then he made me serve him, uncompromisingly. Then he had whipped me and put me chained, at his feet. Yet too, I felt grandly and warmly assured as to his strength and dominance. I knew then my Master was Master, that he would never relinquish his sovereignty, that he was a true man. I was content now, and eager, a female, to be his perfect slave. If I had failed the test he passed mine." ~ Dancer, pg. 475

Not Easy On Slaves:
Gorean men are not easy with their slaves, even those for whom they care deeply. ~ Explorers, pg. 15

Beauty No Excuse:
To be sure, all girls, upon occasion, are cuffed or beaten. This is good for them, and helps to remind them that they are slaves. Beauty in a slave girl, incidentally, and most slaves are beautiful, for this is the sort of woman that tends to be enslaved, does not excuse poor service. The most beautiful girl must serve with the same perfection as the lesser girl. Gorean masters are uncompromising on this point. ~ Savages, pg. 257-59

Attentive To Slave:
In actual practice, of course, masters tend to pay a great deal of attention to the thoughts and feelings of their lovely slaves. It is rewarding and delicious to do so. How wonderful it is to now another human being so intimately, especially one one owns. Explorers, pg. 354

I considered the unilaterality of the mater/slave relationship. All the power is with the master. This, of course, has its effect upon the slave. Let her strive to be such that her master will keep her.~ Magicians, pg. 127

Ownership Exalting:
It is not merely pleasant to own a slave, to dress her as you please, if you wish to permit her clothing, to have her at your bidding, to do with her as you please; it is exalting. The man who has not owned a slave has no conception of the maximums of sexuality, nor has the woman who has not been owned. ~ Renegades, pg. 359

More Than Submission:
The Gorean master desires more than a slave's submission, more than merely her body. A Gorean man is satisfied with nothing less than all of a slave. He will possess you, body and mind, heart and soul. Nothing less is acceptable. ~ Savages, pg. 174

Knowing All Of The Slave:
"An interesting contrast here is the Gorean master/slave relationship. Men tend to be extremely interested in things they own, and tend, usually, to be quite fond of them. Owned women do not form an exception to this general rule.The slave girl is commonly desired and prized by her master; she is one of his treasures. The Gorean master, interested in her and attentive to her, wants to know everything about her, in her emotions and feelings, in their feminine, lyrical detail. Conversing with a lovely slave is one of the many pleasures of owning her. It is almost impossible for a girl to keep her thoughts or feelings from her master. He knows her too well." ~ Fighting Slave, pg. 99

Knowing Her Smallest Thought:
"In short we shall suppose that he discovers that he has purchased as is often the case not a mere slave, but a treasure. And she belongs to him! What a fortune, and joy, to own such a woman! He will want to watch her, to observe her least movement, to know her smallest thought. He will want to talk with her and listen to her, and know her with a depth and fullness far beyond anything that might be accorded to a mere contractual partner. She is not merely a person who is living with him. She belongs to him, literally, and he prizes her. But he will take care to be strict with her." ~ Guardsman, pg. 186

Total, Helpless Intimacy:
The relationship of master and slave is the relation of total, helpless intimacy. ~ Renegades, pg. 404

Incredible Intimacy:
It is not easy for men to be lonely who have access to slaves. Similarly the slaves, so occupied, and of necessity so concerned to please the master, are seldom given the time for the indulgence of loneliness...the incredible intimacy of the relationship, intellectual and emotional, as well as sexual, for the master may inquire into, and command forth, and is normally inclined to do so, her deepest thoughts and feelings, which must be bared to him, as much as her body, as well as command, even casually, her most intimate and delicious sexual performances, miliates against loneliness. In slavery total intimacy is not customary, but it can be made obligatory, under discipline. ~ Mercenaries, pg. 349

Complete Service:
"One often makes a slave absolutely helpless, and then does what one wants with her. One commands and uses a slave totally. That is what they are there for. They must serve completely. They must deliver, at so little a word or gesture, immediately and unquestioningly, whatever the master desires. One gets from a slave all that a man could possibly want from a woman, and more, simply taking it from her, or ordering her to provide it." ~ Mercenaries, pg. 403

The Two, A Totality:
"The being of the slave, like the being of the master," she said, "is a totality." ~ Players, pg. 176

Nakedness Sexually Stimulating:
She was naked, before clothed men. This can be sexually stimulating to a woman. It is hard for her, in such circumstances, not to see them as her masters and herself, before them, as an exposed slave. Similarly she knew that, in a moment, she would be, naked, on her knees, serving them. For reasons that have to do with nature these things can be erotically momentous to a woman. Explorers, pg 159

Gorean Men Interested:
"…I was a man of Earth. Thus I was not accustomed to truly looking upon women, truly seeing them and trying to understand them. Most men of Earth do not truly unfortunately pay much attention to women. Men often do not truly even know their mates. If they did, it seems that misunderstandings, divorces, and such, would be less frequent. An interesting contrast here is the Gorean master/slave relationship. Men tend to be extremely interested in things they would discover her sexuality on the planet Gor, or her master's whip would know the reason why. ~ Fighting Slave, pg. 99

A Meeting Of Eyes:
"Sometimes, at as little as a meeting of eyes, masters and slaves know one another. "I must have her. She is mine," he tells himself. "I belong to him. I am his slave," her heart whispers to her. Whereas, in the relationship between Master and slave there is a much deeper truism, realism, belief in the natural order. ~ Savages, pg. 257-59

Not Used To Being Looked At:
This matter of eye contact is interesting and has many facets. One of the most initially frightening and disturbing things to Earth women brought to Gor as slaves is the way Gorean men look at them. They are not used to being looked at as women, truly, with appraisal, desire and ownership. This tends, in the beginning, when they are still new to their collars, to confuse and frighten them, but also, of course, as it will continue to do, and even more powerfully, to stimulate them. ~ Savages, pg. 257-59

Recognition Of Femaleness:
This recognition of her femaleness, and this joy in release and self-discovery, often comes as a stunning revelation to the Earth female. Never again, once having discovered this, does she retreat to the conditioned ideals of neuterism and pseudo masculinity, nor, indeed, even if she desired to do so, would her masters permit it. Sometimes in training, incidentally, or as a discipline or punishment, the slave is not permitted to look into the eyes of the master. Indeed, sometimes, in training, she is not permitted to raise her eyes above the belt of the trainer. ~ Savages, pg. 257-59

Looking In The Eyes Of Master:
Also, it must be recognized that many slaves often, and perhaps all slaves sometimes, find it difficult to look into the eyes of the master. He, after all, holds total power over them and they fear to displease him. What if he should interpret her gaze as suggesting the least insubordination or insolence? Are they truly prepared to have the soles of their feet lashed or to live on bread crusts for the next five days? But, on the other hand, there is, on Gor, in circles of the mastery, no discouragement, commonly, of eye contact between masters and slaves. ~ Savages, pg. 257-59

Eye Contact Welcomed:
Indeed, in the deep and profound relationships of love and bondage, such eye contact is usually welcomed and encouraged. What can be understood of the glances of masters and slaves by those who have been united only in lesser relationships? Too, to be sure, from the practical point of view, it is useful for the girl to be able to look into the eyes of the master. In this way she may be able to better read his moods, and desires, and, accordingly, be able the better to serve him, in the process perhaps saving herself a few cuffings and beatings, such as might be garnered by a less alert, more slothful, laxer girl.~ Savages, pg. 257-59

Eyes Lowered:
"'Stand straight,' called Grunt to the coffle, which, now, in our pause, had put down its burdens. 'Keep your heads up, but do not meet his eyes. It is you who are the merchandise, the beauties, the slaves, not he. It is not yours to examine, but to be examined, not yours to consider, but to be considered.'" ~ Savages, pg. 257

Eye Contact Not Easy:
"Look into my eyes,' he said. I did so, it was not easy." ~ Dancer, pg. 143

Advantages Of Eye Contact:
From the point of view of the master, too, not only is it pleasant to look into the eyes of a slave, but there are certain practical advantages attached to doing so. For example, one might, in her eyes, read desire, and thus order her to perform an act which she, even though a slave, might not have dared to beg to perform, or, say, by looking into her eyes, one might determine if she has been up to something or has neglected something to which she should have attended. Has she been into the sweets? Has she, perhaps gossiping and dawdling with the other girls, been amiss in the discharge of her duties? Perhaps the shopping has not yet been done? Perhaps the laundry has not yet been finished? Such infractions call for discipline. But perhaps, in lieu of discipline, the master will accept the performance of desperate placatory services on the part of the offending slave. The decision is his. I would, incidentally, advise the slave to be superb." ~ Savages, pg. 257-259

Looking Upon A FM:
I was a free man and, had she looked upon me, without permission, she might have been punished. Slave girls do, upon the streets, occasionally look upon stripped free prisoners, sometimes even taunting them, and such, but they are not likely to do so, without permission, beneath the very eyes of their Masters. ~ Renegades, pg. 185

Animal Nature:
The relation of master and slave, of course, in a pschophyscial organism, of a high order of intelligence, such as human being, is beautiful and profound expression of the fundamental and central truth of animal nature, that of order and structure, and dominance and submission. It is merely the articulated, legalized expression, to be expected in rational organisms, of the biological context in which human sexuality developed, a context which can be betrayed but can never, because of the ingrained nature of genetic dispositions, be fully forgotten or, in the long run, successfully denied. In denying it we deny our own nature. In betraying it we betray no one but ourselves. The master will never be happy until he is a master. The slave will never be happy until she is a slave. It is the way we are. ~ Explorers, pg. 159

Devastatingly Meaninful:
"How incredibly meaningful, how explosively and thunderingly meaningful, how devastatingly meaningful, how momentously significant they were, these females of my species, presenting themselves before me in the modalities incumbent upon them, modalities constituting civilized and delicious refinements of relationships instituted and determined eons ago by nature, modalities which will always, in one way or another, in one nomenclature or another, be required of beautiful women by strong men, modalities most simply and directly thought of, and most honestly thought of, as those of master and slave." ~ Mercenaries, pg. 321

Gentle & Kind Masters:
Even the gentlest and kindest masters has absolute power over the slave. She is no less owned by him that she would be the cruelest brute on Gor. Elated and reassured then is the woman that she is chained, in the finding continuing evidence of her master's desire for her, his passion for her, his prizing of her, his determination to keep her for himself. And for her part, she rejoices that she is helpless to escape him, that she truly belongs to him, that hse is truly his, legally and otherwise, and that she must, as she intensely desires to do, continue to live for service and love. it is not merely pleasant to own a slave, to sress her as you please, if you wish to permit her clothing, to haver her at your bidding, to do with her s you please; it exalting. The man who has not owned a slave has no conception of the maximums of sexuality, nor has the woman who has not been owned. ~ Renegades, pg. 359

Liking Long Hair :
"Whereas a girl’s hair might be cropped, just as her head might be shaved, as a punishment, such a punishment would be quite unusual. After all, the master commonly delights in the long lovely hair of a slave. Indeed, in most cities, long hair is almost universal with salves. There are many things that can be done with such hair. Not only can it please the master by its beauty and feel, but it can serve to secure the slave, to gag her, and so on." ~ Magicians, pg. 301

Understanding The Whip:
Much the same, incidentally, can be said for the whip in the master/slave relationship. There, too,mormally, it seldom falls on a woman. It is not necessary that it do so. She sees it, and knows what it can do. That is usually more than sufficient. She will have felt it at sometime, of course, so that her understandig in the matter will be more than theoretical. She knows, of course, that if she is in the least bit displeasing or recalcitrant, it will be used upon her. Indeed, she knows that she might be, from time to time, placed beneath it, if only that she may be reminded that she is a slave. It is my belief that women have an instinctual understanding of the whip. ~ Renegades, pg. 12

Whip A Tangible Symbol:
"The whip is a very tangible symbol of the relationship between the master and the slave, and if the master is not satisfied, it can quickly become, as the slave knows well, more than a symbol." ~ Dancer, pg. 455

Profound Ecstacies:
Then I writhed in his arms as he took me, exploding in the deepest and most profound ecstasies a female can know, those of the slave orgasm, known only to the owned woman. "How could I love you so much," he asked, "if I did not truly own you, if you were not fully mine." ~ Slave Girl, pg. 443

Helpless Will :
"I realized with a blaze of misery, and self-pity, that to such a man it was only I who could be the slave. He was totally and utterly masculine, and before him I could be only totally and utterly feminine. I had no choice. My will was helpless." ~ Captive, pg. 264

Realization Of Dominance:
"I knew then that he was dominant over me. This had nothing to do with the fact that I lay stripped before him, wrists and ankles lashed, his prisoner. It had to do with the fact that he was totally masculine, and in the presence of such a stimulus, my body would permit me to be only totally feminine." ~ Captive, pg. 264

Total Use Of Slave:
"One often makes a slave absolutely helpless, and then does what one wants with her. One commands and uses a slave totally. That is what they are there for. They must serve completely. They must deliver, at so little a word or gesture, immediately and unquestioningly, whatever the master desires. One gets from a slave all that a man could possibly want from a woman, and more, simply taking it from her, or ordering her to provide it." ~ Mercenaries, pg. 403

Garb Important To Master:
The attire of Gorean slave girls is of great importance to their masters. They concern themselves with its tiniest details. The clothing, you see, as well as the girl, belongs to the master; it is natural for him, thus, to take an interest in it; both, in their diverse ways, can be reflections upon him, his taste his judgment, his disciminations. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 76

Master "In" On Everything:
What his girl wears, if she is to wear anything, is of great interest to him. After all, she is not a wife; she is much more important: she is a pized possession. The clothing she wears, any cosmetics or jewelry, or perfume, must be absolutely perfect. He is "in", so to speak, on everything. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 76

No Way His Equal:
I knelt before the man. He stood before me, legs spread, arms crossed, looking down at me. Gone from me in that moemt, with the blood that ran from my mouth, were my illusions. No longer did I deceive myself that I might be his equal. The faciality of that illusion was now transparent to me. The pitifulness of that pretense vanished before the simple, incontrovertible biological reality which had been impressed upon me, in the light of his uncompromising masculine dominance which he, in health and power, chose to exercise over me, a female. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 35

Giving Oneself Totally:
I wondered at what sort of girl I was. There had begun to stir in me feelings which I had never felt before. Dimly I had begun to sense how it could be that a woman could give herself totally to a man. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 37

Natural Order:
Men called. Eta hurried to bring them wine and paga...how beautiful she seemed, those lovely legs in the brief rag, the beauty of her, the firelight on her face, and hair, serving the men; how perfect it seemed to me then, so perfect and natural, that she, so beautiful, served as she did. How grotesque it would have been, had the men served her, or had they all, she, too, served themselves. It was the order of nature, unperverted, which I observed, as she moved about, among those mighty men. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 67

Woman Admires Strength:
I kissed her. It is difficult for a girl not to esteem a man who does as he pleases, even though it is to her that it be done. A woman admires strength, especially if it is used to dominate and control her. It is, it seems, for men to command and women to obey, for men to dominate and women to submit, for men to claim and for women to yield. It is, it seems, the way of primate nature. Its test is enactment; its proof is joy; its evidence is love. If we have lost this, we have lost part of ourselves. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 423

There was, beyond its sense of fittingness, seeing that I, a woman, had displeased strong males, and must thus be punished, a sense of profound complementarity; the abuse, if he chose, was simply his to give, and mine to bear; he was a man, I was a woman; he was dominant; I was not; it was his to rule, mine to submit. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 94

Primate Complementarity:
I had been vain and proud. I had thought myself better than what I was. I, an Earth girl, had presumed to scold Gorean men. Then I had been hooded and thrown naked to them for their pleasure. In the course of the savage discipline inflicted upon me, late in its measure, I had, it both thrilling and horrifying me, sensed the ancient primate complementarity of male and female, that in the ancient biologicial sovereignities of nature, on this world reasserted, I, a female, was simply subordinate to the male. This truth, much fought and feared, long denied, accepted, burst upon me with a blaze of freedom. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 100

True Men/True Women:
But, strangely, though of Earth, I did not object to a world in which men, like larls, were healthy. I wanted them that way, rich and glorious in their power. I sensed, perhaps, my complementarity to them. Only in a world where there were true men could there be true women. ~ Slave Girl, pg. 133


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